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Menopause and perimenopause coaching available through My Wellness program

Professional health coaching related to perimenopause and menopause is now available through the My Wellness program’s UCentered offering. The UCentered health coaching program exists for women approaching or already experiencing perimenopause and menopause to confidently navigate these natural, yet challenging, phases. Select the “Coaching” tab in the My Wellness portal to sign up.

Individuals will work in partnership with certified health coaches to explore lifestyle adjustments such as nutrition, exercise, and sleep hygiene to help manage the physical symptoms of menopause. Members will also learn effective stress-reduction techniques, such as mindfulness, relaxation exercises, and breathing practices, which can be invaluable in managing mood changes.


Find Your 30 Challange: My Wellness points and weekly giveaway available

Marquette University employees and their spouses can participate in a challenge that encourages them to elevate their fitness to promote overall well-being and quality of life. The goal is to participate in 30 minutes of exercise, five days per week, for four weeks. The challenge will be held from Monday, January 27 through Sunday, February 23. Registration opened January 21; register 600 minutes of physical activity to fully participate.

How do I enroll in the challenge?  

From a computer, go to the My Wellness portal and enter your personal username and password. Once you land on the ‘Challenges’ page, you are now enrolled in the challenge! (first-time users see registration directions below).  

How do I log my activity?  

Each day that you complete an activity, log in to the My Wellness portal, click on the ‘Challenges’ tile and select the activity you completed from the list of available options and click ‘Save.’ You can record one activity per day. 

How am I eligible for My Rewards points and chances for giveaway prizes?  

The goal is to complete at least 30 minutes of exercise, five days per week, for four weeks. Participants who complete and register such activity each week throughout the entire four-week challenge (20 total) will be awarded 25 My Rewards points. Participants who log five activities in a week will be entered into the weekly prize giveaway for that week (the week ends each Sunday at 7:00 p.m.). The challenge will be held January 27 through February 23.

My Rewards points are available to anyone who registers before February 2 as long as they still complete five activities in the first week of the challenge.

Interested in working with a health coach?  

Find Your 30 Challenge participants are encouraged to work with a free personal health coach to learn ways to effectively increase physical activity in their lives or address individual needs and questions pertaining to exercise. You can connect with a health coach by calling 800-882-2109 or visiting the ‘Coaching’ tab on your wellness portal. 

Marquette My Wellness Program

September 1, 2024 - August 15, 2025

Marquette University values your success, health and well-being. The My Wellness Program provides activities that reward you for evaluating, and making simple, sustainable changes to improve your life. My Wellness continues to focus on physical, financial, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Employees, and their spouse enrolled in the medical plan with Marquette, will continue to have the opportunity to earn FSA or HSA dollars based on their participation in the program and their medical plan election the following year. The program opportunities and point structure are easy to understand and track on the Marquette My Wellness Portal. Questions?

Examples of ways to earn points:

  • To emphasize the importance of seeing your Primary Care Provider (PCP), participants can earn 200 points for visiting their PCP this year.
  • For employees, and their spouse enrolled in the medical plan with Marquette, participants can earn 50 points for consulting with Tria Health Campus access only. This free and confidential call to a pharmacist will help optimize medications taken, including checking for interactions with over-the-counter products.
  • Free 1:1 Health Coaching is available, participants can earn 100 points. Coaches can provide guidance and inspiration to make impactful behavioral changes to improve nutrition, manage stress, enhance fitness, improve sleep habits, and more.
  • Earn your first 25 points for registering, go to My Wellness.

How to get started

  1. Go to
  2. New users will select ‘Register for a new account’.
  3. Enter the code ‘marquette’.
  4. Create an account (create username and password of your choice).
  5. On the following page employees will enter their MU ID • Spouses will enter the employee’s MU ID + S + DOB (DOB = spouse's DOB in format dd/mm/yyyy).
  6. Select the ‘My Wellness’ tile on the homepage to enroll in the 2024-2025 program.

If you've enrolled in the past, you can start earning rewards for the 2024-2025 My Wellness year:

  1. Login to
  2. Go to the Rewards page. Collect 25 points for starting your 2024-2025 Wellness Year.
  3. Continue logging your activity throughout the My Wellness Year to earn more points toward quarterly raffles and FSA/HSA credits for 2026.

After registering on the My Wellness Portal, begin using the resources on the site and start tracking your activity. The reward structure is simple; you’ll start earning rewards just by registering. Learn more on the My Wellness Program Information site.