Assistant Professor, Psychologist

Dr. Rawan Atari-Khan As a psychologist, researcher, and educator, I strive to embody values of social justice and cultural humility in my roles. I am a licensed psychologist in Wisconsin. I have worked in various clinical settings, including community mental health, private practice, and university counseling centers. I find fulfillment working with clients who are struggling with identity development, trauma-related disorders, body image concerns and disordered eating behaviors.

In my research, I adopt a cross-cultural framework to consider how Western concepts of well-being and healing may inadequately represent the experiences of ethnically and racially minoritized groups in the U.S. As a diaspora Palestinian, I hold myself accountable to Arab, Middle Eastern, North African (MENA) individuals abroad and at home. I hope to honor our histories and cultures by centering our voices, which have been significantly underrepresented in scholarly literature. In my recent projects, I have delved into exploring intergenerational trauma, ethnic identity development, well-being, and resilience among Arab/MENA Americans. For more information on my research lab, The Watan Collective, please visit My website.

I received my undergraduate degree in psychology, social welfare and justice, and Arabic studies from Marquette University in 2015. Following this, I earned my master’s degree in Clinical-Counseling Psychology from Illinois State University and graduated with my Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Ball State University in 2021. Also, I completed my post-doctoral internship at the University of Iowa Counseling Services.

Dr. Atari-Khan will be taking a new counseling psychology doctoral student for Fall 2025.

Recent Publications and/or Presentations

  • Atari-Khan, R., & Gerstein, L.H. (In press). Investigating the Cross-Cultural Validity of Well-being Measures with Arab Americans. Journal of Prevention and Health Promotion.
  • Stanley, D., & Atari-Khan, R. (In press). A content analysis of counseling psychology literature: Resilience against oppression among People of Color. Journal of Counseling Psychology
  • Atari-Khan, R., Rbeiz, K. S.*, & Gerstein, L. H. (2024). Arab American Well-Being and Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. Advanced online publication.
  • Atari-Khan, R., Covington, H., Gerstein, L.H., al Herz, H., Varner, B., Brasfield, C., Shurigar, B., Hinnenkamp, S., Devia, M., Barrera, S., & Deogracias-Schleich, A. (2020). Concepts of resilience among trauma-exposed Syrian refugees. The Counseling Psychologist, 49(2), 233-268. Doi: 10.1177/0011000020970522
  • Atari, R., & Han, S. (2018). Perceived discrimination, ethnic identity, and well-being among Arab Americans. The Counseling Psychologist, 46(7), 899-921. Doi: 10.1177/0011000018809889