  • Doris Walker-Dalhouse, Ph.D.

    Doris  Walker-Dalhouse
    Doris Walker-Dalhouse, Ph.D.Marquette University

    Schroeder Complex, 116B

    MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
    (414) 288-4555


    Educational Policy and Leadership

    Degrees Held

    • Ph.D. The Ohio State University
    • M.A. The Ohio State University
    • B.A. Kentucky State University

    Courses Taught

    • Teaching Reading, Language Arts, or Children’s Literature I
    • Practicum: Teaching Elementary Level Reading

    Research Interests

    • Sociocultural aspects of reading
    • Multicultural children’s literature
    • African-African children’s literacy
    • Refugee children’s literacy

    Recent Publications


    Walker-Dalhouse, D. & Risko, V. J. (2020). Culturally Responsive Literacy Instruction. In A. Swan Dagen, A. & R. M. Bean (Eds.), Best Practices of Literacy Leaders: Keys to School Improvement (2nd ed., 304-322). New York: Guilford Press.


    Risko, V.J., & Walker-Dalhouse, D. (2019). Best practices to change the trajectory of struggling readers. In L.M. Morrow & L. Gambrell. Best Practices in Literacy Instruction. (6th Edition). (pp. 104-126). New York: Guilford Press.


    Kern, D., Bean, R., Dagen, A., DeVries, B., Dodge, A., Goatley, V., Ippolito, J., Perkins, J.H.,& Walker-Dalhouse, D. (2018).Preparing reading/literacy specialists to meet changes and challenges: International Literacy Association's Standard. Literacy Research and Instruction, 57(3),209-231.


    Walker-Dalhouse, D., & Dalhouse, A.D. (2015). Autism and Reading: Teaching a Sudanese Refugee Boy. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 31(4), 279-296.

    Risko, V. & Walker-Dalhouse, D. (2015). Best practices to change the trajectory for struggling readers. In. L. Gambrell & L.M. Morrow. Best Practices in Literacy Instruction (5th ed.). (pp. 107-126). New York: Guilford Press.

    Walker-Dalhouse, D. & Dalhouse, A.D. (2015). Culture and Identity: Promoting the Literacies of a Sudanese Father and Son. In F.B. Boyd & C.H. Brock.(Eds.) Social Diversity within Multiliteracies (pp. 144-153). New York: Routledge.


    Walker-Dalhouse, D., & Dalhouse, A.D. (2013). Preservice teachers’ culturally relevant beliefs: The impact of a clinical experience tutoring Sudanese students. In J. Ho (Ed.) Immigrants: Acculturation, Socioeconomic Challenges, and Cultural Psychology (pp.171-185). New York, NY: Nova Science Publisher.

    Walker-Dalhouse, D. & Dalhouse, A.D. (2013) Changing Outcomes in Reading for Bryant, An African American Urban Learner: A case study. In N. Nilsson & S. Gandy. (Eds.) Struggling readers can succeed: Teaching solutions based on real kids in classrooms and communities (pp.20-36). New York: Information Age Publishing.


    Risko, V.J., & Walker-Dalhouse, D. (2012). Be that Teacher! Breaking the cycle for struggling readers. New York: Teachers College Press.

    Walker-Dalhouse, D., & Risko, V.J. (2012). Using informative assessments for effective literacy practices. In E. T. Ortlieb, &  E. H. Cheeks (Eds.). Literacy Research, Practice and Evaluation (Vol. 1, pp. 197-219). United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

    Watts-Taffe, S., Laster, B., Broach, L., Marinak, B., Connor, C.M., & Walker-Dalhouse, D. (2012). Differentiated Instruction: Making Informed Teacher Decisions, The Reading Teacher, 66(4), 303-314.


    Risko, V. & Walker-D., Arragones, A. (2011) The Promise of an Alternate Perspective: Viewing Struggling Readers through a Socio-Cultural Research Lens. The Thirty-Third Yearbook of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, 33, 187-203.

    López, F., Thompson, S., & Walker-Dalhouse, D. (2011) Examining the trajectory of differentially-skilled first graders’ reading fluency of words in isolation and in context.  Reading & Writing Quarterly, 27(4), 281-305.

    Walker-Dalhouse, D., Sibley, C., Dalhouse, A.D., Clarke, R. & Selzler, K. (2011). Reading engagement of preservice teachers: Impact of a reading-aloud initiative. Journal of Reading Education, 37(1), 33-39.  


    Briggs, C., Perkins, J. H., & Walker-Dalhouse, D. (2010). Best Literacy Practices for Children of Poverty: Implications for Schools, Teachers, and Teacher Preparation Program. The Thirty-Second Yearbook of the Association of Literacy Educators & Researchers, 151-168.

    Risko, V. J., Walker-Dalhouse, D., Bridges, E., S. & Wilson, A. (2010). Drawing on text features for reading comprehension and composing. The Reading Teacher, 64(5), 376-78.

    Walker-Dalhouse, D., Risko, V.J., Esworthy, C., Grasley, E., Kaisler, G., McIlvain, D., & Stephan, M. (2010). Crossing Boundaries and Initiating Conversations about RTI: Understanding and Applying Differentiated Classroom Instruction. In R. Allington (Ed.) Essential Reading: Struggling Learners: Essential Reading Series, Newark, DE: International Reading Association.   

    Walker-Dalhouse, D., Risko, V. J., Lathrop, K. & Porter, S. (2010). Helping diverse struggling readers through reflective teaching and coaching. The Reading Teacher, 64(1), 70-72.

    Risko, V.J. & Walker-Dalhouse, D. (2010). Making the most of assessments to inform instruction. The Reading Teacher, 63(5), 420-422


    Walker-Dalhouse, D., Sanders, V., & Dalhouse, A.D. (2009). A university and middle school partnership: Preservice teachers’ attitudes toward ELL students. Literacy Research and Instruction, 48(4), 337-49.

    Walker-Dalhouse, D.  Sudanese youth. In C. Claus-Ehlers (Ed.) (2009). Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural School Psychology (pp.958-960). New York: Springer.

    Walker-Dalhouse, D., Risko, V.J., Esworthy, C., Grasley, E., Kaisler, G., McIlvain, D., & Stephan, M. (2009, September). Crossing Boundaries and Initiating Conversations About RTI: Understanding and Applying Differentiated Classroom Instruction. The Reading Teacher, 63(1), 84–87.

    Walker-Dalhouse, D. & Dalhouse, A.D. (2009). When two elephants fight the grass
    suffers: Parents and teachers working together to support the literacy development of Sudanese youth. Teaching and Teacher Education, 29, 328-335.

    Risko, V.& Walker-Dalhouse, D. (2009). Parents and teachers: Talking with or past one another. The Reading Teacher, 62(5), 442-444.


    Walker-Dalhouse, D. & Risko, V. (2008). Homelessness, poverty, and children’s literacy development. The Reading Teacher, 62(1), 84-86.

    Walker-Dalhouse, D. (2008). Discipline: Responding to socioeconomic and racial differences. In F. Schultz. Annual Editions: Education 09-10. Thirty-fifth edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.

    Walker-Dalhouse, D. & Risko, V. (2008). Learning from literacy successes in high achieving urban schools. The Reading Teacher, 61(5), 422-424.

    Walker-Dalhouse, D. (2008). Where life and children’s literature meet: Creating a potential bridge to understanding the lives of elementary age African American males. In W. Brooks and J. McNair. Embracing, evaluating, and examining the lives of African-American children’s and young adult literature. Maryland, Lanham: Scarecrow Press, Inc.


    Risko, V., & Walker-Dalhouse, D. (2007). Tapping students’ cultural funds of knowledge to address the achievement gap. The Reading Teacher, 61(1), 98-100.


    Walker-Dalhouse, D, & Dalhouse. A.D. (2006). Investigating white preservice teachers’ beliefs about teaching in culturally diverse classrooms. The Negro Educational Review, 58(1-2), 69-79.

    Walker-Dalhouse, D. (2006). Multicultural Literature: A synthesis of literature. New York: Macmillan-McGraw Hill.

    Walker-Dalhouse, D. (2006). Discipline: Responding to socioeconomic and racial differences. In F. Schultz. Annual Editions: Education 07-08. Thirty-fourth edition. (Unit 5). New York: McGraw-Hill.


    Walker-Dalhouse, D. (2005). Discipline: Responding to socioeconomic and racial differences. Childhood Education, 82(1), 24-30.

    Turner, J.D., Walker-Dalhouse, D. & McMillon, G. T. (2005). Crossing Over to Canaan: Engaging distinguished women and/or minority scholars in critical conversations about tenure. 54th Yearbook of the National Reading Conference, 403-415.

    Walker-Dalhouse, D. (2005). No Child Left Behind: Key issues and instructional implications for Teachers of African-American Children. Reading Horizons, 45(3), 155- 174.

    Walker-Dalhouse, D. (2005). Examining exemplary reading instruction in urban settings: Implications for teachers and the students they teach. A response to Diane Lapp and James Flood. In J. Flood & P. L. Anders (Eds.). Literacy Development of Students in Urban Schools: Research and Policy. (pp. 180-186) Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

    Professional Presentations


    Walker-Dalhouse, D., & Dalhouse, A.D. (2019). Empowering voices: The impact of books about            immigrants and refugees on children’s reading interests and attitudes.  2019 Australian Literacy Educators Association Conference, Melbourne, Australia.


    Bean, R., Kern, D.,Ippolito,J,Walker-Dalhouse, D., DeVries, B., Perkins, J.H., & Swan Dagen, A. (July, 2018). Standards 2017 Lead Writers Q & A.” ILA 2018 Annual Conference, Austin, TX.


    Walker-Dalhouse, D., & Dalhouse, A.D. (2017). Books about immigrants and refugees: Impact on reading interests. 20th Annual European Conference on Reading, Madrid Spain.


    Walker-Dalhouse, D., & Dalhouse, A.D. (2015). Preservice teachers’ cross-cultural competence in teaching about immigrants and refugees. Paper presentation at the 17thAnnual Atiner Conference on Education and Research, Athens, Greece.

    Walker-Dalhouse, D. (July, 2015). What’s hot (and not) in literacy:  Controversies and challenges.  Specialized Reading Professionals Special Interest Group, 60th Annual Conference of the International Literacy Association, St. Louis, MO.

    Roy-Campbell, Z. & Walker-Dalhouse, D. (November 2014).  Accessing funds of knowledge through storytelling of Somali Bantu and Sudanese Refugee Communities. Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers Annual Conference, Delray Beach, FL.


    Risko, V., Alvarez, M.C., Nakashima, S., & Walker-Dalhouse, D. ( 2014). Cross-  Curricular literacy, complex text, cultural responsiveness, Common Core: Connecting for Comprehension. 59th Annual Conference of the International Reading Association, New Orleans, LA.      


    Walker-Dalhouse, D., Perkins, J. H., & Briggs, C. (2013). Effective reading strategies used by teachers of children living in poverty. Association of Literacy Educators & Researchers 57th Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.

    Walker-Dalhouse, D. & Dalhouse, A.D. (2013). Reader response and instructional implications: preservice teachers use of children’s books about immigrants/ refugees with struggling readers. 18th European Conference on Reading, International Reading Association, IDEC, Jönköping, Sweden.

    Risko, V. & Walker-Dalhouse, D. (2013). Supporting teachers, supporting struggling readers with complex text. Institute 19: Assessment in the era of the Common Core State Standards. International Reading Association 58th Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.

    Risko, V. & Walker-Dalhouse, D. (2013). Be that teacher! Creating learning environments using strategies that are engaging, productive, and relevant to struggling readers. International Reading Association 58th Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.


    Walker-Dalhouse & Risko, V. (November 2012). Looking back and moving forward: Examining changing perceptions of struggling readers 1990-2010. Association of Literacy Educators & Researchers Annual conference. Grand Rapids, MI.

    Walker-Dalhouse, D. (2012). Reader response and instructional implications: using children’s books about immigrants/ refugees with struggling readers. Accepted poster presentation at the 33rd International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) Conference, London, England.

    2011 - Papers Presented

    Clark, K. & Walker-Dalhouse, D. (2011). Poster presentation entitled “The effect of culturally reflective texts on the reading achievement, attitudes toward reading, and motivation to read of urban African American children who struggle with learning to read,”  56tth Annual Convention of the International Reading Association, Orlando, FL.

    2010 - Papers Presented

    Risko, V. &Walker-Dalhouse, D. (November 2010). The Promise of an Alternate Perspective: Viewing Struggling Readers through a Socio-Cultural Research Lens.  Association of Literacy Educators & Researchers, Omaha, NE.  

    Briggs, C., Cook, C., Perkins, J.H. & Walker-Dalhouse,  D. (2010). Children in Poverty  and Reading. International Reading Association, 23rd World Congress in Reading, Auckland, NZ.

    Walker-Dalhouse, D., &  Dalhouse, A. D. (2010). Literacy stories: Cultural literacy practices of adult Sudanese refugees and the school and out-of school- literacy development of their children.  International Reading Association, 23rd World Congress in Reading, Auckland, NZ.


    Briggs, C., Perkins, J. H., & Walker-Dalhouse, D. (2009). Maximizing the cognitive engagement of children in poverty. Association of Literacy Educator & Researchers Annual Conference, Charlotte, NC.

    Walker-Dalhouse, D., Sibley, C. & Selzer, K. Promoting reading engagement in    preservice teachers and children: Benefits of a university Reading-Aloud Book Award Initiative. International Reading Association Conference, May 2009.


    Walker-Dalhouse, D. & Dalhouse, A.D. (July 2008). “Sudanese students and preservice teachers: Traveling the road to literacy and multicultural understandings.” 22nd World Congress in Reading, San Jose, Costa Rica.


    Walker-Dalhouse, D. “How Critical Can it Be? School Experience, Personal Development & Teacher Preparation for Teaching African American Students.” National Reading Conference, November 28- December 1, 2007. Austin, TX

    Walker-Dalhouse, D. “No Child Left Behind: Realities and implications for African American students and their teachers.” Keynote speech. Virginia State Reading Association Conference, Roanoke, Virginia, March 16, 2007.


    Walker-Dalhouse, D. “Linking words and connecting ideas: Teaching middle schools students to understand print and digital text.” Symposium, 51st IRA Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, April 30, 2006.

    Edwards, P, A, & Walker-Dalhouse, D.“Sharing Time: Motivating Parents from Diverse Background to Support Their Children’s Oral Language Development.” Symposium IRA 2005 Annual Conference.


    Walker-Dalhouse, D. “Vocabulary Development for Adolescents, Special Needs Students & Minorities.” Symposium IRA 2005 Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.

    Walker-Dalhouse, D. “A University-School Partnership: A pen pal writing Project.” IRA Plains Regional Conference, San Antonio, TX.

    Entrance to Schroeder Complex