Message from the Dean
Dear Colleagues in the Klingler College of Arts and Sciences,
Greetings! I am delighted and honored to serve as your Dean. What drew me to Marquette
are the purpose, the people and the place. I look forward to working with all of you
to fulfill Marquette’s Catholic, Jesuit mission.
These are uncertain times and many challenges lie ahead. Yet there is no place I would
rather be. Marquette’s considerable strengths and distinctive mission will see us
The remote work environment has allowed me to participate in Marquette meetings even
before my official start date, and I have had the chance to meet many of you as well
as our colleagues across campus and beyond. Working together, our charge will be to
articulate the college’s identity, to ensure offerings that respond to the needs and
interests of students and the world and to build support for the college.
Let me take this opportunity to thank Dr. Heather Hathaway for her excellent leadership
as Acting Dean over the past year. Her generosity of time and talent has helped to
ensure a smooth transition. Likewise, I want to thank the Dean’s office staff for
their hard work and adaptability. Most of all, I thank all of you for stepping up
to the challenge of serving students and carrying on with your research and community
engagement during what has been an unprecedented academic year.
My intention is to provide monthly updates like this one to the college. Beyond that,
I will continue to seek out ways to interact with you and get to know your dreams,
concerns and aspirations. I’m eager to listen and learn. Please feel free to contact
me at
Wishing you a wonderful start to the summer.
Dr. Heidi Bostic Dean, Klingler College of Arts and Sciences
 Watch Dr. Bostic's message.
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