Continuing Education

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Credentialed Clinical Instructor Program (CCIP)

March 22–23, 2024

The Credentialed Clinical Instructor Program (CCIP Level I) is a voluntary program designed primarily for people interested in or involved with clinical education, such as clinical instructors, site coordinators of clinical education, and directors of clinical education. It is recognized by APTA as a Clinical Instructor Education and Credentialing Program.

Other health care providers who offer clinical education in a supervisory role to students, including physical therapists (PTs), physical therapist assistants (PTAs), and health care providers from other professions can use this program to enhance their clinical instruction education.

Information about the Credentialed Clinical Instructor (CCIP Level I) course

Male Pelvic Health for Rehabilitation Practitioners

April 5–6, 2025

2025 course sold out. Please click below for waitlist and 2026 course information.

This two day course is designed as an introduction to male pelvic health for rehabilitation professionals who may not yet be treating the male or for those who are looking to gain a better understanding of this patient population. Participants will be provided with evidence-based content as it relates to anatomy, sexuality, continence, conditions of the prostate, and pain in the male pelvis. Therapeutic interventions to address male pelvic floor disorders will be provided including: evaluation and treatment, a functional approach to exercise and strengthening, manual therapy, biofeedback, modalities, and dietary and lifestyle modifications. Pre- and post- prostate cancer treatment rehabilitation concepts will be covered in depth.  

Information about the course can be viewed here. 

Neuroanatomical Dissection Course: Human Brain/Spinal Cord

July 24 – 26, 2025

Human brain

This course consists of an exciting three-day anatomical dissection of the brain and spinal cord, as well as a compelling review of recent advances in functional neuroscience. Participants will work in groups and be allotted three afternoons to perform regional dissections on embalmed human cadaveric material. The faculty consists of neuroscientists and clinicians qualified and experienced as neuroanatomical instructors. Faculty members guide 12 hours of dissection in the afternoons. These sessions are complemented by three morning lecture sessions enriched by slide, video, computer animation and microscopic presentations.

Information about the Neuroanatomical Dissection course

Herman and Wallace and Marquette University Pelvic course

Sept. 7–8, 2024 

This is a satellite offering of Herman and Wallace's course, Pelvic Floor Level 1. This continuing education course consists of recorded lecture videos followed by live, interactive remote learning. The instructor will be presenting to all satellites from a remote location via Zoom. Participants in this event will meet in person to watch the Zoom presentation in the same location and participate in labs together, with the instructor guiding remotely.

Herman and Wallace and Marquette University Pelvic course

Clinical Kinesiology applied to persons with quadriplegia

This 2.5 hr rehabilitation-based video demonstrates kinesiologic principles that can maximize one’s movement potential in persons with quadriplegia (tetraplegia).

This program is now available to stream FREE through the Marquette University library!

Learn more.