  • Alan Burkard
    Alan Burkard, Ph.D.Marquette University

    Schroeder Complex, 146A

    MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
    (414) 288-3434

    Professor, Department Chair

    Coordinator of School Counseling; Consulting Psychologist Behavior Clinic at Penfield Children’s Center and Penfield Montessori Academy

    Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology

    Degrees Held

    • Ph.D., Fordham University, 1996
    • M.Ed., The Pennsylvania State University, 1983
    • Licensed Psychologist, State of Wisconsin

    Courses Taught

    • Introduction to Counseling
    • Supervision
    • Practicum
    • Introduction to Group Counseling
    • Personality Assessment
    • Multicultural Counseling
    • Career Counseling
    • Consultation Strategies
    • Research Methods

    Research Interests

    • Mental Health and Trauma Treatment for Young Children
    • Multicultural Counseling
    • Counselor Supervision and Training


    Licensed Psychologist, State of Wisconsin

    Recent Publications

    Burkard, A. W. (2022). Choosing to be involved. In M. E. Gallardo (Ed.), Developing cultural humility: Embracing race, privilege and power (2nd Edition) (pp. 141-162). San Diego, CA: Cognella.

    Burkard, A. W., Kruczek, T., Alexander, C. (2020). School Counseling and Counseling Psychology Collaboration: A Cautionary Tale. The Counseling Psychologist, 48 (5), 738-767.

    Edwards, L., Burkard, A. W., Adams, H. A., & Newcomb, S. (2017). A mixed-method study of psychologists’ use of multicultural assessment. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 48, 131-138. [Special Issue: Contemporary Assessment, Part 1.]

    Burkard, A. W., Edwards, L. M., & Adams, H. (2015). Racial color blindness in counseling, therapy, and supervision. In H. A. Neville, M. E. Gallardo, & D. W. Sue (Eds.), The myth of racial color blindness: Manifestations, dynamics, and impact.

    Burkard, A.W., Knox, S., Clark, R., Phelps, D., & Inman, A. (2014). Easy and difficult feedback in cross-cultural supervision. The Counseling Psychologist, 42, 314-344.

    Burkard, A.W., Knox, S., DeWalt, T., Fuller, S., Hill, C., & Schlosser, L. (2014). Dissertation experiences of doctoral graduates from professional psychology programs. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 27, 19-54.

    Knox, S., & Burkard, A. W. (2014). Qualitative research interviews: An update. In W. Lutz, &

    1. Knox (Eds.), Quantitative and qualitative methods in psychotherapy research (pp. 342-354). Oxford: Routledge.

    Dewey, J. J., Schlosser, L. Z., Kinney, R. S., & Burkard, A. W. (2014). Faithful allies: The experiences of LGB-affirming White Christian clergy. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 8, 298-321.

    Burkard, A. W. (2014). Choosing to be involved. In M. E. Gallardo (Ed.), Developing cultural humility: Embracing race, privilege and power. (pp. 115-132). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

    Burkard, A. W., Gillen, M. C., Martinez, M. J., & Skytte, S. (2012). Implementation challenges and training needs for comprehensive school counseling programs in Wisconsin high schools. Professional School Counseling, 16, 136-145. Invited submission for special edition on outcome research in school counseling.

    Burkard, A. W., Knox, S., & Hill, C. E. (2012). Data Collection in CQR. In C. E. Hill (Ed.), Consensual qualitative research: A practical resource for investigating social science phenomena (pp. 83-102). Washington DC: American Psychological Association. 

    Burkard, A. W., Knox, S., & Hill, C. E. (2012). Ethical Considerations in CQR. In C. E. Hill (Ed.), Consensual qualitative research: A practical resource for investigating social science phenomena (pp. 201-212). Washington DC: American Psychological Association. 

    Knox, S., Hess, S. A., Hill, C. E., Burkard, A. W., & Crook-Lyon, R.  (2012). Corrective relational experiences in psychotherapy. In L. G. Catonguay and C. E. Hill (Eds.), Transformation in psychotherapy: Corrective experiences across cognitive, behavioral, humanistic, and psychodynamic approaches (pp. 191-213).  Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. 

    Ladany, N., Inman, A. G., Hill, C. E., Knox, S., Crook-Lyon, R., Thompson, B. J., Burkard, A., Hess, S., Williams, E. N., & Walker, J. A. (2012). Corrective Relational Experiences in Supervision. In L. G. Castonguay & C. E. Hill (Eds.), Transformation in psychotherapy: Corrective experiences across cognitive behavioral, humanistic, and psychodynamic approaches (pp. 335-352).  Washington DC: American Psychological Association.

    Knox, S., Burkard, A. W., Janecek, J., Pruitt, N. T., Fuller, S., & Hill, C. E. (2011). Positive and problematic dissertation experiences: The faculty perspective. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 24, 55-69.


    2021. Trauma-Informed Care for Very Young Children Project (TIC-YC). Approved for 1.9 million for 2021-2026 by Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA), Washington, DC.

    2017, November. Behavior Clinic at Penfield Montessori Academy. Approved for $100,000 for 2017-18 by the Bader Philanthropies, Milwaukee, WI.

    2017, July. Behavior Clinic at Penfield Montessori Academy. Approved for $50,000 for 2017-18 by the Argosy Foundation, Milwaukee, WI.

    2017, July. Behavior Clinic at Penfield Montessori Academy. Approved for $15,000 for 2017-18 by the Bader Philanthropies, Milwaukee, WI.

    2017, May. Behavior Clinic at Penfield Montessori Academy. Approved for $250,000 for 2017-19 by the Zilber Family Foundation, Milwaukee, WI.

    Professional Presentations


    Burkard, A. W., Knox, S., Hartmann, L., Edwards, L., & Hess, S. A. (2011, August). Transformational relational experiences in multicultural supervision: A qualitative study.Paper presented at the 119th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

    Burkard, A. W. (2011, February). Evidence-based school counseling practice. Presentation at the annual conference of the Pennsylvania School Counselor Association, Lancaster, PA.


    Burkard, A. W., & Kuranz, M. (2010, July). Evidence-based school counseling practice. Presentation at the annual conference of the American School Counselor Association, Boston, MA.

    Inman, A. G., Ladany, N., Thompson, B. J., Hill, C. E., Crook-Lyon, R., Knox, S., Burkard, A. W., Nutt-Williams, E., Walker, J. & Hess, S. (2010, August). Corrective relational experiences in psychotherapy supervision. Paper presented at the 118th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, California.

    Ladany, N., Inman, A. G., Thompson, B. J., Hill, C. E., Crook-Lyon, R., Knox, S., Burkard, A. W., Nutt-Williams, E., Walker, J. & Hess, S. (2010, June). Corrective relational experiences in psychotherapy supervision. Paper presented at the 41st International Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Asilomar, California.


    Burkard, A. W., Knox, S., Clarke, R., Phelps, D., & Inman, A. (2009, August). Difficult feedback in cross-cultural supervision. Poster presented at the 117th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

    Burkard, A. W., & Kuranz, M. (2009, June). Evidence-based school counseling practice. Presentation at the annual conference of the American School Counselor Association, Dallas, TX.

    Burkard, A. W., Gillen, M., & Martinez, M. (2009, February). Survey of the effect of comprehensive school counseling programs on student outcomes in Wisconsin. Presentation at the annual conference of the Wisconsin School Counselor Association, Stevens Point, WI. 

    Burkard, A. W., & Kuranz, M. (2009, February). Evidence-based school counseling practice. Preconference workshop at the annual conference of the Wisconsin School Counselor Association, Stevens Point, WI. 


    Burkard, A.W., & Alexander, C. M.(2008, June). Successful school counseling practicum. Presentation at the annual conference of the American School Counselor Association, Atlanta, GA.

    Burkard, A.W., Holtz, C., Martinez, M., Alexander, C. M., & Hyatt, C.(2008, June). Racial conflict in middle and high schools. Presentation at the annual conference of the American School Counselor Association, Atlanta, GA.

    Johnson, A., Pruitt, N., Catlin, L., & Burkard, A. (2008, March). African American Doctoral Students in Counseling Psychology. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Counseling Psychology Conference, Chicago, IL.

    Knox, S., Burkard, A. W., Janecek, J., Pruitt, N. T., Fuller, S. L., & Hill, C. E.(2008, August). Positive and problematic dissertation experiences:The faculty perspective. Poster presented at the 116th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.


    Burkard, A.W., & Laudo, C. (2007, July). Leadership in state school counselor associations. Invited presentation at the annual Leadership Development Institute of the American School Counselor Association, Charleston, SC.

    Burkard, A.W., & Bierma, J. (2007, June). Successful school counseling practicum. Presentation at the annual conference of the American School Counselor Association, Denver, CO.

    Burkard, A.W., Stone, C., & Spear, G. (2007, February). School counseling today. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Wisconsin School Counselor Association, Stevens Point, WI.

    Knox, S., Burkard, A.W., Edwards, L., Smith, J., & Schlosser, L. Z.(2007, August). Supervisor self-disclosure in supervision. Poster presented at the 115th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

    Knox, S., Burkard, A. W., Edwards, L. M., Smith, J., & Schlosser, L. Z. (2007, June). Supervisor self-disclosure in supervision. In S. Knox (Chair), Therapist, supervisor, and supervisee self-disclosure: Empirical findings and implications. Panel discussion conducted at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Madison, WI.

    Knox, S., Burkard, A. W., Hess, S. A., & Schultz, J. M. (2007, June). Lesbian, gay, and bisexual supervisees’ experiences of affirmative and nonaffirmative supervision. (2007, June). Poster presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Madison, WI.

    Schneider, S., Burkard, A.W., Spear, G., & Tyra, B. (2007, February). Committed to getting results? Show it with a SPARC. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Wisconsin School Counselor Association, Stevens Point, WI.

    Schneider, S., Burkard, A.W., Spear, G., & Tyra, B. (2007, February). Designing a Support Personnel Accountability Report Card (SPARC) for Wisconsin. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Wisconsin School Counselor Association, Stevens Point, WI.

    Burkard, A. W., Knox, S., Hess, S., & Schultz, J. (2007, January). Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual affirmative and non-affirmative supervision. Paper presented at the National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Seattle, Washington.

    Burkard, A. W., Johnson, A. J., Kozlowski, J., Madson, M., Pruitt, N., Contreras-Tadych, D., Knox, S., & Hess, S. (2007, January).  Cultural responsiveness in cross-cultural supervision. Paper presented at the National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Seattle, Washington.


    Burkard, A. W., Knox, S., Hess, S., & Schultz, J. (2005, August). Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual affirmative and non-affirmative supervision. Poster session presented at the 113th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

    Burkard, A. W., Johnson, A. J., Kozlowski, J., Madson, M., Pruitt, N., Contreras-Tadych, D., Knox, S., & Hess, S. (2004, August).  Cultural responsiveness in cross-cultural supervision. Poster session presented at the 112th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, Hawaii. 

    Burkard, A. W., Ponterotto, J. G., Johnson, A. J., & Costa, C. I. (2004, August).  An examination of the multicultural personality model. Poster session presented at the 112th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, Hawaii.

    Burkard, A. W., Knox, S., Groen, M., Perez, M. & Hess, S. (2003, August).  European-American therapist self-disclosure in cross-cultural counseling. Poster session presented at the 111th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 

    Knox, S., Burkard, A. W., Johnson, A. J., Suzuki, L. A., & Ponterotto, J. G. (2002). African-American and European-American Therapists’ experiences of addressing race in cross-racial psychotherapy dyads. Poster session presented at the 110th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. 

    Burkard, A. W., Zimmerman, J., & Fischer, D. (2001, August). Survey of multicultural competency training at APA predoctoral internship sites. Poster session presented at the 109th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

    Burkard, A. W., Jones, J. A., & Johll, M. (2000, August). Hierarchical factor analysis of the Quick Discrimination Index. Poster session presented at the 108th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

    Burkard, A. W., Juarez, M., & Kativa, A. (2000, August). White racial identity attitudes, counselor credibility, and working alliance formation. Poster session presented at the 108th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

    Zhang, N., & Burkard, A. W. (2000, August). Discussion of race, working alliance and counselor credibility. Poster session presented at the 108th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

    Zhang, N., & Burkard, A. W. (1999, August). Racial difference, the working alliance, and clients’ ratings of counselors. Poster session presented at the 107th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA. 

    Burkard, A. W., & Johll, M. J. (1999, January). Facilitating career exploration through electronic mail groups. Paper presented at the annual meeting for the National Consultation on Career Development Conference, Ottawa, Canada.

    Burkard, A. W., Juarez-Cullen, M., Payne, J., Pepper, H., &  Zimmerman, J. (1996, October). Multicultural programming: Creating a process-dialogue model. Paper presented at The Sixth Annual Midwestern Conference on Diversity Issues and The Role of Counseling Centers, Urbana, IL.

    Burkard, A. W. (1996, April). The impact of racial identity upon working alliance formation. Paper presented at the regional meeting of Division 17 of the American Psychological Association, Muncie, IN.     

    Ponterotto, J. G., Burkard, A. W., Yoshida, R. K., Cancelli, A. A., Mendez, G., & Wasilewski, L. (1994, August). Minority student perceptions of professional psychology application packets: A qualitative study. Poster session presented at the 102nd annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA.

    Ponterotto, J. G., Burkard, A. W., D'Onofrio, A. A., DuBuisson, A., Heenehan, M., Millstein, B., Parisi, Rath, J., & Sax, G. (1994, August).  Development and validation of the Quick Discrimination Index (QDI). Poster session presented at the 102nd annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA.

    Burkard, A. W., Rabinowitz, M., Catucci, D., D'Agostin, C., Lentini, C. & Levy, M. (1993, June). Gender attributes: Perceiving gender‑related frames of reference. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Society, Chicago, IL.

    Burkard, A. W., and Ecklund, T. (1984, April). The wellness house. Paper presented at the meeting of the American College Personnel Association, Boston, MA.

    Entrance to Schroeder Complex