The Office of Disability Services offers Test Proctoring Services to assist Instructors who are having difficulties finding space in their department, or time in their schedule to proctor extended-time tests for students who receive that accommodation through our office. Links to online scheduling and instruction guides can be found below. If you have questions after reviewing the information on this page, please contact our office at (414) 288-3444 or through e-mail at
*Please note that our office provides test proctoring services for courses where the exams are proctored in person. If the exam is online with no in-person proctor, our office would not proctor those exams.
Spring 2025 Finals Week ODS Test Proctoring Scheduling Deadlines:
For any exam occurring from May 5th-9th, 2025:
Instructors must create test definitions by: 11:59pm on Monday, April 28th, 2025
Students must accept test definitions by: 11:59pm on Monday, April 28th, 2025
General AccessODS Test Scheduling Reminders:
Instructors are required to schedule exams at least 7 days before the exam date
Students must accept exams at least 5 days before the exam date
For Instructors:
- Work directly with the student(s) to determine an agreed upon test date and time. (Due to student’s additional testing time, students may not be able to take their tests during the normal class time).
- Our office is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Students may be scheduled to take their tests Monday through Friday, beginning at 8 a.m., with the last test scheduled to begin by 3 p.m. (depending upon individual accommodations).
- Access the online test scheduling portal, using your Marquette username and password, with the following link AccessODS Instructor Portal.
- Utilize the Test Proctoring Calendar for scheduling all exams except those during Finals week. See finals week scheduling deadlines above.
- Submit the test and all necessary materials (Scantron, Blue-Book, Formula Sheets, etc.) by 4:00 the day before the student is scheduled to take the test.
- Tests will be returned to you per your selected option.
- The AccessODS Test Proctoring Instructor's Guide (Word) includes information on how to utilize AccessODS to schedule exams.
For Students:
- Distribute letters to your professors as soon as you have your accommodation letters. Accommodations are not retroactive, delays in getting letters to instructors may mean that accommodations are not available.
- Communicate with professors regarding the coordination of your testing accommodations before each exam. If you don’t communicate with your instructors about your accommodations, they may not be provided correctly.
IF your instructor would like ODS to provide the test proctoring accommodation…
- You must discuss, with your instructor, options for a testing time which is agreeable and fits your schedule. The exam must take place between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday.
- Utilize the AccessODS Student Portal to get to the Test Proctoring Scheduling portal, and accept the test proctoring options available. If none of the scheduling options fit your schedule you must discuss additional testing times with your instructor.
- Utilize the Test Proctoring Calendar for scheduling all exams except those during Finals week. See finals week scheduling deadlines above.
- Arrive on time for the testing appointment and be prepared to take the test.
- Abide by the testing rules. You will be required to sign an ODS Honor Code prior to your first test in our office.
- The AccessODS Test Proctoring Student's Guide (Word) includes more information about how to use AccessODS to approve tests and exams scheduled by the instructor.
ODS Testing Guidelines:
- No backpacks, jackets, cell phones, smart watches, or Fitbits will be allowed in the testing room.
- You will be required to sign an ODS Honor Code.
- Test will begin at the appointed time and students who are late will forfeit the time they missed.
- If you have questions regarding the content of your test, let us know immediately. We will reach out to the instructor and work to get your questions answered.
To provide a fair and secure testing environment, we will follow strict testing guidelines and reserve the right to discontinue the test if there is a suspicion of cheating or any violation of the testing policy and rules. Professors will be made aware of any abnormalities in the testing process. Cases of cheating will be reported to the Academic Integrity Office.
Note: All downloadable documents are in Microsoft Word format, unless specified as PDF.