
Jill Ott
Engagement Director
(414) 288-0376

Lisa Bartoszewicz
Senior Engagement Officer
(414) 288-4511
Courtney Wesnofske Courtney, Grad '13
Adworth, Ga.
Courtney was the first Marquette graduate whose school counseling department earned the prestigious Recognized ASCA Model Program or RAMP designation, acknowledging high-performing school counseling departments.
“This RAMP designation has proven that we as a department work to address the needs of the whole student, which is our ultimate goal,” stated Courtney.
Currently, Courtney is an international school counselor and student adviser with the Cobb County School District in Marietta, Georgia. She works with underserved populations as well as incoming students from around the world, collaborating with school and district leadership to increase support for international students to address inequities within the education system. For Courtney, cura personalis, or care for the whole person, is a concept she applies in her everyday life. “My education at Marquette has allowed me to work in positions in which I am able to work toward equality,” Courtney says.
Driven by her passion for social justice, she has initiated systemic change throughout the district — which has led to increases in promotion and graduation rates, student attendance, college acceptance, parental involvement at school, as well as decreases in bullying and dropout rates.
While at Marquette, Courtney built lifelong friendships with “phenomenal individuals who inspire me through their actions every day. They, too, work to live the values that were taught to them during their time at Marquette,” she says. Courtney’s husband, James, Comm ’10, is one of those individuals.
Fun facts:
Dream dinner guest: Kelly Clarkson — “While in the spotlight, she is genuine and continues to be herself and encourages young girls to do the same. She has faced ridicule and adversity and has only allowed that to fuel her drive.”
Marquette faculty or staff member who had an impact: “Mr. Mark Kuranz (adjunct instructor of counselor education and counseling psychology) not only brought so much insight and experience to share with his students, but he helped encourage me to consistently challenge the norm and think outside of the box when it comes to helping connect with and support our students.”