Habermann Lecture Series

  • Mr. Eugene Habermann
  • 2025 Lecture
  • Previous Habermann Lecturers

Eugene Habermann was born and raised in the city of Milwaukee, not far from Marquette University. He served in the Army during World War II and then attended Marquette University under the GI bill, receiving a BS degree in business administration in 1958, while working full-time as a time-study analyst at Briggs & Stratton. Mr. Habermann never married and lived with other members of his family. He was described as a "jovial, pleasant man, with a good sense of humor." A relative, noting his frugality, stated, "He was a sharp investor. It wasn't a hobby for him."

Mr. Habermann admired chemists who were well-trained and knew their art and thus established the Habermann-Pfletschinger Chair in Chemistry at Marquette University in honor of his parents.

The Habermann Lecture series is to perpetuate the memory of Eugene Habermann and to recognize his generosity and support of Marquette University and our chemistry department.

Dr. Vicente TalanquerThe Department of Chemistry is pleased to announce that in the spring 2025 Habermann Lecture will be given by Dr. Vicente Talanquer on April 25, 2025 at 4pm in room 121 of the Todd Wehr Chemistry Building.