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Message to Nursing Alumni
As we look toward our annual celebration of Nurses Week, it is fairly safe to assume that when WHO named 2020 the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife, it had no idea it would also be the year of an international pandemic. Yet here we are, not yet a third of the year behind us, and nurses are still occupying their place on the front lines -- just on a different front.
As we work internally to define the Marquette Nurse for our strategic planning purposes, we can see that individual at work all around us. We have new alums, their first or second year on the job, demonstrating flexibility and adaptivity as they shift from work on other specialty areas of practice to treating adults in units that are understaffed. We have experienced alums working on units or, here in Milwaukee, taking leadership roles in the development and construction of an alternative hospital on the state fair grounds to treat COVID-19 patients. We have alums supporting other nurses with encouragement, efforts to collect and donate personal protective equipment (PPE), and connection.
The Marquette College of Nursing education shines in moments like these. Our foundation of cura personalis, combined with the innate ability of students and tempered by the dedicated excellence of our faculty, provides the unique experience that becomes the Marquette Nurse. And right now, the Marquette Nurse is what the world needs.
My wish for all our Marquette Nurses, alums and students, during Nurses Week and beyond, is that you remain well and healthy; you are able to sustain your efforts on, or behind, the front lines; and that you experience grace and peace while we move toward a future that isn't dominated by this illness.
Blessings to you!
Dr. Janet Wessel Krejci
Dean, Marquette University College of Nursing
Tell us how you're celebrating Nurses Week, May 6-12!
Are you doing something to observe Nurses Week? Have you encouraged, supported or acknowledged the work of fellow nurses? Let us know what you're doing! Send a photo and a brief caption to jennifer.west@marquette.edu and we'll post it on our College of Nursing Facebook page during Nurses Week.
"We decorated cupcakes and gave them to a nurse neighbor for her hospital unit."

2020: Designated International Year of the Nurse and Midwife by the World Health Assembly