Take advantage of significant educational discounts on Apple products when buying university-owned Apple products.

Using personal funds to buy Apple products?
For discounted pricing on Apple products for students, parents buying on behalf of students, faculty and staff, visit the Apple Store for Education.

Buying University-owned Apple products

  1. For university-funded purchases, please contact the IT Services TechSquad at (414) 288-7799
  2. An IT Services technical support specialist will assist you with a quote.
  3. Once the quote has been created, you can then enter an order for the Apple products into the Marquette Financial System (MFS).
  4. Place the MFS Purchase Order number on the printed quote and fax it to the Purchasing Department at (414) 288-6812 for attachment to the Purchase Order. Note that the ordering address for MFS orders is Apple Computer, Inc. (vendor #25077) and the site is Austin, TX.


Microsoft Teams

VPN Setup

Remote Work (Faculty/Staff)

Remote Learning (Students)

Instructional Continuity

CheckMarq Student Info System

D2L E-Learning

Email & Calendar

Microsoft Office

Network Access & Wireless

Passwords & PINs

Safe Computing

SharePoint Collaboration


Unified Communications



Campus Downloads

Computer Labs & Smart Classrooms

Getting Hardware & Software

Help with Computers & Printers

Phones & Telecommunication

Printing at Marquette


Are you new to Marquette?



Are you unable to see your class in D2L?

Did you know that all student and instructor access to D2L e‑learning is handled through CheckMarq class registrations? If you don't see your class in D2L, consult CheckMarq to make sure it appears there first.