William A. Shiel, Bus Ad '72
Service to Marquette AwardCollege of Business Administration and
Graduate School of Management
Service to Marquette Award
William A. Shiel, Bus Ad '72
As a quick drive around almost any suburban American community will reveal, Walgreens has taken the classic concept of the corner drugstore to bold new heights. Walgreens pharmacies don't just occupy choice locations in key shopping areas. They dominate them.
Much of the credit for Walgreens' unmistakable visibility owes to the efforts of Bill Shiel, who until his recent retirement handled the national chain's real estate acquisition, architectural design and construction.
"I had the opportunity to be part of the growth of Walgreens the last 37 years," he says. "I enjoy the challenge of maximizing the potential of real estate. No two projects are ever the same, and I've had the fortune to work with many creative, talented and interesting people."
Now principal of Shiel Realty Advisors, Bill also directs his efforts toward maximizing the potential of a new generation of real estate professionals. Through his consulting work as a Bell Chair adviser for Marquette's Center for Real Estate, he has helped train students to become innovative, effective, ethically committed real estate decision-makers.
"I'm excited that Marquette created a real estate major," Bill says. "We didn't have that during my studies." He enjoys being involved with the center because it "combines my love for Marquette and my life's work in real estate."
Bill, who has an M.B.A. from DePaul University, is active in his local parish, honoring the tradition of his parents, who "raised me by example to be honest, caring and active in my community."
Fun facts about Bill
Someone influential to Bill: His parents led by example. They were honest, caring, active in their parish, involved with their community, and they coached his Little League games. He leads his life on these principles.