Beginnings and endings
Nursing statement of solidarity
As Marquette College of Nursing develops its plan to be part of the solution in creating a just and equitable society, we have developed a Statement of Solidarity -- Marquette Nurses Against Injustice. The statement is available on our website and has also been promoted on our social media.
Please take a moment to read this statement and join us in our ongoing efforts. You will receive more information about our formal action plan as it is developed.
Research faculty launch new Twitter account
Welcome to the Marquette University College of Nursing Research Twitter account! This new account at will share information about the research of our faculty and students. We'd love to see you as followers or visitors and appreciate your dialogue and engagement.
Plans to Re-Open in Fall 2020
Marquette University intends to resume campus operations this fall if governmental and medical authorities say it is safe to do so. The health and safety of the campus community remains a top priority. The COVID-19 Response Team has outlined a draft five-step recovery plan that will lead to a phased approach for reopening the Marquette University campus.
The postponed graduation ceremony is scheduled to be held Sunday, August 30, pending local health and governmental approvals.
51 Years -- Congratulations!
After 51 years at Marquette, Clinical Associate Professor Terry Tobin, MSN, MPH, has resigned her faculty position.
Terry received her BSN and MSN from Marquette University and began teaching at Marquette in 1969. She taught Maternal Child Health, Women's Health, Health Assessment, Fundamentals of Nursing, Primary health Care and Internal Health. During that period she also partnered with various international organizations: Indonesia - University of Jakarta for WHO to establish a BSN program; health assessments in the Republic of Georgia; and observing USAID activities with Palestinians in Israel. She was very active on nursing committees at the University and Wisconsin state level, and implemented a 3-year federal grant to educate Perinatal Nurse Clinicians (the predecessor to nurse practitioners).
Although she "retired" in 2005, she continued to teach Primary Health Care for Marquette nursing students until her resignation this summer. Please join us in wishing Terry well!
