Tomás Saraceno: Entangled Air
Exhibition Programming
Curtis L. Carter Art and Social Change Lecture
Tomás Saraceno in dialogue with Dr. Somesh Roy
Thursday, March 30, 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
Presented via Zoom
Join internationally renowned artist Tomás Saraceno and “historian of soot” Dr. Somesh Roy, assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Marquette University, for a conversation about the air pollutant black carbon (aka soot), its impacts on climate change and public health, and the creative ways that artists and scientists are working together to inspire a more conscientious coexistence with the atmosphere.

This program is presented in collaboration with the Midwest Art History Society annual conference.
AirWalks Series
Community partners and resident action groups have collaboratively selected Milwaukee neighborhoods in which AirWalks will take place. During these interactive walks, thought partners will lead and co-facilitate a dialogue about each neighborhood—with an emphasis on the impacts of industrialization on air quality and public health. Dr. Somesh Roy will provide air filter sensors during each AirWalk that will collect site-specific air quality data in real time. Those readings will be converted into data visualizations that will be displayed in the interpretive space accompanying the exhibition Tomás Saraceno: Entangled Air.
Wednesday, April 12: Menomonee River Valley (5:30 - 7 pm)
Community partners including Urban Ecology Center will lead an AirWalk through Three Bridges Park. This one-mile hike is fully accessible, with the route following paved trails. Register here.
Saturday, May 6: Pulaski Park (1:00 - 2:30 pm)
Community partners including Sixteenth Street Community Health Centers and Wisconsin DNR will lead an AirWalk through Pulaski Park. Register here.
Thursday, April 27: pARTy at the Museum (5 - 8pm)
Don't miss this once in an April opportunity to pARTy in the museum!
Gather your friends for an evening of music, dancing, artmaking, exploration, and eating. Taking inspiration from the Haggerty Museum of Art's Tomás Saraceno: Entangled Air exhibition, partnering campus and community organizations will feature a silent disco with student DJs, artmaking using Air-Ink, Aerocene building, and more.
This FREE evening is presented in collaboration with Marquette University Radio, Marquette University Students for an Environmentally Active Campus Club (SEAC), Milwaukee Public Library, Marquette University Art Club, Plastic Free MKE, and Dr. Somesh Roy, Marquette University assistant professor of mechanical engineering.
This event is free and open to the public.
This exhibition is presented through generous support from Premier Sponsor the Lacey Sadoff Foundation.

Additional support is provided by the Beatrice Haggerty Endowment Fund. Some of this material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 2144290. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.