Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 1 1 2/2/2001 Former Wisconsin Governor Tommy G. Thompson Becomes New Secretary of Health and Human Services
9-4 1 1 2/9/2001 HHS Secretary Thompson Hails "National Donor Day," Announces Plans for New Efforts on Organ Donation
9-4 1 1 2/15/2001 HHS Launches National Family Caregiver Program
9-4 1 1 2/23/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson
9-4 1 1 2/25/2001 HHS to Award Start-Up Money to States to Support New Freedom Initiative for People with Disabilities
9-4 1 1 2/27/2001 Nine More States Receive HHS Grants to Develop Plans Extending Health Insurance Coverage to All Citizens
9-4 1 1 2/28/2001 Blueprint for New Beginnings: HHS Initiatives
9-4 1 2 3/5/2001 HHS Announces New Expansion in Maine SCHIP Program
9-4 1 2 3/5/2001 HHS Approves Idaho Expansion in Child Health Program
9-4 1 2 3/5/2001 Secretary Thompson Promotes Community Health Centers
9-4 1 2 3/6/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the Medicare Error Rate and CFO Audit Report
9-4 1 2 3/6/2001 Audit Shows Sustained Drop in Improper Medicare Payments
9-4 1 2 3/7/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Nomination of Bobby Jindal
9-4 1 2 3/8/2001 Secretary Thompson Promotes Medicare Modernization

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Press Release Title
9-4 1 2 3/9/2001 Secretary Thompson Promotes Increased Research Funding
9-4 1 2 3/13/2001 HHS Approves Minnesota Request to Provide Special Services in Schools
9-4 1 2 3/16/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the New U.S. Postal Service Diabetes Awareness Stamp
9-4 1 2 3/19/2001 Secretary Thompson Meets Miss America 1999 to Discuss Fight Against Diabetes
9-4 1 2 3/19/2001 Trustees Report Near-Term Gains for Hospital Fund, But Long-Term Peril for Total Medicare Program
9-4 1 2 3/19/2001 Remarks by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson, Medicare Trustees Press Conference
9-4 1 2 3/20/2001 Secretary Thompson Names Seale to Head HHS' Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
9-4 1 2 3/23/2001 Secretary Thompson Praises Nomination of Allen
9-4 1 2 3/26/2001 HHS Approves Extension of Louisiana Case Management Program
9-4 1 2 3/27/2001 New Surgeon General's Report Highlights the Health Impact of Smoking Among U.S. Women and Girls
9-4 1 2 3/27/2001 HHS Announces $11.3 Million in New Grants to Expand Health Care Access
9-4 1 2 3/27/2001 HHS Remarks by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson, Women and Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General Press Conference
9-4 1 2 3/29/2001 HHS Approves Changes in Colorado SCHIP Program
9-4 1 2 3/30/2001 HHS Approves State Plans to Insure Women With Breast or Cervical Cancer
9-4 1 2 3/30/2001 Florida Health Official Named HCFA Deputy Administrator

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 1 3 4/2/2001 HHS Reports New Child Abuse and Neglect Statistics
9-4 1 3 4/4/2001 Special Funding Boosts Type 1 Diabetes Research
9-4 1 3 4/5/2001 Secretary Thompson Announces Florida Medicaid Changes Approved
9-4 1 3 4/9/2001 Remarks by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson, FY 2002 Budget Press Conference
9-4 1 3 4/10/2001 HHS Awards $845.7 Million in Grants for HIV/AIDS Care and Medications
9-4 1 3 4/12/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the Patient Privacy Rule
9-4 1 3 4/16/2001 Total Organ Donations Rise More Than 5 Percent in 2000; Cadaveric Donation Increases 2.7 Percent
9-4 1 3 4/17/2001 HHS Secretary Launches New Donation Initiative, Promising Long-Term Commitment and Partnerships
9-4 1 3 4/18/2001 HHS Approves Extension of Colorado Medicaid Managed Mental Health Plan
9-4 1 3 4/19/2001 HHS Approves Extension of Pennsylvania Medicaid Demonstration
9-4 1 3 4/20/2001 HHS Funds Will Boost Survival Rates Among Rural Cardiac Arrest Victims
9-4 1 3 4/23/2001 Secretary Thompson Announces HHS Patient Safety Task Force
9-4 1 3 4/27/2001 HHS Secretary's Office to Move to HCFA for Week
9-4 1 3 4/27/2001 The First 100 Days: Department of Health and Human Services

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 1 4 5/1/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding HHS' Celebration of Older Americans Month, 2001: "The Many Faces of Aging"
9-4 1 4 5/3/2001 Medicare to Expedite Coverage for Lymphedema Pumps
9-4 1 4 5/3/2001 HHS Launches Diabetes Education Program for Older Americans
9-4 1 4 5/9/2001 Medicaid and SCHIP Waivers: Promoting State Flexibility and Innovation
9-4 1 4 5/10/2001 Remarks by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson, Press Conference Announcing Approval of Gleevec for Leukemia Treatment
9-4 1 4 5/11/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding HHS' Celebration of National Women's Health Week
9-4 1 4 5/15/2001 HHS Details Leading HIV/AIDS Physician to Gates Foundation
9-4 1 4 5/17/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Medicare Requirements on Anesthesia Services
9-4 1 4 5/18/2001 Agencies Issue Plan to Simplify, Steamline Grants Programs
9-4 1 4 5/21/2001 Antimicrobal Resistance: The Public Health Response
9-4 1 4 5/21/2001 HHS Issues New Protections for Children in Medicaid Psychiatric Residential Treatment Centers
9-4 1 4 5/30/2001 Secretary Thompson Announces Approval of Medicaid Waiver for New York State
9-4 1 4 5/31/2001 HHS Names Top Policy Expert to Strengthen Tobacco Control Efforts in Southeast Asia

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 1 5 6/1/2001 Duong Will Head White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
9-4 1 5 6/1/2001 HHS Approves Six State Plans to Insure Women with Breast or Cervical Cancer
9-4 1 5 6/4/2001 HHS Approves Changes in Georgia SCHIP Program
9-4 1 5 6/5/2001 HHS Announces Second Round of Grants to Expand Health Care Access
9-4 1 5 6/7/2001 CDC Expands Global AIDS Program to the Caribbean and Latin America
9-4 1 5 6/7/2001 HHS Approves Changes in Louisiana SCHIP Program
9-4 1 5 6/7/2001 HHS Approves Benefit Enhancement in Florida SCHIP Program
9-4 1 5 6/8/2001 HHS Launches Initiative to Reduce Regulatory Burden
9-4 1 5 6/11/2001 HHS Awards $9.3 Million for Senior Medicare Patrol Projects
9-4 1 5 6/12/2001 HHS Deploys New Disaster Medical Teams to Houston
9-4 1 5 6/12/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding CDC's Trends in Pregnancy Rates Report
9-4 1 5 6/13/2001 HHS Approves Minnesota Plan to Insure Parents in SCHIP, Medicaid
9-4 1 5 6/14/2001 Remarks by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson at Press Conference Announcing Reforming Medicare and Medicaid Agency
9-4 1 5 6/14/2001 The New Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 1 5 6/14/2001 First Steps Taken in Reforming Medicare & Medicaid Agency
9-4 1 5 6/15/2001 Ten Ways to Wish Your Dad a Healthy Father's Day
9-4 1 5 6/18/2001 New HHS Initiative Will Expand Access to Prescription Drugs for Safety-Net Patients
9-4 1 5 6/19/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding CDC's "Impact of Folic Acid Fortification" Report
9-4 1 5 6/19/2001 HHS Announces Efforts to Implement Community-Based Alternatives for Individuals with Disabilities
9-4 1 5 6/20/2001 HHS Awards Grants to States to Plan Improvements in Disability Support Systems
9-4 1 5 6/21/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the Gates Foundation's Contribution of $100 Million to the Global Funds on AIDS and Health
9-4 1 5 6/22/2001 HHS Increases State Flexibility to Provide Insurance Coverage Under the State Children's Health Insurance Program
9-4 1 5 6/26/2001 Mortality Declines for Several Leading Causes of Death in 1999
9-4 1 5 6/27/2001 A Joint Statement by the Department of State and the Department of Health and Human Services
9-4 1 5 6/27/2001 HHS Approves Changes in Kansas SCHIP Program
9-4 1 5 6/28/2001 HHS Approves California Plan to Extend Medi-Cal Coverage Period
9-4 1 5 6/28/2001 HHS Calls on Congress to Reform Medicare Contracting Rules
9-4 1 5 6/28/2001 HHS Announces New and Continued Grants to Expand Alzheimer's Disease Demonstration Program
9-4 1 5 6/29/2001 Medicare to Cover Surgical Procedure for Incontinence

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 1 6 7/6/2001 HHS Secretary Announces Help for Storm-Stricken Texas Medical Center Facilities
9-4 1 6 7/6/2001 HHS Issues First Guidance on New Patient Privacy Protections
9-4 1 6 7/6/2001 HHS Awards $17.1 Million in Abstinence-Only Education Grants
9-4 1 6 7/10/2001 HHS Names Physician to Coordinate Anti-Bioterrorism Initiatives
9-4 1 6 7/10/2001 Secretary Thompson Determines That Safety Problems Make Drug Reimportation Unfeasible
9-4 1 6 7/12/2001 HHS Approves Changes in New York SCHIP Program
9-4 1 6 7/12/2001 Medicare Rx Discount Card
9-4 1 6 7/12/2001 Medicare Will Endorse Discount Programs, Giving Purchasing Power to Beneficiaries for Drug Savings
9-4 1 6 7/16/2001 HHS Announces New "Micro-Grant" Approach to Enlist Community Support for Health Goals
9-4 1 6 7/19/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the America's Children Report
9-4 1 6 7/20/2001 Scientific Review Panel Confirms Condoms Are Effective Against HIV/AIDS, But Epidemiological Studies Are Insufficient for Other STDs
9-4 1 6 7/24/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding House Judiciary Committee's Ban on Human Cloning
9-4 1 6 7/24/2001 New CDC Report Shows Teen Birth Rate Hits Record Low, U.S. Births Top 4 Million in 2000
9-4 1 6 7/25/2001 Remarks by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson at Press Conference Regarding "Fulfilling the Promise of Americans With Disabilities Act"
9-4 1 6 7/25/2001 HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Announces New Initiative for Rural Communities
9-4 1 6 7/25/2001 HHS Funds State Initiatives to Enable More Disabled Persons to Work
9-4 1 6 7/25/2001 Administration Announces Nationwide Effort to Remove Barriers to Community Living for People with Disabilities

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 1 7 8/2/2001 HHS Approves Child Welfare Demonstration for Illinois
9-4 1 7 8/3/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the Introduction of the Johnson-Stark Medicare Proposal
9-4 1 7 8/4/2001 State Innovation in Medicaid and SCHIP Since Jan. 22 Expands Access to Health Care Coverage for 800,000 Americans
9-4 1 7 8/4/2001 Policy Academies Will Help Improve Access to Services for Homeless People
9-4 1 7 8/4/2001 HHS to Give States New Options for Expanding Health Coverage
9-4 1 7 8/6/2001 HHS Announces $53.7 Million in Grants to Improve HIV/AIDS Care for Women, Children, Youth and Families
9-4 1 7 8/8/2001 HHS Approves Colorado Medicaid Demonstration to Give Home-Bound Patients Greater Control of Their Care
9-4 1 7 8/8/2001 Diet and Exercise Dramatically Delay Type 2 Diabetes, Diabetes Medication Metformin Also Effective
9-4 1 7 8/8/2001 Remarks by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson at Press Conference Announcing Results of Diabetes Prevention Program
9-4 1 7 8/9/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the President's Decision on Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research
9-4 1 7 8/10/2001 Secretary Thompson Names Morrissey as Commissioner of the Administration On Developmental Disabilities
9-4 1 7 8/10/2001 HHS Releases New Report From First National Survey of Assisted Living Facilities for the Elderly
9-4 1 7 8/14/2001 Preventing Violence Against Women
9-4 1 7 8/15/2001 HHS Announces Grants to Expand Health Care Access
9-4 1 7 8/16/2001 HHS Initiative Prepares for Possible Bioterrorism Threat
9-4 1 7 8/16/2001 HHS Approves Minnesota Plan to Simplify Enrollment for Medicaid-Eligible American Indians to Enroll
9-4 1 7 8/16/2001 HHS Proposes New Medicaid Managed Care Regulation to Ensure Patient Rights' Protections for Beneficiaries
9-4 1 7 8/17/2001 HHS Secretary Adds New Members to Advisory Committee on Organ Transplantation
9-4 1 7 8/17/2001 HHS Launches New Web Site Dedicated to Global Health Issues
9-4 1 7 8/17/2001 HHS Announces $24.8 Million in Grants to Expand Services at Existing Community Health Centers
9-4 1 7 8/20/2001 New Sentinel System Will Monitor U.S. Blood Supply
9-4 1 7 8/21/2001 Report Shows Families Better Off Under Welfare Reform
9-4 1 7 8/23/2001 HHS Launches Expanded Plan to Combat "Mad Cow Disease"
9-4 1 7 8/27/2001 HHS Approves Nine State Plans to Extend Medicaid Coverage to Women with Breast, Cervical Cancer
9-4 1 7 8/27/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Stem Cell Lines

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 1 8 9/4/2001 U.S. and Mexico to Share Vital Food Safety Information
9-4 1 8 9/5/2001 HHS to Hold National Forums with State Leaders, Recipients as Early Step Toward Welfare Reform Reauthorization
9-4 1 8 9/5/2001 HHS Reports Continued Decline in Welfare Reform Caseload
9-4 1 8 9/5/2001 HHS Approves New York Plan to Extend Medicaid Coverage to Include More Children without Health Insurance
9-4 1 8 9/6/2001 Brian Cresta, Appointed as HHS Secretary's Regional Representative
9-4 1 8 9/10/2001 HHS Issues Report on Community Health in Rural, Urban Areas
9-4 1 8 9/11/2001 HHS Launches Initial Medical Relief Response to New York, Pentagon Emergencies
9-4 1 8 9/11/2001 NIH Blood Bank to Accept Blood Donations for New York City, Pentagon Emergencies
9-4 1 8 9/11/2001 HHS Dispatches Initial Emergency Personnel and Supplies (Updates A.M. Press Release)
9-4 1 8 9/11/2001 Emergency Response: Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMAT's) and Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team (DMORT)
9-4 1 8 9/11/2001 HHS Sends Emergency Medical Supplies to New York City in First-Ever Use of National Pharmaceutical Stockpile
9-4 1 8 9/12/2001 HHS Emergency Response: Mid-Day Report
9-4 1 8 9/12/2001 Remarks by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson at Press Conference Announcing HHS Emergency Response
9-4 1 8 9/13/2001 HHS Initiates Immediate and Long-Term Steps to Address Emotional and Mental Health Consequences of Terrorist Air Attacks
9-4 1 8 9/13/2001 HHS Releases Immediate Grants for Child Care, Elderly and Mental Health Funds to Assist New York
9-4 1 8 9/13/2001 Emergency Phone Number for Medicare and Medicaid Beneficiaries, Child Health Plus Members Whose Normal Medical Needs Have Been Interrupted by the Tragedy
9-4 1 8 9/13/2001 HHS Emergency Response: Summary Report, Sept. 13
9-4 1 8 9/14/2001 HHS Gets Emergency Help to Pennsylvania
9-4 1 8 9/14/2001 HHS Sends 35 Members of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention EIS Team to NYC
9-4 1 8 9/15/2001 Victim Identification and Respectful Disposition of Remains

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 1 8 9/15/2001 Grief and Emotional Response Advice
9-4 1 8 9/16/2001 HHS Fact Sheets on Dust, Debris and Asbestos Available
9-4 1 8 9/16/2001 Dust and Debris
9-4 1 8 9/16/2001 Asbestos
9-4 1 8 9/17/2001 Josh Valdez Appointed to HHS Regional Representative Post
9-4 1 8 9/17/2001 HHS Provides Medical Teams, Other Relief to Assist Rescue, Recovery Workers At Attack Sites
9-4 1 8 9/17/2001 HHS Emergency Response: Summary Report, Sept. 17
9-4 1 8 9/18/2001 HHS Approves Florida Medicaid Drug Rebate Program
9-4 1 8 9/18/2001 HHS Enhances Web Page as Easier-to-Use Resource on Disaster Information
9-4 1 8 9/18/2001 HHS Emergency Response: Summary Report, Sept. 18
9-4 1 8 9/19/2001 National Disaster Medical System Delivers Veterinarians to Care for Search and Rescue Dogs in New York
9-4 1 8 9/19/2001 HHS Emergency Response: Summary Report, Sept. 19
9-4 1 8 9/20/2001 HHS Widens Emergency Response by Providing Special Messaging to Broadcasters and the Media
9-4 1 8 9/20/2001 HHS Emergency Response: Summary Report, Sept. 20
9-4 1 8 9/21/2001 HHS Awards $75 Million in Bonuses to States Achieving Largest Reductions in Out-Of-Wedlock Births

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 1 8 9/21/2001 HHS Announces $126 Million in Relief Funds for Disaster-Impacted Health and Social Services
9-4 1 8 9/21/2001 HHS Emergency Response: Summary Report, Sept. 21
9-4 1 8 9/24/2001 Deborah Konopko Named HHS Regional Representative for New York Region
9-4 1 8 9/25/2001 HHS' New York Regional Office Reopens Following Attacks
9-4 1 8 9/25/2001 HHS Awards Native Elders Caregiver Grants
9-4 1 8 9/27/2001 HHS Launches Project to Integrate Medicare Accounting Systems
9-4 1 8 9/28/2001 HHS Awards Funds to Promote Child Support Improvements
9-4 1 8 9/28/2001 HHS Helps People with Disabilities Live in the Community, Awards Major Grants
9-4 1 8 9/28/2001 HHS Launches Healthfinder© Español to Provide Spanish-Speaking Consumers with Easy Access to Reliable Health Information
9-4 1 8 9/28/2001 HHS Awards $27.4 Million to Address Emerging Nursing Shortage
9-4 1 8 9/28/2001 HHS Awards $27 Million for Youth Anti-Drug Programs in Eight States, Puerto Rico
9-4 1 8 9/28/2001 HHS Announces State Plan for $23.7 Million in Relief Funds for Disaster-Impacted Social Services
9-4 1 8 9/28/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Census Bureau's Latest Statistics on the Uninsured

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 1 9 10/1/2001 HHS Announces New Grants to Support Family Caregivers
9-4 1 9 10/1/2001 HHS Announces First Wave of Emergency Fund Grants for Disaster-Related Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
9-4 1 9 10/1/2001 HHS Awards Four New Model Community Health Centers to Improve Women's Health
9-4 1 9 10/1/2001 Richard Klausner Leaves National Cancer Institute; Secretary Thompson Names Alan Rabson Acting NCI Director
9-4 1 9 10/2/2001 HHS Announces Release of $1.3 Million in Relief Funds to Older Americans Impacted by September 11 Disaster
9-4 1 9 10/2/2001 HHS Grants Will Expand Study of Strategies to Increase Organ and Tissue Donation
9-4 1 9 10/3/2001 HHS Provides New Aid to Cities for Disaster Preparedness
9-4 1 9 10/3/2001 HHS Awards $10 Million for Child Traumatic Stress Initiative
9-4 1 9 10/3/2001 Secretary Thompson Testifies on Bioterrorism Preparedness
9-4 1 9 10/3/2001 Remarks by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson at Press Conference Launching Prescription Drug Discount Card
9-4 1 9 10/4/2001 New HHS Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management Is Named
9-4 1 9 10/4/2001 HHS Report Shows Drug Use Rates Stable, Youth Tobacco Use Declines
9-4 1 9 10/4/2001 Public Health Message Regarding Anthrax Case
9-4 1 9 10/5/2001 HHS Seeks Public Comment on Rules to Assist Compensation of Nuclear Workers for Job-Related Cancers
9-4 1 9 10/5/2001 HHS Approves Mississippi Plan to Speed Up SCHIP Enrollment

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 1 9 10/5/2001 HHS Awards $42.1 Million for Substance Abuse Treatment
9-4 1 9 10/7/2001 Update: Public Health Message Regarding Florida Anthrax Case
9-4 1 9 10/9/2001 HHS Makes $35M in Emergency Funds Available to Entities that Suffered Losses from September Attacks
9-4 1 9 10/9/2001 HHS Clears Backlog of Medicaid State Plan Amendments
9-4 1 9 10/10/2001 Life Expectancy Hits New High in 2000; Mortality Declines for Several Leading Causes of Death
9-4 1 9 10/10/2001 Questions and Answers About Anthrax Prevention and Treatment
9-4 1 9 10/10/2001 U.S. and U.K. Sign Agreements to Collaborate on Health Care Quality and Fighting Bioterrorism
9-4 1 9 10/11/2001 HHS Announces $50 Million Investment to Improve Patient Safety
9-4 1 9 10/15/2001 HHS to Fund UT-San Antonio Research on Access to Care, Workforce Issues Along U.S.-Mexico Border
9-4 1 9 10/15/2001 Gary L. Gurian Named HHS Regional Representative for Philadelphia Region
9-4 1 9 10/15/2001 HHS Awards First-Ever Grants to Promote Adoption Awareness
9-4 1 9 10/15/2001 Linda Penn Named HHS Regional Representative for Dallas Region
9-4 1 9 10/17/2001 Additional $1.5 Billion Proposed to Combat Bioterrorism
9-4 1 9 10/19/2001 HHS Announces Medicare Premium and Deductible Rates for 2002
9-4 1 9 10/19/2001 HHS Approves 13 New State Plans to Extend Medicaid Coverage to Women with Breast, Cervical Cancer
9-4 1 10 10/23/2001 Secretary Thompson Testifies on HHS Readiness and Role of Vaccine Research and Development
9-4 1 10 10/24/2001 HHS, Bayer Agree to Cipro Purchase
9-4 1 10 10/24/2001 Presidential Task Force on Children's Environmental Health and Safety Meets; HUD Announces $67 Million in Grants to Fight Childhood Lead Poisoning
9-4 1 10 10/29/2001 HHS Releases Additional $20 Million in Emergency Grants to States for Mental Health Services Following Attacks
9-4 1 10 10/30/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the Model Emergency Health Powers Act

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 1 10 11/1/2001 Secretary Thompson Names Henderson to Head Office of Public Health Preparedness
9-4 1 10 11/1/2001 HHS Awards $10 Million in Emergency Grants to New York, New Jersey Community Health Centers
9-4 1 10 11/5/2001 Carolyn L. Oakley Named HHS Regional Representative for Seattle Area
9-4 1 10 11/7/2001 HHS Releases Evaluation of Welfare to Work Strategies
9-4 1 10 11/7/2001 Secretary Thompson Joins Health Ministers in "Ottawa Plan"
9-4 1 10 11/14/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding World Diabetes Day
9-4 1 10 11/14/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding The Great American Smokeout
9-4 1 10 11/14/2001 HHS Sends Experts to New York City to Assist in Crash Aftermath
9-4 1 10 11/15/2001 HHS Approves Arizona KidsCare Changes to Speed Up Enrollment, Improve Benefits
9-4 1 10 11/16/2001 HHS on the Forefront of Autism Research
9-4 1 10 11/16/2001 HHS Announces Adoption Excellence Awards
9-4 1 10 11/16/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Remaining Smallpox Repositories
9-4 1 10 11/19/2001 "Closing the Health Gap": Reducing Health Disparities Affecting African-Americans
9-4 1 10 11/19/2001 HHS, ABC Radio Networks to Launch Education Campaign to Close African-American Health Gap
9-4 1 10 11/19/2001 HHS to Provide Nursing Home Quality Information to Increase Safety and Quality in Nursing Homes
9-4 1 10 11/19/2001 HHS Awards Nearly $35 Million in Emergency Grants to Health Care Providers
9-4 1 10 11/20/2001 HHS Proposes Changes to Further Limit Medicaid Loophole
9-4 1 10 11/21/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding FDA Approval of New Drug to Treat Sepsis
9-4 1 10 11/28/2001 HHS Awards $428 Million Contract to Produce Smallpox Vaccine
9-4 1 10 11/30/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding World AIDS Day
9-4 1 10 11/30/2001 Clancy Named Executive Director of National Bioethics Council
9-4 1 10 11/30/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Release of Harvard BSE Risk Assessment

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 1 11 12/6/2001 HHS Approves a New State Plan to Insure Women with Breast or Cervical Cancer
9-4 1 11 12/6/2001 HHS Accelerates Bioterrorism Research
9-4 1 11 12/6/2001 Andrew Von Eschenbach Named Director of the National Cancer Institute
9-4 1 11 12/12/2001 HHS Approves Arizona Plan to Expand Health Coverage
9-4 1 11 12/13/2001 Overweight and Obesity Threaten U.S. Health Gains
9-4 1 11 12/13/2001 HHS Applauds House on Passage of Food Safety Measures
9-4 1 11 12/18/2001 Statement by HHS Regarding Additional Options for Preventive Treatment for Those Exposed to Inhalational Anthrax
9-4 1 11 12/19/2001 Maryland State Senator Christopher McCabe to Head HHS Office of Intergovernmental Affairs
9-4 1 11 12/20/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Fiscal Year 2002 Labor, HHS, and Education Appropriations
9-4 1 11 12/21/2001 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding National Homeless Persons' Memorial Day
9-4 1 11 12/21/2001 HHS Approves Florida Plan of Comprehensive Services for Elderly
9-4 1 11 12/26/2001 HHS Appoints 27 to Advisory Committee on Regulatory Reform
9-4 1 11 12/28/2001 Thompson Approves Demos to Expand Safety-Net Patients' Access to Prescription Drugs and Pharmacy Services, Lower Drug Prices
9-4 1 11 12/31/2001 HHS in 2001: A Year of Achievements

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 2 1 1/8/2002 Joe Nuñez Joins HHS as Regional Representative for Denver Region
9-4 2 1 1/9/2002 HHS Approves Delaware Plan to Insure Women with Breast or Cervical Cancer
9-4 2 1 1/11/2002 Windy M. Hill Named Head Start Associate Commissioner
9-4 2 1 1/15/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Surgeon General David Satcher
9-4 2 1 1/17/2002 Corey Hoze Named HHS Regional Representative for Chicago Region
9-4 2 1 1/17/2002 HHS Takes Steps to Further Limit Medicaid Loophole
9-4 2 1 1/17/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the Promoting Safe and Stable Families Amendments of 2001
9-4 2 1 1/18/2002 President's Budget to Include Education Aid for Foster Children
9-4 2 1 1/22/2002 President's Budget to Strengthen National Health Service Corps, Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program
9-4 2 1 1/24/2002 HHS Report Finds Health Improves for Most Racial, Ethnic Groups But Disparities Remain in Some Areas
9-4 2 1 1/24/2002 HHS Approves Plan to Expand Coverage to 300,000 Uninsured Californians Under new Waiver Initiative
9-4 2 1 1/25/2002 Bioterror Funding Provides Blueprint to Build a Strong New Public Health Infrastructure
9-4 2 1 1/25/2002 Federal Funds for Public Health Infrastructure Begins to Flow to States
9-4 2 1 1/25/2002 HHS To Propose Increased Funding for Cancer Screening
9-4 2 1 1/26/2002 President Fulfills Commitment to Doubling NIH Funding
9-4 2 1 1/28/2002 President's Budget Will Include Additional $200 Million Commitment to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
9-4 2 1 1/28/2002 HHS Approves Illinois Plan to Expand Medicaid Prescription Drug Coverage to Low-Income Seniors
9-4 2 1 1/28/2002 Constantinos Miskis Named HHS Regional Representative for Atlanta Region
9-4 2 1 1/30/2002 President's Budget Expands Access to Health Care
9-4 2 1 1/31/2002 HHS to Allow States to Provide SCHIP Coverage for Prenatal Care
9-4 2 1 1/31/2002 President's Budget Increases Abstinence Program Funding
9-4 2 1 1/31/2002 HHS Announces $1.1 Billion in Funding to States for Bioterrorism Preparedness
9-4 2 1 1/31/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the Approval of License Supplements for Anthrax Vaccine

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 2 2 2/1/2002 HHS to Propose New Funding and Focus on Patient Safety
9-4 2 2 2/1/2002 HHS to Propose Increased Funding to Narrow Drug Treatment Gap
9-4 2 2 2/1/2002 HHS to Propose New Initiative to Build Healthy Communities
9-4 2 2 2/4/2002 Health Insurance Coverage Improves for American Children
9-4 2 2 2/4/2002 HHS Budget for HIV/AIDS Increase 8 Percent
9-4 2 2 2/4/2002 Remarks by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson, Presentation of the President's Fiscal Year 2003 Budget for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
9-4 2 2 2/5/2002 HHS Creates Council to Review, Respond to Private Sector Innovation
9-4 2 2 2/5/2002 President's 2003 Budget Increases Funding for Women's Health
9-4 2 2 2/5/2002 HHS Bioterrorism Preparedness Funding Proposal Includes $518 Million for Hospitals, Up 284 Percent
9-4 2 2 2/5/2002 HHS Announces New Funding for Academic Centers for Public Health Preparedness
9-4 2 2 2/6/2002 SCHIP Covers 4.6 Million Children in 2001
9-4 2 2 2/6/2002 Diet and Exercise Delay Diabetes and Normalize Blood Glucose

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 2 2 2/7/2002 HHS Awards $128 Million in Grants to Help Family Caregivers
9-4 2 2 2/7/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
9-4 2 2 2/7/2002 HHS Approves Nevada Plan to Provide Health Coverage to Children Whose Parents Lose Their Jobs
9-4 2 2 2/9/2002 HHS Approves Utah Medicaid Waiver to Extend Health Services
9-4 2 2 2/12/2002 Women Are Having More Children, New Report Shows
9-4 2 2 2/13/2002 HHS Center for Faith-Based & Community Initiatives Expands Online Resources
9-4 2 2 2/14/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding National Donor Day: February 14, 2002
9-4 2 2 2/12/2002 States Continue to Meet Welfare Reform's Work Participation Rules
9-4 2 2 2/15/2002 HHS Approves Pennsylvania Plan to Insure Women with Breast or Cervical Cancer
9-4 2 2 2/15/2002 HHS Approves Kansas Plan to Protect Health Coverage for Working Disabled
9-4 2 2 2/18/2002 HHS Sends DMORT Specialists to Georgia
9-4 2 2 2/19/2002 HHS, American Diabetes Association Renew Campaign to Help People with Diabetes Know Their Cardiovascular Risks
9-4 2 2 2/21/2002 HHS Affirms Value of Mammography for Detecting Breast Cancer
9-4 2 2 2/21/2002 Improper Medicare Payments Rate Declines Again in 2001
9-4 2 2 2/21/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the Resignation of CDC Director Jeffrey P. Koplan, M.D., M.P.H.
9-4 2 2 2/22/2002 Bush Administration Promotes Careers in Nursing
9-4 2 2 2/25/2002 Lester M. Crawford, Jr. Named FDA Deputy Commissioner
9-4 2 2 2/26/2002 HHS Programs and Initiatives to Combat Homelessness
9-4 2 2 2/26/2002 HHS Consumer Health Information on the Internet
9-4 2 2 2/28/2002 HHS To Award Record $89.4 Million In Scholarships, Loan Repayments to Doctors, Clinicians, Students Who Take Up Jobs in Rural, Underserved Areas

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 2 3 3/1/2002 Secretary Thompson Hails 30th Anniversary of the Older Americans Act Nutrition Program
9-4 2 3 3/1/2002 HHS Names New Members to Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS
9-4 2 3 3/1/2002 Former South Carolina Governor to Head Rural Health Committee
9-4 2 3 3/4/2002 HHS Awards $597 Million to Help People with HIV/AIDS in Major Urban Areas
9-4 2 3 3/5/2002 President's TANF Proposal Good for Families
9-4 2 3 3/5/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Nursing Week, May 6-12
9-4 2 3 3/6/2002 Elizabeth M. Duke Named Administrator of HRSA
9-4 2 3 3/6/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding TANF Reauthorization Work Requirements
9-4 2 3 3/8/2002 HHS Approves D.C. Request to Extend Medicaid Coverage
9-4 2 3 3/10/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding John M. Eisenberg, M.D.
9-4 2 3 3/11/2002 Secretary Thompson Thanks "9/11" Rescue Workers
9-4 2 3 3/13/2002 HHS Urges Colorectal Cancer Screening to Save Lives
9-4 2 3 3/13/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Reauthorization of Prescription Drug User Fee Act
9-4 2 3 3/20/2002 HHS Awards Grants Totaling $28.9 Million to Improve Health Care in Rural America
9-4 2 3 3/20/2002 Statement by HHS Deputy Secretary Claude A. Allen Regarding Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report on Health Care Disparities
9-4 2 3 3/21/2002 Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information -- Proposed Rule Modification

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 2 3 3/21/2002 HHS Proposes Changes That Protect Privacy, Access to Care
9-4 2 3 3/22/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding World TB Day March 24, 2002
9-4 2 3 3/22/2002 Secretary Thompson Names Carolyn Clancy, M.D., As Acting Director of AHRQ
9-4 2 3 3/25/2002 Administration Announces Steps to Promote Community Living for People with Disabilities
9-4 2 3 3/26/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on the President's Intention to Nominate Richard H. Carmona, M.D., M.P.H., FACS, to be the Surgeon General
9-4 2 3 3/26/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on the President's Intention to Nominate Elias A. Zerhouni, M.D., to be Director of the National Institutes of Health
9-4 2 3 3/26/2002 Medicare Trustees Call for Program Changes to Address Long-Term Deficit
9-4 2 3 3/27/2002 HHS, ADA Warn Americans of "Pre-Diabetes," Encourage People to Take Healthy Steps to Reduce Risks
9-4 2 3 3/28/2002 HHS to Allow Feeding Assistants for Nursing Home Residents
9-4 2 3 3/28/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., Receiving Albany Medical Center Award
9-4 2 3 3/28/2002 NIAID Study Results Support Diluting Smallpox Vaccine Stockpile to Stretch Supply
9-4 2 3 3/29/2002 HHS May Acquire More Than 75 Million Doses of Smallpox Vaccine
9-4 2 3 3/29/2002 Secretary Thompson Names CDC Management Team
9-4 2 3 3/29/2002 Secretary Thompson to Make First Official Visit to Africa to Strengthen International Partnerships in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 2 4 4/1/2002 HHS Makes $140 Million in Emergency Funds Available to Health Care Organizations That Suffered Losses from Sept. 11 Attacks
9-4 2 4 4/1/2002 HHS Approves Demonstration Projects in Minnesota, Georgia to Expand Safety-Net Patients' Access to Prescription Drugs
9-4 2 4 4/3/2002 HHS Assistant Secretary for Aging Josefina Carbonell to Lead U.S. Delegation to Second World Assembly on Aging in Madrid, Spain
9-4 2 4 4/3/2002 Secretary Thompson Signs Agreement with Mozambique
9-4 2 4 4/4/2002 Secretary Thompson Commits CDC Money to Fight AIDS in South Africa
9-4 2 4 4/7/2002 HHS Report Shows 7 in 10 Adults Are Not Active Regularly
9-4 2 4 4/9/2002 HHS Secretary Unveils Organ Donation Documentary
9-4 2 4 4/10/2002 HHS Awards $923 Million to Ensure Medical Care, Support Services and Prescription Drugs for People with HIV/AIDS
9-4 2 4 4/11/2002 HHS Child Care Programs
9-4 2 4 4/12/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding National Infant Immunization Week April 14-20, 2002
9-4 2 4 4/16/2002 Head Start: Promoting Early Childhood Development
9-4 2 4 4/17/2002 HHS Approves Wisconsin Plan to Insure Women with Breast or Cervical Cancer
9-4 2 4 4/18/2002 Foodborne Illnesses Post Dramatic Six-Year Decline
9-4 2 4 4/18/2002 HHS, ABC Radio Networks Launch Campaign to Encourage Doctor Visits
9-4 2 4 4/19/2002 HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Signs Department Labor-Management Cooperation Agreement

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 2 4 4/19/2002 Secretary Thompson Travels to Guyana to Sign Pan-Caribbean Partnership Agreement to Fight HIV/AIDS
9-4 2 4 4/19/2002 HHS Launches New Pediatric Drug Safety Initiative
9-4 2 4 4/22/2002 "Gift of Life" Donation Initiative
9-4 2 4 4/22/2002 HHS Announces 7 Percent Increase in Organ Donors in 2001
9-4 2 4 4/23/2002 Interim Report Says Abstinence Programs Are "Changing the Local Landscape" in Teen Pregnancy Prevention Efforts
9-4 2 4 4/23/2002 HHS to Extend $1 Billion in Medicare Payments to Nursing Homes
9-4 2 4 4/24/2002 HHS Releases Quality Data About Individual Nursing Homes
9-4 2 4 4/24/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Committee Action on Abstinence Program Provisions
9-4 2 4 4/25/2002 Public/Private Partnership Expands to Boost Promotion of Healthy Eating to Reduce the Risk of Disease
9-4 2 4 4/25/2002 HHS Awards New Native American Grants for Tribal Leaders and Caregivers
9-4 2 4 4/25/2002 HHS to Recruit 40 New Public Health Service Officers to Serve Needy Communities
9-4 2 4 4/25/2002 Secretary Calls on Health Care Professionals to Give Time
9-4 2 4 4/26/2002 Promoting Responsible Fatherhood
9-4 2 4 4/29/2002 HHS Approves Pennsylvania's Request to Expand Medicaid to Working Individuals with a Disability
9-4 2 4 4/30/2002 HHS Issues Final Rules to Assist Compensation of Nuclear Workers for Job-Related Cancers

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 2 5 5/1/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Older Americans Month
9-4 2 5 5/1/2002 FDA Proposes First Requirement for Electronic Submissions
9-4 2 5 5/1/2002 HHS Urges Community Partnerships to Improve Physical Activity
9-4 2 5 5/2/2002 HHS Launches Campaign to "Take Time to Care About Diabetes"
9-4 2 5 5/2/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding U.S. Senate Committee Approving Elias A. Zerhouni to Be Director of the National Institutes of Health
9-4 2 5 5/3/2002 Secretary Thompson Urges Students to "Save Their Skin"
9-4 2 5 5/3/2002 Thompson Names Director of Preparedness Office
9-4 2 5 5/6/2002 HHS Secretary Urges Families to Walk Together on Mother's Day
9-4 2 5 5/6/2002 Fred Schuster Named HHS Regional Representative for Kansas City Region
9-4 2 5 5/7/2002 Reducing Payment Errors and Stopping Fraud in Medicare
9-4 2 5 5/7/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding World Asthma Day May 7, 2002
9-4 2 5 5/8/2002 HHS Awards $10.5 Million for Training, Research to Address Health Concerns Related to World Trade Center Attacks
9-4 2 5 5/9/2002 HHS Approves Ohio Plan to Insure Women with Breast or Cervical Cancer
9-4 2 5 5/9/2002 New Freedom Initiative Progress Report Released

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 2 5 5/10/2002 HHS Issues Guidelines for Safeguarding Building Ventilation Systems from Terrorist Attacks
9-4 2 5 5/10/2002 Secretary Thompson Announces New Appointments at HHS
9-4 2 5 5/14/2002 Secretary Thompson Signs Agreement with Canada on Indigenous Health During 55th World Health Assembly
9-4 2 5 5/15/2002 Secretary Thompson Announces U.S. Appointment to World Health Organization Executive Board
9-4 2 5 5/16/2002 HHS Ensures Opportunity for Tribes to Assume Indian Health Service Programs
9-4 2 5 5/16/2002 HHS Awards $16.1 Million to 28 Health Centers to Improve Access to Health Care Services
9-4 2 5 5/16/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding House Passage of TANF Reauthorization Bill
9-4 2 5 5/21/2002 HHS Launches Effort to Support Ombudsmen's Efforts to Use Nursing Home Quality Data to Assist Families
9-4 2 5 5/21/2002 No Increase in National Welfare Caseload, HHS Reports
9-4 2 5 5/30/2002 HHS Remembers World Trade Center Victims, Recovery Workers
9-4 2 5 5/31/2002 HHS Issues New Statistical Look at Women's Health
9-4 2 5 5/31/2002 HHS Approves TennCare II Medicaid Waiver

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 2 6 6/3/2002 Study Shows Positive Results from Early Head Start Program
9-4 2 6 6/3/2002 HHS Study Shows Poverty, Welfare Dependence Drop
9-4 2 6 6/4/2002 HHS Awards $30 Million to Address Emerging Nurse Shortage
9-4 2 6 6/5/2002 The Compassion Capital Fund and the Faith- and Community- Based Initiative
9-4 2 6 6/5/2002 HHS Announces Availability of Funds to Assist Faith-Based and Community Organizations
9-4 2 6 6/5/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the Tri-Partisan House-Senate Patient Safety Bills
9-4 2 6 6/6/2002 HHS Report Shows Teen Birth Rate Falls to New Record Low in 2001
9-4 2 6 6/6/2002 17 Critical Benchmarks for Bioterrorism Preparedness Planning
9-4 2 6 6/6/2002 Bioterrorism Preparedness Grants
9-4 2 6 6/6/2002 HHS Approves State Bioterrorism Plans So Building Can Begin
9-4 2 6 6/6/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding President Bush's Proposed Department of Homeland Security
9-4 2 6 6/10/2002 HHS Moves to Free Home Health Nurses to Focus on Patient Care
9-4 2 6 6/13/2002 Melissa Rose Chapman Named HHS Chief Information Officer
9-4 2 6 6/13/2002 HHS Issues New Medicaid Managed Care Regulation to Guarantee Strong Patient Protections
9-4 2 6 6/13/2002 HHS Career Executives Named to Leadership Positions
9-4 2 6 6/14/2002 HHS Announces Plans to Study Ephedra; Steps Up Enforcement of Illegal Ephedrine Marketing
9-4 2 6 6/15/2002 HHS Approves Wisconsin Plan to Extend Family Planning Services
9-4 2 6 6/15/2002 HHS Announces "Urban Partnerships" Initiative to Help More Families Achieve Economic Independence
9-4 2 6 6/18/2002 PDUFA Reauthorization Good for American Patients
9-4 2 6 6/19/2002 $11.4 Million Awarded for National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative
9-4 2 6 6/19/2002 HHS Urges Congress to Act This Year on Medicare Plan

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 2 6 6/20/2002 HHS Report Highlights Benefits of Physical Activity for Disease Prevention
9-4 2 6 6/20/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding New Members of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
9-4 2 6 6/20/2002 HHS Approves Washington State's Request to Extend Medicaid to Working Individuals with a Disability
9-4 2 6 6/21/2002 HHS Approves Wyoming's Request to Extend Medicaid to Working Individuals with a Disability
9-4 2 6 6/21/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Director of Indian Health Service and Assistant Surgeon General Michael H. Trujillo, M.D., M.P.H., M.S.
9-4 2 6 6/21/2002 HHS Report Promotes Benefits of Physical Activity for Older Americans
9-4 2 6 6/21/2002 Secretary Thompson Announces New Director of CDC's National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
9-4 2 6 6/24/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding D.A. Henderson's Awarding of the Presidential Medal of Freedom
9-4 2 6 6/24/2002 Secretary Doing Well After Undergoing Knee Surgery
9-4 2 6 6/26/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Senate Committee Welfare Reform Action
9-4 2 6 6/27/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding National HIV Testing Day
9-4 2 6 6/27/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on the U.S. Supreme Court Decision Regarding Vouchers
9-4 2 6 6/27/2002 HHS Report Shows Teens Making More Responsible Decisions
9-4 2 6 6/28/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding House Approval of Medicare Prescription Drug Legislation
9-4 2 6 6/28/2002 HHS Promotes Health Through Physical Activity
9-4 2 6 6/28/2002 Thompson Names Hauer to New Assistant Secretary Post
9-4 2 6 6/28/2002 Secretary Thompson Announces Expanded Coordination of HIV/AIDS Programs in China

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 2 7 7/1/2002 HHS Approves Expanding Pharmacy Benefits to Wisconsin Elderly
9-4 2 7 7/2/2002 HHS Awards $200 Million in Bonus Payments to States for Leadership in "Welfare to Work"
9-4 2 7 7/2/2002 HHS Awards Grants Nationwide to Support Abstinence Education, Services to Teens
9-4 2 7 7/2/2002 HHS Approves Minnesota Plan to Insure Women with Breast or Cervical Cancer
9-4 2 7 7/2/2002 William Stamper Named HHS Deputy Assistant Secretary for Facilities
9-4 2 7 7/3/2002 HHS Awards $4.5 Million for Senior Medicare Patrol Projects
9-4 2 7 7/3/2002 Julie L. Gerberding, M.D., M.P.H., Named CDC Director and ATSOR Administrator
9-4 2 7 7/3/2002 Secretary Thompson Leads U.S. Delegation to the XIV International AIDS Conference
9-4 2 7 7/10/2002 HHS Provides New Aid to Cities for Disaster Preparedness
9-4 2 7 7/10/2002 HHS Awards $55.8 Million to 131 Health Centers to Expand Medical Capacity at Existing Sites
9-4 2 7 7/11/2002 HHS Issues Report on Medical Innovation and Seniors
9-4 2 7 7/12/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the America's Children Report 2002
9-4 2 7 7/15/2002 HHS Report Shows More American Children with Health Coverage
9-4 2 7 7/15/2002 HHS Launches Emerging Leaders Program to Attract Talented Young People to Public Service
9-4 2 7 7/15/2002 HHS Awards $10 Million to Expand Alzheimer's Disease Demonstrations
9-4 2 7 7/17/2002 VERB: It's What You Do
9-4 2 7 7/17/2002 "VERB: It's What You Do" Media Campaign to Increase Positive Physical and Social Behavior Among the Nation's Youth
9-4 2 7 7/17/2002 HHS Launches New Campaign to Encourage Physical Activity and Healthy Behaviors for Kids
9-4 2 7 7/18/2002 HHS Awards Nearly $19 Million to 149 Health Centers to Expand and Improve Services
9-4 2 7 7/19/2002 HHS to Offer Grants to Assist Local Communities in Developing Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps
9-4 2 7 7/19/2002 Secretary Thompson Names Evertz Assistant on HIV/AIDS

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 2 7 7/23/2002 HHS Launches New Bilingual Effort to Expand Health Insurance Coverage for Hispanic Children
9-4 2 7 7/23/2002 HHS, National Adoption Center Launch Internet Adoption Service
9-4 2 7 7/24/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on Passage of the Nurse Reinvestment Act
9-4 2 7 7/24/2002 HHS Calls for National Malpractice Legislation to Protect Access To and Quality Of Health Care
9-4 2 7 7/25/2002 Department of Health and Human Services and Indian Health Service Dedicate Newest Hospital for Navajo Nation
9-4 2 7 7/26/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on the Anniversary of the "Americans with Disabilities Act"
9-4 2 7 7/26/2002 HHS Takes New Steps to Promote Quality Health Care and Social Services in Rural America
9-4 2 7 7/26/2002 HHS, NCSL Release Report on State Long-Term Care Policy
9-4 2 7 7/26/2002 HHS Approves Colorado Plan to Insure Women with Breast or Cervical Cancer
9-4 2 7 7/26/2002 Medicare Acts to Protect Coverage for Homebound Beneficiaries
9-4 2 7 7/26/2002 Richard M. Campanelli Named Director of HHS Office for Civil Rights
9-4 2 7 7/30/2002 HHS Approves Expanding Pharmacy Benefits to South Carolina Seniors
9-4 2 7 7/30/2002 HHS Approves Expanding Pharmacy Benefits to Maryland Seniors
9-4 2 7 7/31/2002 HHS Role in Child Support Enforcement
9-4 2 7 7/31/2002 HHS Approves Expanding Pharmacy Benefits to Florida Elderly
9-4 2 7 7/31/2002 HHS Announces Initiative to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Adult Immunization
9-4 2 7 7/31/2002 Chronic Child Support Defaulters Arrested in Nationwide Sweep
9-4 2 7 7/31/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the Failure of the Senate to Pass Medicare Prescription Drug Legislation
9-4 2 7 7/31/2002 Secretary Thompson Announces Creation of the HHS Office on Disability
9-4 2 7 7/31/2002 FDA Expert Named as First "Americas Fellow"

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 2 8 8/1/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding National Minority Donor Awareness Day August 1, 2002
9-4 2 8 8/1/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Approval of Special Payments to Treat Sepsis
9-4 2 8 8/2/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the President's Appointment of Charles Grim as Interim Director of the Indian Health Service
9-4 2 8 8/5/2002 HHS Awards $11.4 Million Contract to Assess Health Status of Workers, Volunteers at World Trade Center Disaster Site
9-4 2 8 8/5/2002 HHS Awards $2.5 Million Contract to Improve Washington Hospital Center's Emergency Response Capability
9-4 2 8 8/7/2002 HHS Awards $420,000 to Oglala College to Preserve Lakota Language, Strengthen Lakota Families
9-4 2 8 8/8/2002 HHS Approves Plan to Rescue Inner-City Hospital as Outpatient Clinic
9-4 2 8 8/8/2002 HHS Announces $928,000 Grant to Improve Health Care Access in Dane County
9-4 2 8 8/8/2002 HHS Releases $100 Million in Emergency Energy Assistance to States Hit Hardest by Summer Heat
9-4 2 8 8/8/2002 HHS Provides Additional Funds Through CDC to Help States Combat West Nile Virus
9-4 2 8 8/9/2002 Modifications to the Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information -- Final Rule
9-4 2 8 8/9/2002 HHS Issues First Major Protections for Patient Privacy
9-4 2 8 8/12/2002 HHS Urges States to Continue to Expand Home and Community Based Care for Disabled Residents
9-4 2 8 8/14/2002 HHS Approves Nevada Plan to Insure Women with Breast or Cervical Cancer
9-4 2 8 8/20/2002 HHS Awards $25.6 Million to Train, Educate Providers Caring for People with HIV/AIDS
9-4 2 8 8/21/2002 HHS Awards $30 Million to 70 Health Centers to Improve Access to Health Care Services
9-4 2 8 8/21/2002 HHS Providing Additional $4 Million to Help States Fight West Nile Virus
9-4 2 8 8/23/2002 HHS Approves New Mexico Request to Expand Health Insurance Coverage to 40,000 People
9-4 2 8 8/27/2002 HHS Expands Health Plan Options in Medicare+ Choice
9-4 2 8 8/28/2002 HHS Awards Additional $6 Million to Help States and Cities Fight West Nile Virus
9-4 2 8 8/30/2002 HHS Awards Nearly $10 Million to Plan, Expand Community-Based HIV/AIDS Care

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 2 9 9/5/2002 Annual Household Survey Finds Millions of Americans in Denial About Drug Abuse
9-4 2 9 9/12/2002 HHS Issues Report Showing Dramatic Improvements in Americans' Health Over Past 50 Years
9-4 2 9 9/12/2002 HHS Approves Illinois Plan to Expand Health Insurance Coverage to Reach as Many as 300,000 Uninsured Residents
9-4 2 9 9/13/2002 HHS Awards Additional $6.3 Million to Help States and Cities Fight West Nile Virus
9-4 2 9 9/13/2002 HHS Approves Maine Plan to Expand Health Insurance Coverage to 11,500 Residents
9-4 2 9 9/17/2002 HHS Awards $2.4 Million for Mental Health Services for Public Safety Workers Affected by 9/11 Attacks
9-4 2 9 9/17/2002 HHS Awards $140 Million to Health Care Organizations That Suffered Losses from September 11 Attacks
9-4 2 9 9/18/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Passage by the Ways and Means Committee of the Patient Safety Bill
9-4 2 9 9/24/2002 HHS Awards $17.5 Million in Bonuses to States for Increasing the Number of Adoptions of Foster Children
9-4 2 9 9/24/2002 Protecting the Health of Minority Communities
9-4 2 9 9/24/2002 Secretary Thompson Mobilizes Communities Across America to Help Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health
9-4 2 9 9/25/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding President Bush's Nomination of Dr. Mark McClellan as FDA Commissioner
9-4 2 9 9/25/2002 U.S. Elected to P.A.H.O. Executive Committee
9-4 2 9 9/26/2002 HHS Announces $7 Million for Innovative Projects to Support Family Caregivers
9-4 2 9 9/26/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Passage of the Energy and Commerce Committee "Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act"
9-4 2 9 9/26/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding House Passage of the Medical Malpractice Reform Bill
9-4 2 9 9/27/2002 HHS Awards $5.2 Million for Research to Increase Organ Donation Rates
9-4 2 9 9/27/2002 States May Provide SCHIP Coverage for Prenatal Care
9-4 2 9 9/27/2002 HHS Approves Colorado Request to Expand Coverage to Uninsured Pregnant Women
9-4 2 9 9/30/2002 Secretary Thompson Urges Congress to Pass President's Plan to Assist Uninsured
9-4 2 9 9/30/2002 HHS Secretary Thompson Forges Partnership with America's Nurses to Enhance Public Health Preparedness
9-4 2 9 9/30/2002 HHS Awards More Than $8.4 Million in Grants to Address Nation's Nursing Shortage

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 2 10 10/1/2002 HHS Makes It Easier for At-Risk Americans to Receive Flu and Pneumonia Vaccinations
9-4 2 10 10/1/2002 HHS Awards $14 Million to Improve Care for Homeless Individuals
9-4 2 10 10/1/2002 HHS Approves New York Plan to Insure Women with Breast or Cervical Cancer
9-4 2 10 10/2/2002 HHS Approves Expanded "Independent Choices" in Arkansas
9-4 2 10 10/2/2002 HHS Awards $11.4 Million for Community Research into Effective Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
9-4 2 10 10/2/2002 HHS Sends Medical Teams to Assist in Hurricane Lili Response
9-4 2 10 10/2/2002 HHS Announces Contracts for Developing a New Anthrax Vaccine
9-4 2 10 10/3/2002 HHS Awards $30 Million to Help Level Playing Field for Faith-Based and Community Institutions
9-4 2 10 10/3/2002 HHS Awards $2.5 Million to Promote Innovative State Approaches to Expand and Improve Health Care and Social Services
9-4 2 10 10/4/2002 HHS Continues Health Care Safety Net Expansion
9-4 2 10 10/4/2002 HHS Awards $100 Million in Bonuses to States for Reductions in Out-of-Wedlock Births
9-4 2 10 10/4/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding "Step With It" Program to Encourage Physical Activity for Kids
9-4 2 10 10/7/2002 HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson Takes Message of Physical Activity Overseas
9-4 2 10 10/7/2002 HHS Names New Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population Affairs
9-4 2 10 10/8/2002 HHS Establishes First Phase of Medical Training Program to Provide Health Care Assistance in Afghanistan

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 2 10 10/8/2002 HHS Secretary Thompson Travels to Afghanistan to Formalize Health Partnership, Assess Needs
9-4 2 10 10/8/2002 Obesity Still on the Rise, New Data Show
9-4 2 10 10/8/2002 HHS to Provide $250,000 for Mental Health Services to Maryland to Help Deal with Sniper Attacks
9-4 2 10 10/9/2002 HHS Awards Five New Model Community Health Centers to Improve Women's Health
9-4 2 10 10/10/2002 HHS Announces New Partnership to Improve the Nation's Visual Health
9-4 2 10 10/11/2002 HHS Approves Minnesota Plan to Extend Services to 18,000 Children
9-4 2 10 10/11/2002 HHS Secretary Thompson Names Regina B. Schofield as Director of Intergovernmental Affairs
9-4 2 10 10/11/2002 HHS to Provide $250,000 for Mental Health Services to Both Virginia and District of Columbia Following Sniper Attacks
9-4 2 10 10/15/2002 HHS Approves Texas Plan to Insure Women with Breast or Cervical Cancer
9-4 2 10 10/15/2002 CMS Named to Enforce HIPAA Transaction and Code Set Standards
9-4 2 10 10/15/2002 HHS Approves Oregon Request to Expand Health Insurance Coverage to 60,000 People
9-4 2 10 10/15/2002 HHS, USDA Take Next Step in Obesity Fight, Secretaries Thompson and Veneman Meet with Leaders from Food Industry
9-4 2 10 10/17/2002 Success Story Continues for Welfare Work Participation Rates
9-4 2 10 10/18/2002 HHS Announces Medicare Premium and Deductible Rates for 2003
9-4 2 10 10/18/2002 HHS Welcomes Passage of Device User Fee Legislation

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 2 10 10/18/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Passage of the Health Care Safety Net Amendments
9-4 2 10 10/21/2002 Family Focus is Hallmark of New South African Grant
9-4 2 10 10/21/2002 HHS Moves to Speed the Availability of Generic Drugs; New Regulation Would Help Reduce Drug Costs for Consumers
9-4 2 10 10/21/2002 HHS Announces Minnesota Disaster Medical Assistance Team to Join the National Disaster Medical System
9-4 2 10 10/22/2002 HHS Secretary Thompson Announces $1.7 Million to Address Health Care Needs in Montana
9-4 2 10 10/22/2002 Medicare Launches Annual National Beneficiary Education Campaign to Provide Answers to Questions About Medicare
9-4 2 10 10/23/2002 HHS Awards $4 Million to Improve Opportunities for Adoption
9-4 2 10 10/24/2002 HHS Approves Arkansas Plans to Help Disabled Adults at Home
9-4 2 10 10/25/2002 Census Bureau Report Shows Welfare Reform Helping Families
9-4 2 10 10/25/2002 HHS Awards University of Wisconsin $55.8 Million to Fight Asthma in Inner-City Children
9-4 2 10 10/25/2002 HHS Awards $8.8 Million to Prevent Club Drug and Inhalant Abuse
9-4 2 10 10/25/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on the Death of Senator Paul Wellstone
9-4 2 10 10/29/2002 HHS Approves New Mexico Plan to Insure Women with Breast or Cervical Cancer
9-4 2 10 10/30/2002 HHS Awards $26.7 Million to Improve Health Care in Rural America
9-4 2 10 10/30/2002 HHS Taking Steps to Address Goals for Quality Improvement
9/3 2 10 10/31/2002 HHS Approves Texas Plan to Allow Elderly, Disabled to Direct Their Own Services

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 2 11 11/1/2002 Welfare Caseloads Continue Downward Trend
9-4 2 11 11/1/2002 HHS Awards $85 Million to Eliminate Health Disparities
9-4 2 11 11/1/2002 HHS Announces Creation of Medical Reserve Corps Units
9-4 2 11 11/4/2002 HHS Commissions Studies on Chronic Wasting Disease
9-4 2 11 11/7/2002 HHS Expands Information for American Indians and Alaska Natives on Consumer-Oriented Healthfinder© Web Site
9-4 2 11 11/12/2002 HHS Launches National Nursing Home Quality Initiative
9-4 2 11 11/13/2002 HHS Approves Kentucky Plan to Insure Women with Breast or Cervical Cancer
9-4 2 11 11/14/2002 HHS Creates Unified HIV/AIDS and STD Advisory Committee to Strengthen Prevention and Treatment Efforts
9-4 2 11 11/14/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding World Diabetes Day
9-4 2 11 11/18/2002 HHS Issues Cancer Incidence Data by State for First Time
9-4 2 11 11/20/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on the Passage of the Homeland Security Bill
9-4 2 11 11/20/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Institute of Medicine Report: "Fostering Rapid Advances in Health Care"
9-4 2 11 11/20/2002 HHS Launches First National Diabetes Prevention Campaign
9-4 2 11 11/21/2002 HHS Moves to Focus Regulations on Improving Patient Care
9-4 2 11 11/21/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on the Awarding of the Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award
9-4 2 11 11/22/2002 HHS Announces Adoption Excellence Awards to 18 Individuals and Groups Working to Promote Adoption
9-4 2 11 11/25/2002 HHS Moves Forward to Establish New System for Collecting Patient Safety Data
9-4 2 11 11/25/2002 HHS Selects 10 Communities for Urban Partnership Initiative
9-4 2 11 11/26/2002 HHS Secretary Thompson Announces New Blood donation Initiative
9-4 2 11 11/26/2002 HHS to Help States Create High-Risk Pools to Increase Access to Health Coverage
9-4 2 11 11/27/2002 HHS Approves Nevada Plan to Help More Disabled Adults Live at Home

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 2 12 12/2/2002 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding AIDS Day 2002
9-4 2 12 12/2/2002 HHS Approves Pennsylvania's Plan to Help More Disabled Adults Live at Home
9-4 2 12 12/9/2002 HHS Continues to Strengthen Health Care Safety Net by Awarding $13 Million to Create and Expand Health Centers
9-4 2 12 12/10/2002 HHS Announces $100 Million in Grants to Prevent and Treat Diabetes Among American Indians and Alaska Natives
9-4 2 12 12/10/2002 HHS, USDA Establish New Regulations for Use of Select Biological Agents
9-4 2 12 12/10/2002 HHS Establishes Health Agreement with Ethiopia to Strengthen Fight Against Infectious Diseases
9-4 2 12 12/11/2002 Typhoon Pongsona Response on Guam
9-4 2 12 12/12/2002 Secretary Thompson Welcomes New Effort to Provide Hospital Quality of Care Information
9-4 2 12 12/12/2002 HHS Proposes New Regulations for Fair Treatment of Religious Grantee Organizations and Their Clients
9-4 2 12 12/13/2002 Comprehensive Information Provided on
9-4 2 12 12/16/2002 2002 Monitoring the Future Survey Shows Decrease in Use of Marijuana, Club Drugs, Cigarettes and Tobacco
9-4 2 12 12/16/2002 HHS Approves Arizona's Request to Expand Medicaid to Working Individuals with a Disability
9-4 2 12 12/16/2002 HHS Approves New Hampshire Plan to Allow Families of Disabled Children to Direct Services
9-4 2 12 12/16/2002 Bush Administration Will Seek New Legislation for Mandatory Pediatric Drug Testing
9-4 2 12 12/17/2002 HHS to Expand Access to Care in Rural and Other Communities by Reviewing Waiver Requests Involving Foreign Doctors
9-4 2 12 12/18/2002 New Birth Report Shows More Moms Get Prenatal Care
9-4 2 12 12/19/2002 HHS Issues Guidance on Use of Private Agencies to Help Collect Child Support
9-4 2 12 12/23/2002 A National New Year's Message from the Departments of Agriculture, Education and Health and Human Services December 2002
9-4 2 12 12/23/2002 HHS Names 13 to Secretary's Advisory Committee on Genetics, Health and Society
9-4 2 12 12/27/2002 HHS -- Highlights of 2002
9-4 2 12 12/31/2002 HHS Issues New Report Showing More American Children Received Health Insurance in Early 2002

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 3 1 1/3/2003 HHS Names 11 to Secretary's Advisory Committee on Human Research Protection
9-4 3 1 1/6/2003 HHS Provides Funds to Help Low-Income Households with Energy Costs
9-4 3 1 1/7/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Increased Rates in Flu Mortality
9-4 3 1 1/9/2003 HHS Awards $72 Million in Early Head Start Grants Nationwide
9-4 3 1 1/10/2003 HHS Approves District of Columbia Plan to Insure Women with Breast or Cervical Cancer
9-4 3 1 1/10/2003 HHS Announces Research Plan to Fight Autoimmune Diseases
9-4 3 1 1/13/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the Critical Shortage of Blood
9-4 3 1 1/13/2003 HHS Names Susan Weiner to Secretary's Advisory Committee on Human Research Protection
9-4 3 1 1/17/2003 President's 2004 Budget will Propose Funding for Indian Health Service Sanitation Construction
9-4 3 1 1/21/2003 HHS Identifies Drugs for Pediatric Testing and Announces FY 2003 and FY 2004 Funding
9-4 3 1 1/21/2003 HHS Names New Members to Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS
9-4 3 1 1/22/2003 HHS Budget Proposal to Include $100 Million Increase to Prevent Diabetes, Obesity and Asthma Across the Country
9-4 3 1 1/23/2003 President will Propose $1.75 Billion Program to Help Transition Americans with Disabilities from Institutions to Community Living

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 3 1 1/24/2003 President to Propose $13 Million Increase to Improve Americans' Access to Generic Drugs
9-4 3 1 1/24/2003 HHS Releases $200 Million in Emergency Energy Assistance
9-4 3 1 1/24/2003 Medicare Improper Payments Rate Remains Stable as HHS Moves to New Phase of Payment Measurement
9-4 3 1 1/24/2003 Robert S. Zimmerman Named HHS Regional Director for Philadelphia Region
9-4 3 1 1/24/2003 HHS Career Executive Kerry N. Weems Named to Lead HHS Office
9-4 3 1 1/24/2003 HHS Secretary Authorizes Smallpox Vaccination Program
9-4 3 1 1/25/2003 President to Propose Improvements in Childhood Vaccine Programs
9-4 3 1 1/27/2003 HHS Secretary Thompson Announces $5 Million to Improve Maternal and Child Health in Afghanistan
9-4 3 1 1/29/2003 HHS to Propose Increased Funding for Cancer Screening
9-4 3 1 1/30/2003 President Bush Proposes $450 Million to Mentor Children
9-4 3 1 1/31/2003 HHS Approves New Jersey Waiver to Expand Health Coverage for 12,000 Residents
9-4 3 1 1/31/2003 Secretary Thompson Names Schwetz Acting Director of HHS Office for Human Research Protections
9-4 3 1 1/31/2003 HHS Extends Use of Rapid HIV Test to New Sites Nationwide
9-4 3 1 1/31/2003 Secretary Thompson Elected as Chair of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS
9-4 3 1 1/31/2003 Bush Administration will Propose Innovative Improvements in States' Health Coverage for Low-Income Americans

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 3 2 2/3/2003 President Bush's Plan to Prepare Children for Kindergarten
9-4 3 2 2/3/2003 Remarks by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson; Presentation of the President's Fiscal Year 2004 Budget for the Department of Health and Human Services
9-4 3 2 2/4/2003 President's Budget Includes Vital Food Supply Protections
9-4 3 2 2/5/2003 Carolyn M. Clancy Named Director of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
9-4 3 2 2/5/2003 SCHIP Enrollment Climbs to $5.3 Million Children in 2002
9-4 3 2 2/5/2003 Dr. Slater Announces She Is Stepping Down as HHS Assistant Secretary for Health
9-4 3 2 2/7/2003 HHS Approves Renewal of California Medicaid Waiver Plan to Contract with Hospitals
9-4 3 2 2/7/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the Second Anniversary of the New Freedom Initiative
9-4 3 2 2/7/2003 HHS Unveils the Red Cross Project to Fight Heart Disease in Women with Top Designers During Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in New York City
9-4 3 2 2/7/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
9-4 3 2 2/10/2003 HHS Approves Alabama Program for Individuals with a Disability
9-4 3 2 2/11/2003 HHS Releases TANF Annual Report to Congress
9-4 3 2 2/11/2003 Budget to Continue President's Initiatives for the Uninsured
9-4 3 2 2/12/2003 HHS Approves Florida Independence Plus Waiver to Allow More People with Disabilities to Control Their Care
9-4 3 2 2/13/2003 HHS Announces Sixth Straight Year of Declines in Welfare Caseloads

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 3 2 2/13/2003 HHS Adopts Final Security Standards, Transaction Modifications for Electronic Health Information Under HIPAA
9-4 3 2 2/13/2003 Bibby Jindal Announces He Is Stepping Down as HHS Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
9-4 3 2 2/13/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson On House Passage of TANF Reauthorization Bill
9-4 3 2 2/14/2003 Secretary Thompson's Valentine to the Nation
9-4 3 2 2/19/2003 Tom Shepardson, Father of the DMORT Program
9-4 3 2 2/20/2003 HHS to Provide Home Health Quality Information to Improve Quality of Care Provided by Home Health Agencies
9-4 3 2 2/21/2003 HHS Announces Women's Heart Day and Highlights the Red Dress Project to Educate Women About Heart Disease
9-4 3 2 2/21/2003 HHS Proclama el Día del Corazón de la Mujer y Destaca el Proyecto del Vestido Rojo para Educar a las Mujeres Sobre las Enfermedades del Corazón
9-4 3 2 2/24/2003 HHS Awards $2.5 Million to Five States to Enable More Disabled Persons to Work
9-4 3 2 2/25/2003 HHS Announces Contracts to Develop Safer Smallpox Vaccines
9-4 3 2 2/25/2003 HHS Issues First Clinical Guide on Supportive and Palliative Care for People with HIV/AIDS
9-4 3 2 2/25/2003 VA and Health and Human Services Sign Agreement to Improve Health Care for American Indian Veterans
9-4 3 2 2/27/2003 HHS to Launch Medicare Demonstrations to Improve Health Care Through Capitated Disease Management
9-4 3 2 2/27/2003 Study Shows Sharp Rise in the Cost of Diabetes Nationwide
9-4 3 2 2/27/2003 Secretary Thompson Renews Commitment to Promote Health in Afghanistan in Meeting with President Karzai

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 3 3 3/3/2003 New HHS Report Shows Problems in Health Care System Are Worsening as Medical Litigation Crisis Deepens
9-4 3 3 3/3/2003 Framework to Modernize and Improve Medicare Fact Sheet
9-4 3 3 3/4/2003 HHS Releases Additional $151.26 Million in Low Income Energy Assistance Funds
9-4 3 3 3/5/2003 HHS Proposes Smallpox Vaccination Compensation Plan
9-4 3 3 3/7/2003 Secretary Thompson Designates April as "National Donate Life Month"
9-4 3 3 3/10/2003 President Propsosing Action "On Many Fronts" to Assist Uninsured
9-4 3 3 3/11/2003 HHS Approves South Carolina Medicaid Plan to Enable People with Disabilities to Control Their Care at Home
9-4 3 3 3/12/2003 Secretary Thompson Announces the Creation of a Bi-Lingual Helpline, "Su Familia"
9-4 3 3 3/12/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on Senator Judd Gregg's Smallpox Vaccination Compensation Legislation
9-4 3 3 3/13/2003 Secretary Thompson Announces Steps to Reduce Medication Errors
9-4 3 3 3/13/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on Senate Passage of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban
9-4 3 3 3/13/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on House Passage of the Patient Safety Bill
9-4 3 3 3/14/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on House Passage of the Medical Liability Reform Legislation
9-4 3 3 3/14/2003 HHS Study Finds Life Expectancy in the U.S. Rose to 77.2 Years in 2001

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 3 3 3/17/2003 Medicare Trustees Release Annual Report
9-4 3 3 3/17/2003 HHS Responds to Increased Threat Level
9-4 3 3 3/19/2003 HHS Awards $600 Million for AIDS Care in Major Urban Areas
9-4 3 3 3/19/2003 HHS' Budget Plan Includes $100 Million to Prepare for a Potential Worldwide Flu Outbreak
9-4 3 3 3/19/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on Senate Passage of President Bush's Project BioShield
9-4 3 3 3/20/2003 HHS Announces Bioterrorism Aid for States, Including Special Opportunity for Advance Funding
9-4 3 3 3/21/2003 HHS to Test Use of Handheld Device Network for Transmitting Urgent Information About Biological Agents to Clinicians
9-4 3 3 3/21/2003 Federal Government Announces First Federal eGov Health Information Exchange Standards
9-4 3 3 3/21/2003 HHS Statement on Approval of S. 650, the Pediatric Equity Act of 2003
9-4 3 3 3/24/2003 HHS Awards $16 Million to 31 Health Centers to Expand Access to Comprehensive Health Care Services for the Uninsured
9-4 3 3 3/25/2003 HHS Issues National Plan to Reduce Impact of Diabetes on Women
9-4 3 3 3/26/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Welcoming Appointment of NGA Medicaid Task Force Members
9-4 3 3 3/28/2003 HHS Proposes New Guidance for Financial Conflicts of Interest in Human Subject Research
9-4 3 3 3/28/2003 HHS Releases Comprehensive Plan to End Chronic Homelessness

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 3 4 4/1/2003 HHS Releases 2001 National Statistics on Child Abuse and Neglect
9-4 3 4 4/2/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on Senate HELP Committee Passage of Smallpox Compensation Bill
9-4 3 4 4/4/2003 Secretary Thompson, Chinese Health Minister Vow to Cooperate on SARS
9-4 3 4 4/4/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Executive Order on Quarantinable Diseases
9-4 3 4 4/10/2003 HHS Awards $1 Billion to Help States Provide Health Care, Services and Prescription Drugs for People with HIV/AIDS
9-4 3 4 4/10/2003 HHS Approves Expanding Pharmacy Benefits to Indiana Elderly
9-4 3 4 4/11/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding New Federal Privacy Regulations
9-4 3 4 4/15/2003 Medicaid Recipients with Disabilities Benefit from Directing Their Own Personal Care Services, Study Finds
9-4 3 4 4/15/2003 HHS Announces Public Health Action Plan for Prevention and Treatment of Heart Disease and Stroke
9-4 3 4 4/15/2003 Health Summit Provides Tools to Help Communities Build a Healthier U.S.
9-4 3 4 4/17/2003 HHS Secretary Thompson Signs Agreement with Italian Minister of Health Sirchia
9-4 3 4 4/17/2003 HHS Approves Michigan, Rhode Island Plans to Expand Prenatal Care Under SCHIP

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 3 4 4/21/2003 Secretary Thompson Helps Open Women's Hospital in Kabul
9-4 3 4 4/24/2003 HHS Approves Louisiana Waiver to Expand Home- and Community-Based Services for People with Disabilities
9-4 3 4 4/24/2003 HHS Announces New Efforts to Reduce Risk of Chronic Disease Among Minority Populations
9-4 3 4 4/24/2003 HHS Secretary and Attorney General Address National Advisory Committee on Violence Against Women
9-4 3 4 4/28/2003 HHS to Award $80 Million to States to Offset Costs of Insurance for Residents Too Sick for Conventional Coverage
9-4 3 4 4/28/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Constitutional Challenge to the Privacy Rule
9-4 3 4 4/28/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding President Bush's Nomination of Deputy Secretary Claude A. Allen to the U.S. Court of Appeals
9-4 3 4 4/29/2003 National Strategy Seeks to Improve America's Oral Health
9-4 3 4 4/30/2003 Secretary Thompson Announces Chief of Staff Wood's Departure
9-4 3 4 4/30/2003 HHS Marks 50th Anniversary
9-4 3 4 4/30/2003 HHS Awards $690,000 to Maryland to Promote High-Risk Pools to Cover Uninsured Residents

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 3 5 5/1/2003 HHS Releases Quality Data About Home Health Agencies
9-4 3 5 5/2/2003 HHS Offers Guidance on Air-Filtration, Air-Cleaning Systems to Guard Buildings Against Attacks
9-4 3 5 5/5/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding World Asthma Day, May 6, 2003
9-4 3 5 5/5/2003 Secretary Thompson to Release $100 Million to Assist States with Smallpox Vaccination Programs
9-4 3 5 5/6/2003 U.S., China Develop Plan for Improved Disease Surveillance
9-4 3 5 5/7/2003 HHS Urges Women to Get Regular Preventive Checkups
9-4 3 5 5/9/2003 Guidelines for Bioterrorism Funding Announced
9-4 3 5 5/9/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding National Women's Health Week
9-4 3 5 5/9/2003 HHS to Award Healthy Community Grants to Support Local Programs to Prevent Diabetes, Asthma and Obesity
9-4 3 5 5/13/2003 HHS Expands Online Health Information for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders
9-4 3 5 5/14/2003 HHS Issues New Report on Americans' Overall Physical Activity Levels
9-4 3 5 5/15/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding New Selected Patient Safety Practices Consensus

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 3 5 5/16/2003 Margaret Giannini Receives Honorary Doctorate
9-4 3 5 5/20/2003 HHS, ADA Hold National Town Hall Meeting to Focus on Diabetes and Women
9-4 3 5 5/20/2003 HHS, DOL Issue Report on Shortage of Long-Term Care
9-4 3 5 5/21/2003 HHS to Award $13 Million to States to Improve the Voting Accessibility for Individuals with Disabilities
9-4 3 5 5/22/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Introduction of Head Start Legislation
9-4 3 5 5/22/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Congressional Passage of Global AIDS Funding
9-4 3 5 5/23/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Senate Passage of Animal Drug User Fee Act (S.313)
9-4 3 5 5/27/2003 Secretary Thompson Names Scott Whitaker as Chief of Staff
9-4 3 5 5/29/2003 HHS Takes Steps to Encourage Healthy Aging
9-4 3 5 5/29/2003 HHS to Launch New Disease-Management Demonstration to Improve Care for People with End-Stage Renal Disease
9-4 3 5 5/30/2003 HHS Approves Utah Plan to Help Low-Income Workers Purchase Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage
9-4 3 5 5/30/2003 NCI and FDA Announce Joint Program to Streamline Cancer Drug Development
9-4 3 5 5/30/2003 HHS Approves Florida Plan to Allow More Consumer Directed Care

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 3 6 6/2/2003 HHS Awards Nearly $3.5 Million to Promote Diversity in the Nursing Workforce
9-4 3 6 6/2/2003 Experimental Laboratory Test for SARS Virus Made Available to About 100 Labs Nationwide
9-4 3 6 6/2/2003 HHS Approves New Services for Indiana Medicaid Enrollees with Chronic Diseases
9-4 3 6 6/5/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding National Trails Day
9-4 3 6 6/9/2003 Head Start Children Not Adequately Prepared for School, HHS Report Concludes
9-4 3 6 6/11/2003 HHS Approves Illinois Plan to Expand Prenatal Care to 41,000 Pregnant Women and Unborn Children Under SCHIP
9-4 3 6 6/11/2003 HHS Bans Rodent Imports from Africa; Prohibits Domestic Commerce in Rodents and Prairie Dogs
9-4 3 6 6/11/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding  Dialogue with the Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS
9-4 3 6 6/12/2003 HHS Revises Regulations and Procedures to Speed Access to Generic Drugs
9-4 3 6 6/12/2003 HHS Awards 14 Grants Totaling $23 Million to Provide Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services for Homeless People
9-4 3 6 6/13/2003 HHS Releases Special Medicaid Funding, But Warns That Medicaid Reform Is Still Needed
9-4 3 6 6/16/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Report of the National Advisory Committee on Children and Terrorism

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 3 6 6/17/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the Appointment of Dr. Joxel García as Deputy Director of the Pan-American Health Organization
9-4 3 6 6/18/2003 HHS Awards Nearly $11 Million to Help 19 Communities Extend Health Care Services to Low-Income and Uninsured Americans
9-4 3 6 6/19/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Passage of the School Readiness Act of 2003 (H.R. 2210)
9-4 3 6 6/20/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding The Longest Day of Play
9-4 3 6 6/20/2003 HHS to Fund Demonstrations to Recruit and Retain Personal Assistance Workers to Help People with Disabilities
9-4 3 6 6/23/2003 HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson, America's Doctors Team Up for Better Benefits, More Choices in Medicare
9-4 3 6 6/23/2003 HHS Releases Progress Report on Type 1 Diabetes Research
9-4 3 6 6/25/2003 U.S. Birth Rate Reaches Record Low
9-4 3 6 6/25/2003 HHS Approves New York's Request to Expand Medicaid to Working Individuals with a Disability
9-4 3 6 6/26/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding National HIV Testing Day, June 27, 2003
9-4 3 6 6/26/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on Senate Passage of S. 1 "The Prescription Drug and Modernization Act of 2003"
9-4 3 6 6/26/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on House Passage of H.R. 1 "The Prescription Drug and Modernization Act of 2003"

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 3 7 7/1/2003 HHS Launches New Efforts to Promote Paperless Health Care System
9-4 3 7 7/1/2003 HHS Awards More Than $60 Million to Strengthen America's Health Care Safety Net, Assure Services Available Where Needed
9-4 3 7 7/1/2003 HHS Awards $23 Million to Help Communities Provide Early HIV/AIDS Care
9-4 3 7 7/1/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Kraft Foods' Global Initiatives to Help Address Rise in Obesity
9-4 3 7 7/2/2003 HHS Awards New Grants to Support Abstinence Education Among Nation's Teens
9-4 3 7 7/2/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding President Bush's Nomination of Randall Tobias as Coordinator for International HIV/AIDS Assistance
9-4 3 7 7/3/2003 Secretary Thompson to Increase Numbers and Flexibility of Public Health Service Commissioned Corps
9-4 3 7 7/7/2003 Study Links Higher Physician Supply to Limits on Non-Economic Damages
9-4 3 7 7/9/2003 HHS to Require Food Labels to Include Trans Fat Content
9-4 3 7 7/10/2003 HHS to Launch Medicare Demonstration to Promote High Quality Care in Hospitals

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 3 7 7/17/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the Congressional Confirmation of Charles Grim as the Seventh Director of the Indian Health Service
9-4 3 7 7/17/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on House Passage of President Bush's Project BioShield
9-4 3 7 7/22/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the Report of the President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health
9-4 3 7 7/22/2003 HHS, Republic of Korea Expand Cooperation on Infectious Diseases Research
9-4 3 7 7/23/2003 HHS Creates Food Security Research Program, Increases Import Exams More Than Five Times to Protect Nation's Food Supply
9-4 3 7 7/23/2003 Prescription Drug Spending Would Be Cut in Half for Most Seniors without Coverage
9-4 3 7 7/24/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson and Mark B. McClellan, M.D., Ph.D. Commissioner of Food and Drugs Regarding Passage of S. 650, The Pediatric Research Equity Act of 2003
9-4 3 7 7/25/2003 HHS Welcomes Second "Emerging Leaders" Class
9-4 3 7 7/25/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Passage of the School Readiness Act of 2003 (H.R. 2210)
9-4 3 7 7/25/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the 13th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act
9-4 3 7 7/31/2003 HHS Awards $45.7 Million in Grants to Plan and Care for Americans with HIV/AIDS

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 3 8 8/4/2003 HHS Approves Alaska Pharmacy Demonstration Project to Expand Patients' Access to Prescription Drugs in Remote Areas
9-4 3 8 8/4/2003 HHS Announces Campaign with Hospitals and Physicians to Distribute Information About Safer Health Care
9-4 3 8 8/6/2003 HHS Approves Minnesota Plan to Expand Prenatal Care
9-4 3 8 8/7/2003 Beverly Clarno Named HHS Regional Director for Seattle Area
9-4 3 8 8/7/2003 HHS Awards More Than $30 Million to Strengthen Rural Hospital Networks and Improve Health Care for Rural Americans
9-4 3 8 8/11/2003 HHS, USDA Designate Experts to the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee
9-4 3 8 8/13/2003 HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson, America's Doctors Team Up for Better Benefits, More Choices in Medicare
9-4 3 8 8/13/2003 HHS Awards $12.5 Million to Expand Alzheimer's Disease Demonstrations
9-4 3 8 8/20/2003 HHS Awards $4.3 Million to Spur Organ and Tissue Donation
9-4 3 8 8/26/2003 HHS Awards 204 Grants Worth $56.1 Million to Extend Health Care Services to Low-Income and Uninsured Americans
9-4 3 8 8/28/2003 HHS Approves Illinois Plan to Expand Coverage to an Estimated 20,000 Uninsured Children

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 3 9 9/2/2003 HHS Provides $1.4 Billion More to States and Hospitals for Terrorism Preparedness
9-4 3 9 9/3/2003 HHS Releases Data Showing Continuing Decline in Number of People Receiving Temporary Assistance
9-4 3 9 9/4/2003 HHS Announces New Regional Centers for Biodefense Research
9-4 3 9 9/5/2003 22 Million in U.S. Suffer from Substance Dependence or Abuse
9-4 3 9 9/9/2003 HHS Joins Hospitals, Organ Procurement Organizations to Launch Initiative to Increase Organ Donation
9-4 3 9 9/10/2003 Statement by Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Senate Finance Committee Passage of TANF Legislation
9-4 3 9 9/12/2003 HHS Awards $14.9 Million in Bonuses to States for Increasing the Number of Adoptions of Foster Children
9-4 3 9 9/12/2003 HHS Awards $3.7 Million to Improve Rural Telehealth Outreach
9-4 3 9 9/12/2003 Secretary Thompson Urges Minority Communities to "Take A Loved One to the Doctor" on Tuesday
9-4 3 9 9/12/2003 NIH Awards Grant for Cancer Research at the University of Wisconsin
9-4 3 9 9/12/2003 HHS Awards $26.6 Million in New Program to Provide Bioterrorism Training and Curriculum
9-4 3 9 9/14/2003 Secretary Thompson Launches the Secretary's Challenge: Steps to a Healthier HHS
9-4 3 9 9/15/2003 HHS Approves Massachusetts Plan to Expand Prenatal Care to Pregnant Women and Unborn Children
9-4 3 9 9/16/2003 HHS Issues Report on the Impact of Poor Health on Businesses
9-4 3 9 9/17/2003 HHS, Public Health Partners Unveil New Campaign to Promote Awareness of Proper Antibiotic Use

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 3 9 9/18/2003 HHS Awards $13.7 Million to Support Community Programs to Prevent Diabetes, Asthma and Obesity
9-4 3 9 9/18/2003 HHS Deploys Emergency Response Teams to Support State, Local Response to Hurricane Isabel
9-4 3 9 9/18/2003 HHS Providing Hurricane Information on Web
9-4 3 9 9/18/2003 HHS Secretary Visits Hospitals, Thanks Health Workers
9-4 3 9 9/19/2003 HHS Joins Rapid Needs Assessment Teams in Hurricane's Wake
9-4 3 9 9/19/2003 HHS Cautions Americans Following Storm
9-4 3 9 9/22/2003 HHS Approves Washington State Plan to Expand Prenatal Care to Pregnant Women and Unborn Children
9-4 3 9 9/22/2003 HHS Awards $9.3 Million to Help States Develop New Aging and Disability Resource Centers
9-4 3 9 9/22/2003 HHS Awards Grants to Improve the Capacity of Faith and Community-Based Organizations to Serve People in Need
9-4 3 9 9/23/2003 HHS Awards $200 Million in Bonus Payments to States for Leadership in "Welfare to Work"
9-4 3 9 9/24/2003 HHS Awards $11.6 Million in Grants to Improve Access to Potentially Life-Saving Defibrillators in Rural Communities
9-4 3 9 9/25/2003 HHS to Allow More Workers to Help Nursing Home Residents
9-4 3 9 9/26/2003 HHS Awards $100 Million in Bonuses to States for Reductions in Out-of-Wedlock Births
9-4 3 9 9/30/2003 HHS Awards $21.5 Million to Develop HIV Prevention Methods, Provide Treatment for People with HIV/AIDS
9-4 3 9 9/30/2003 HHS Awards $200 Million in Bonus Payments to States for Welfare-to-Work Accomplishments in Fiscal Year 2002
9-4 3 9 9/30/2003 HHS Secretary Urges Congress to Approve Uninsured Package

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 3 10 10/1/2003 HHS Awards $11.7 Million to States to Develop Strategies to Improve Access to Health Insurance
9-4 3 10 10/1/2003 Bush Administration Announces $75 Million to Provide Permanent Housing, Medical Care, Job Training and Other Services to Chronically Homeless
9-4 3 10 10/1/2003 Secretary Thompson Names New Members to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee
9-4 3 10 10/2/2003 HHS Launches Demonstrations to Recruit and Retain Personal Assistance Workers to Help People with Disabilities
9-4 3 10 10/2/2003 HHS Awards $33 Million to States, Other Organizations to Help People with Disabilities
9-4 3 10 10/3/2003 HHS Designates Six New National Centers of Excellence in Women's Health
9-4 3 10 10/3/2003 HHS Awards Nearly $9 Million to Support Mentoring Programs for Children of Prisoners
9-4 3 10 10/3/2003 HHS Issues Report Charting Steady Gains in Americans' Health, Though Diabetes Remains Growing Concern
9-4 3 10 10/7/2003 HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Announces $1 Million Grant As Part of Partnership with National Health Museum
9-4 3 10 10/7/2003 President Bush Names Four to U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission
9-4 3 10 10/7/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson On McDonalds and Burger King's Introduction of Menu Items with Less Fat
9-4 3 10 10/8/2003 HHS Launches Effort to Help Children Who Witness Domestic Violence
9-4 3 10 10/9/2003 HHS Issues New Rules to Enhance Security of the U.S. Food Supply

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 3 10 10/10/2003 HHS Awards More Than $65 Million to Eliminate Health Disparities
9-4 3 10 10/14/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding National Latino AIDS Awareness Day
9-4 3 10 10/16/2003 HHS Announces Medicare Premium and Deductible Rates for 2004
9-4 3 10 10/19/2003 Secretary Pledges Cooperation with China, Urges Openness
9-4 3 10 10/21/2003 HHS Provides $844 Million to States to Help Low-Income Households with Energy Costs
9-4 3 10 10/24/2003 HHS Awards $14 Million to Support Bioethics Research Center at Tuskegee University
9-4 3 10 10/24/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Award-Winning Documentary on Organ Donation
9-4 3 10 10/27/2003 HHS Announces Availability of New Guidelines to Improve Web-Based Communication
9-4 3 10 10/28/2003 HHS Awards $1 Million Grant to South Dakota to Promote High-Risk Pools to Cover Uninsured Residents
9-4 3 10 10/29/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding HELP Committee Action on Head Start Reauthorization
9-4 3 10 10/30/2003 HHS Announces More Than $8 Million in Medical Reserve Corps Grants
9-4 3 10 10/30/2003 HHS to Award Individuals During Celebration of National Disability Employment Awareness Month

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 3 11 11/3/2003 HHS Launches National Home Health Quality Initiative
9-4 3 11 11/3/2003 HHS Launches New Effort to Reach People with Disabilities Who Are Undiagnosed
9-4 3 11 11/4/2003 HHS Sends 15 Public Health Service Officers to Support California Wildfire Relief Efforts
9-4 3 11 11/6/2003 HHS Honors 30 Groups, Individuals for Adoption Excellence
9-4 3 11 11/13/2003 HHS Launches New Campaign to Curb Growing Diabetes Epidemic In Hispanics
9-4 3 11 11/13/2003 HHS Releases 2003 National Diabetes Estimates
9-4 3 11 11/14/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on Ruby Tuesday's Announcement Regarding Its "Smart Eating" Menu
9-4 3 11 11/15/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on Medicare Legislation
9-4 3 11 11/17/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on Senate Passage of the Adoption Promotion Act of 2003
9-4 3 11 11/17/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on AARP's Endorsement of Medicare Legislation
9-4 3 11 11/19/2003 People Eligible for Medicaid Personal Care Services Get More Home Care and Use Nursing Homes Less When They Direct Their Own Care, Study Finds
9-4 3 11 11/19/2003 HHS Statements Regarding American Cancer Society's "Great American Smokeout" November 20, 2003
9-4 3 11 11/20/2003 HHS Issues Performance and Accountability Report: Fifth Consecutive Clean Opinion on Its Audited Financial Statements
9-4 3 11 11/21/2003 Prescription Drug Coverage for Medicare Beneficiaries
9-4 3 11 11/22/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on House Passage of Bipartisan Medicare Legislation
9-4 3 11 11/23/2003 Secretary Thompson Urges Senate to Approve Medicare Bill
9-4 3 11 11/24/2003 Savings for Seniors Under the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit
9-4 3 11 11/26/2003 Secretary Thompson Applauds Final Passage of Medicare Bill
9-4 3 11 11/26/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Senate Passage of the Organ Donation and Recovery Improvement Act

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 3 12 12/1/2003 Thompson Leads Largest-Ever Delegation of Leaders to Assess HIV/AIDS Efforts and Needs in Africa
9-4 3 12 12/2/2003 HHS Announces Decline in TANF Caseloads
9-4 3 12 12/3/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding International Day of Disabled Persons
9-4 3 12 12/3/2003 HHS Report Finds States Increasing Pre-Kindergarten Programs
9-4 3 12 12/3/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on the Signing of the Pediatric Research Equity Act of 2003
9-4 3 12 12/8/2003 HHS Reaffirms Health Commitments Between U.S. and China
9-4 3 12 12/8/2003 HHS, Education Launch Research to Promote School Readiness Effort
9-4 3 12 12/8/2003 Analysis of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003
9-4 3 12 12/9/2003 New Web Site Offers One-Stop Shopping for Information on Applying for All Federal Grants
9-4 3 12 12/10/2003 HHS Honors Organizations for Promoting Healthy Lifestyles
9-4 3 12 12/10/2003 HHS Announces Immediate Steps to Make Medicare-Approved Drug Discount Programs Available Next Spring
9-4 3 12 12/11/2003 HHS Purchases 250,000 Doses of Flu Vaccine

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 3 12 12/12/2003 HHS to Fund Early Warning Disease Surveillance System Along the U.S.-Mexico Border
9-4 3 12 12/12/2003 HHS Issues Rules for Smallpox Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
9-4 3 12 12/15/2003 HHS Purchases Additional 375,000 Doses of Flu Vaccine
9-4 3 12 12/16/2003 HHS Urges Family Caregivers to Look After Themselves As Well As Their Loved Ones
9-4 3 12 12/17/2003 Secretary Thompson Names Acting Administrator At Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
9-4 3 12 12/17/2003 HHS Awards Nearly $30 Million to States to Offset Costs of Insurance for Residents Too Sick for Conventional Coverage
9-4 3 12 12/19/2003 HHS Provides Additional $598 Million to States to Help Low-Income Households with Energy Costs
9-4 3 12 12/19/2003 Teen Drug Abuse Declines Across Wide Front
9-4 3 12 12/22/2003 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2003
9-4 3 12 12/22/2003 HHS Issues National Reports on Quality and Disparities in the Use of Health Care Services
9-4 3 12 12/30/2003 FDA Announces Plans to Prohibit Sales of Dietary Supplements Containing Ephedra
9-4 3 12 12/31/2003 The Top Twelve HHS Highlights -- 2003

Series 9-4

Series Box CD Date Press Release Title
9-4 4 1 1/8/2004 Calise I. Muñoz Named Regional Director for San Francisco Area
9-4 4 1 1/10/2004 Marking 40th Anniversary of Smoking Reports, Secretary Thompson and Surgeon General Carmona Announce Comprehensive New Report and Continually Updating Database
9-4 4 1 1/13/2004 HHS Bans Civet Imports
9-4 4 1 1/14/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding "Insuring America's Health" Report
9-4 4 1 1/16/2004 HHS Approves Michigan Request to Expand Coverage to Uninsured Adults
9-4 4 1 1/16/2004 President Proposes Increase in Minority AIDS Funding
9-4 4 1 1/26/2004 Expanded "Mad Cow" Safeguards Announced to Strengthen Existing Firewalls Against BSE Transmission
9-4 4 1 1/29/2004 President's Budget Initiative Includes $274 Million to Further Improve Nation's Bio-Surveillance Capabilities

Series 9-4

Series Box Folder Date Press Release Title
9-4 4 1 2/2/2004 Press Conference on the Fiscal Year 2005 Budget
9-4 4 1 2/3/2004 HHS Gives New Hampshire More Funds to Provide Health Care Coverage for Sick, Uninsured Residents
9-4 4 1 2/3/2004 HHS Unveils New Medicare Education Campaign
9-4 4 1 2/3/2004 HHS Announces National Smoking Cessation Quitline Network
9-4 4 1 2/4/2004 HHS, USDA Ban Importation of Birds from Southeast Asia
9-4 4 1 2/5/2004 HHS Releases $191.5 Million to Help Low-Income Families with Home Heating Costs
9-4 4 1 2/6/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson  Regarding National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness and Information Day
9-4 4 1 2/12/2004 SCHIP Provided Health Coverage to 5.8 Million Children in 2003
9-4 4 1 2/13/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson On National Donor Day, February 14, 2004
9-4 4 1 2/17/2004 HHS Approves Texas Plans to Help More Disabled Individuals at Home
9-4 4 1 2/18/2004 HHS Takes New Steps to Protect Consumers from Counterfeit Drug Threats
9-4 4 1 2/19/2004 Text of Letter from HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson to Richard J. Davidson, American Hospital Association
9-4 4 1 2/20/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the Nomination of Mark B. McClellan, M.D. to be CMS Administrator
9-4 4 1 2/23/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
9-4 4 1 2/24/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding S. 2061, the "Healthy Mothers and Healthy Babies Access to Care Act"
9-4 4 1 2/25/2004 HHS Announces New Requirements for Bar Codes on Drugs and Blood to Reduce Risk of Medication Errors
9-4 4 1 2/26/2004 HHS Announces Task Force on Drug Importation

Series 9-4

Series Box CD Date Press Release Title
9-4 4 1 3/1/2004 Secretary Thompson Launches Telehealth Demonstration to Improve Cancer Research and Care
9-4 4 1 3/1/2004 HHS Awards $595 Million for AIDS Care in Major Urban Areas
9-4 4 1 3/1/2004 HHS Launches Campaign to Prevent Youth Bullying
9-4 4 1 3/2/2004 Secretary Thompson Looks to a Healthier Future for Iraq
9-4 4 1 3/2/2004 HHS Awards $15.7 Million to Help People with Disabilities Return to Work
9-4 4 1 3/4/2004 HHS Will Lead Government-Wide Effort to Enhance Biosecurity in "Dual Use" Research
9-4 4 1 3/9/2004 Citing "Dangerous Increase" in Deaths, HHS Launches New Strategies Against Overweight Epidemic
9-4 4 1 3/10/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the GAO Report on the Medicare Education Campaign
9-4 4 1 3/10/2004 HHS Increases Funding to Educate Seniors and Disabled Americans About New Improvements to Medicare
9-4 4 1 3/11/2004 HHS Announces Anti-Trafficking Hotline, Awareness Effort
9-4 4 1 3/11/2004 HHS Launches Crackdown on Products Containing Andro

Series 9-4

Series Box CD Date Press Release Title
9-4 4 1 3/12/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Confirmation of Mark McClellan to Lead CMS
9-4 4 1 3/12/2004 HHS Moves to Acquire New Anthrax Vaccine for Stockpile
9-4 4 1 3/12/2004 HHS Approves California Plan to Improve Services for 73,000 Children in Rural Areas
9-4 4 1 3/12/2004 HHS Unveils FDA Strategy to Help Reduce Obesity
9-4 4 1 3/16/2004 HHS Names Members to Task Force on Drug Importation
9-4 4 1 3/18/2004 HHS Awards $81 Million for Five-Year Health Screening of World Trade Center Rescue, Recovery Workers
9-4 4 1 3/23/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Diabetes Alert Day
9-4 4 1 3/23/2004 Medicare Trustees Release Annual Report
9-4 4 1 3/25/2004 HHS Gives Seal of Approval to Medicare Drug Discount Cards
9-4 4 1 3/26/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Senate Passage of the Organ Donation and Recovery Improvement Act
9-4 4 1 3/30/2004 Welfare Rolls Drop Again
9-4 4 1 3/31/2004 HHS Approves Three-Year Extension for BadgerCare Program

Series 9-4

Series Box CD Date Press Release Title
9-4 4 1 4/1/2004 HHS Offers More Information About Medicare Approved Drug Discount Cards
9-4 4 1 4/1/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Senate Action on TANF Reauthorization
9-4 4 1 4/1/2004 HHS Awards More Than $1 Billion to States to Help Provide Care, Services and Prescription Drugs for People with HIV/AIDS
9-4 4 1 4/1/2004 HHS Cites Progress in Fighting Chronic Homelessness
9-4 4 1 4/1/2004 HHS Releases 2002 National Statistics on Child Abuse and Neglect
9-4 4 1 4/2/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Citizens for Health v. Thompson Decision on Privacy Rule
9-4 4 1 4/8/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson  Regarding the Appointment of Stewart Simonson to be Assistant Secretary for Public Health Emergency Measures
9-4 4 1 4/8/2004 HHS Secretary Travels to Polio-Affected Countries
9-4 4 1 4/8/2004 Joint Statement Issues Regarding Principles for Fixed-Dose Combination Drug Products
9-4 4 1 4/8/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Reports on Literacy and Health Outcomes
9-4 4 1 4/8/2004 Bernard A. Schwetz to Head Office for Human Research Protections
9-4 4 1 4/12/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding National Donate Life Month
9-4 4 1 4/14/2004 Charles Havekost Named HHS Chief Information Officer

Series 9-4

Series Box CD Date Press Release Title
9-4 4 1 4/16/2004 HHS Awards Additional $9 Million to Help States Develop Aging and Disability Resource Centers
9-4 4 1 4/16/2004 HHS Names Executive Director for White House Conference on Aging
9-4 4 1 4/20/2004 HHS Launches Organ Donation Education Program for High School Students
9-4 4 1 4/20/2004 HHS Announces New Initiative to Improve Quality of Care for Medicare Beneficiaries with Chronic Illnesses
9-4 4 1 4/22/2004 HHS Approves First-Ever Multi-State Purchasing Pools for Medicaid Drug Programs
9-4 4 1 4/27/2004 HHS Works to Educate Seniors About Savings from New Drug Discount Cards
9-4 4 1 4/27/2004 HHS Approves Plan to Continue Funding for St. Louis Inner-City Outpatient Clinic
9-4 4 1 4/28/2004 Medicare Triples Call Center Representatives to Provide Personal Assistance to Callers
9-4 4 1 4/28/2004 HHS Fact Sheet: Biodefense Preparedness
9-4 4 1 4/29/2004 Revised Definition Means Millions More Have Pre-Diabetes
9-4 4 1 4/29/2004 HHS Issues "Blueprint for Action" to Build Healthier Nation
9-4 4 1 4/29/2004 E. Coli 0157 Incidence Posts Substantial Decline: Foodborne Illnesses Continue Downward Trend
9-4 4 1 4/30/2004 HHS Awards $7.5 Million to Help 15 Communities Extend Health Care Services to Low-Income and Uninsured Americans

Series 9-4

Series Box CD Date Press Release Title
9-4 4 1 5/3/2004 Medicare-Approved Drug Discount Card Savings Now Available
9-4 4 1 5/6/2004 Secretary Thompson Seeking Fastest Possible Results, Names First Health Information Technology Coordinator
9-4 4 1 5/7/2004 Secretary Thompson Urges Family to Help Mom See If She Can Save Money on Her Drug Costs by Visiting Medicare Web Site
9-4 4 1 5/10/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Cover the Uninsured Week"
9-4 4 1 5/11/2004 United States Signs Tobacco Control Treaty
9-4 4 1 5/12/2004 HHS Provides Guidance on Financial Relationships and Interests in Research Involving Human Subjects
9-4 4 1 5/13/2004 HHS Issues Head Start Management Initiative
9-4 4 1 5/16/2004 HHS Proposes Rapid Process for Review of Fixed Dose Combination and Co-Packaged Products
9-4 4 1 5/17/2004 HHS Launches Pilot Project with WebMD to Make HHS Consumer Health Information More Widely Available
9-4 4 1 5/19/2004 HHS Creates Task Force to Encourage Medical Technology Innovation
9-4 4 1 5/19/2004 HHS Will Launch New Program Supporting Physical Activity for Children and Youth with Disabilities
9-4 4 1 5/20/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the Senate Passage of Project BioShield Authorization Legislation
9-4 4 1 5/21/2004 HHS Approves Illinois SCHIP Plan to Provide Immediate Coverage to Children in Low-Income Families
9-4 4 1 5/24/2004 HHS Awards $498 Million to States to Improve Hospitals' Response to Bioterror and Other Disasters
9-4 4 1 5/26/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the Launch of the "I Can Do It, You Can Do It!" Initiative
9-4 4 1 5/26/2004 President's Challenge Awards Made to Two Participants
9-4 4 1 5/27/2004 New Surgeon General's Report Expands List of Diseases Caused by Smoking
9-4 4 1 5/27/2004 HHS Announces New Collaborative Enrollment Initiative to Help Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries Sign Up for Drug Discount Card
9-4 4 1 5/28/2004 HHS Expands Demonstrations to Recruit and Retain Personal Assistance Workers for People with Disabilities

Series 9-4

Series Box CD Date Press Release Title
9-4 4 1 6/1/2004 HHS Secretary Urges Seniors to Sign-Up for Discount Cards
9-4 4 1 6/3/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding House Action on Steroid Precursors Legislation
9-4 4 1 6/3/2004 HHS Identifies States for Medicare Demonstration of New, Less Restrictive Homebound Definition
9-4 4 1 6/4/2004 Public Service Campaign to Promote Breastfeeding Awareness Launch
9-4 4 1 6/9/2004 HHS Medical Personnel Serving Citizens During State Funeral
9-4 4 1 6/10/2004 HHS Approves California Plan to Get More Kids Enrolled in SCHIP
9-4 4 1 6/10/2004 HHS Approves Idaho Plan to Get More Kids Enrolled in SCHIP
9-4 4 1 6/14/2004 HHS Launches Government-Wide "Donation Nation" Program with Blood Banking Community
9-4 4 1 6/16/2004 New Web Site Offers Comprehensive Information on Technologies for Health Professionals in Long-Term Care Settings
9-4 4 1 6/17/2004 HHS Awards $849 Million to Improve Public Health Preparedness
9-4 4 1 6/18/2004 Secretary Thompson Urges Family to Help Dad Save Money on His Drug Costs by Calling 1-800 MEDICARE or Visiting Medicare Web Site
9-4 4 1 6/18/2004 HHS Announces Appointments to New Commission on Needs of the Low-Income in the New Medicare Drug Benefit
9-4 4 1 6/18/2004 HHS Awards Grants to West Virginia, Utah to Insure Residents with Costly Medical Conditions
9-4 4 1 6/21/2004 HHS Approves New York Plan to Keep More Kids Enrolled in SCHIP
9-4 4 1 6/22/2004 HHS Provides States Funding to Help Resettle Hmong Refugees
9-4 4 1 6/23/2004 HHS Announces Innovative Partnership with Universities to Make Courses Available Through "HHS U"
9-4 4 1 6/24/2004 Medicare to Extend Access to Certain Drugs for Beneficiaries with Serious and Chronic Illnesses
9-4 4 1 6/25/2004 HHS to Present Plan on Transforming Health Care Through Information Technology at National Conference July 21
9-4 4 1 6/25/2004 HHS Extends Use of Rapid Oral HIV Test to New Sites Nationwide
9-4 4 1 6/25/2004 HHS Awards $23 Million to Help Communities Provide Early HIV/AIDS Care
9-4 4 1 6/30/2004 HHS Approves Arkansas Plan to Expand Prenatal Care Under SCHIP

Series 9-4

Series Box CD Date Press Release Title
9-4 4 1 7/1/2004 Secretary Thompson Announces Global Fund Grant to Russia
9-4 4 1 7/2/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on 40th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act
9-4 4 1 7/8/2004 HHS Awards $6.78 Million to Expand Alzheimer's Disease Demonstration Program
9-4 4 1 7/9/2004 USDA and HHS Strengthen Safeguards Against Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
9-4 4 1 7/9/2004 HHS Approves Texas Plan to Help More Disabled Individuals at Home
9-4 4 1 7/12/2004 HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Launches Third Annual "Take A Loved One to the Doctor Day"
9-4 4 1 7/14/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the Nomination of Daniel R. Levinson to be HHS Inspector General
9-4 4 1 7/14/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on the House Passage of Project BioShield Authorization Legislation
9-4 4 1 7/15/2004 HHS Announces Revised Medicare Obesity Coverage Policy
9-4 4 1 7/15/2004 HHS Launches New Campaign to Encourage Adoption of Children from Foster Care
9-4 4 1 7/16/2004 First National Coordinator's Report on Health Information Technology to be Released at July 21 "Summit"
9-4 4 1 7/20/2004 HHS Announces Initiative to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Infant Deaths
9-4 4 1 7/21/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the President's Signing of the Project BioShield Authorization Legislation
9-4 4 1 7/21/2004 HHS Fact Sheet -- Project BioShield
9-4 4 1 7/21/2004 Thompson Launches "Decade of Health Information Technology"
9-4 4 1 7/21/2004 HHS Fact Sheet -- HIT Report At-A-Glance
9-4 4 1 7/22/2004 HHS Awards $15.5 Million to Expand, Strengthen Nursing Workforce
9-4 4 1 7/26/2004 HHS Proposes New Rules to Deliver Better Benefits and Savings on Drugs for Medicare Beneficiaries, Public Comment Urged
9-4 4 1 7/26/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the 14th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act
9-4 4 1 7/29/2004 Childhood Immunization Rates at Record High Levels

Series 9-4

Series Box CD Date Press Release Title
9-4 4 1 8/2/2004 HHS Awards More Than $19 Million to Expand Health Center Services, Strengthen America's Health Care Safety Net
9-4 4 1 8/3/2004 President Announces $100 Million in Grants to Support Substance Abuse Treatment
9-4 4 1 8/3/2004 President Announces $43 Million in Grants from Compassion Capital Fund
9-4 4 1 8/3/2004 President Announces Mentoring Grants for Children of Prisoners
9-4 4 1 8/3/2004 HHS to Provide New Interactive Book of Health Information to Women of Afghanistan and Their Families
9-4 4 1 8/5/2004 HHS Announces Initiative to Reduce the Incidence of Stroke in Stroke Belt States
9-4 4 1 8/8/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on the President's Embryonic Stem Cell Policy
9-4 4 1 8/12/2004 HHS Approves California Plan to Continue Program Allowing Elderly to Receive Self Directed Home Care
9-4 4 1 8/14/2004 HHS Deploys Emergency Response Team to Support State, Local Response to Hurricane Charley
9-4 4 1 8/17/2004 HHS Announces Immediate Aid to Florida to Help Provide Medical and Human Services After Hurricane Charley
9-4 4 1 8/23/2004 Secretary Thompson Announces TANF Caseloads Declined in 2003
9-4 4 1 8/24/2004 HHS Awards $23.7 Million to Help Women, Children and Families Obtain HIV/AIDS Care and Services
9-4 4 1 8/25/2004 HHS Awards $4.8 Million to Expand Community-Based HIV/AIDS Care
9-4 4 1 8/26/2004 HHS Issues National Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Plan
9-4 4 1 8/26/2004 Secretary Says President's Comprehensive Health Care Plan Works to Make Care More Affordable, Accessible
9-4 4 1 8/27/2004 Public Comment Period Begins on Report of Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee

Series 9-4

Series Box CD Date Press Release Title
9-4 4 1 9/3/2004 HHS Announces Medicare Premium, Deductibles for 2005
9-4 4 1 9/3/2004 HHS Personnel Ready to Assist Florida Families
9-4 4 1 9/6/2004 HHS Deploys Medical Workers to Assist Florida Families
9-4 4 1 9/9/2004 Nation's Youth Turning from Marijuana, as Perceptions of Risk Rise; Most Adults with Substance Abuse Problems Are Employed
9-4 4 1 9/9/2004 HHS Approves Plans to Save Money on Prescription Drugs
9-4 4 1 9/9/2004 HHS Awards $2 Million to YMCA to Help Strengthen Network of Steps Communities
9-4 4 1 9/10/2004 HHS Continues to Strengthen Umbrella of Protection from Bioterrorism
9-4 4 1 9/15/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on Hispanic Heritage Month; September 15 Through October 15
9-4 4 1 9/15/2004 HHS Deploys More Than 450 Health Workers to Aid Hurricane Victims
9-4 4 1 9/15/2004 HHS Enhances Medicare Drug Card Programs to Help Seniors Choose Lower-Cost, Similar Drugs
9-4 4 1 9/17/2004 Reaches 1000 Applications Mark
9-4 4 1 9/19/2004 HHS Awards 91 Grants Worth $11 Million to Expand and Improve Health Center Services

Series 9-4

Series Box CD Date Press Release Title
9-4 4 1 9/21/2004 Thompson Launches "Early Offers" Pilot Program to Speed Compensation to Injured Patients, Help Reduce Medical Costs
9-4 4 1 9/21/2004 HHS Orders Avian Flu Vaccine Doses As Preventive Measure
9-4 4 1 9/21/2004 Secretary Thompson Mobilizes Communities to Help Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health
9-4 4 1 9/22/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act
9-4 4 1 9/22/2004 Nearly Two Million Low-Income Americans on Medicare to Get Drug Discount Cards
9-4 4 1 9/23/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Urging Americans to Get Influenza Vaccine
9-4 4 1 9/28/2004 HHS Awards $35.7 Million to Support Community Programs That Promote Better Health and Prevent Disease
9-4 4 1 9/29/2004 Secretary Thompson Urges Group to "Stop Playing Politics with Children's Lives"
9-4 4 1 9/29/2004 HHS Awards 34 Grants Totaling $67.6 Million to Provide Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services for Homeless People
9-4 4 1 9/30/2004 HHS Works with Grassroots to Help Millions of Medicare Beneficiaries See Savings with Drug Cards
9-4 4 1 9/30/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Institute of Medicine Report on Childhood Obesity

Series 9-4

Series Box CD Date Press Release Title
9-4 4 1 10/1/2004 HHS Awards Supplement Grant to Alaska to Offset Costs of Insurance for Residents Too Sick for Conventional Coverage
9-4 4 1 10/1/2004 HHS Awards Supplement Grant to New Mexico to Offset Costs of Insurance for Residents too Sick for Conventional Coverage
9-4 4 1 10/1/2004 HHS Awards Supplement Grant to Wisconsin to Offset Costs of Insurance for Residents too Sick for Conventional Coverage
9-4 4 1 10/4/2004 HHS Awards Supplement Grant to Alabama to Offset Costs of Insurance for Residents Too Sick for Conventional Coverage
9-4 4 1 10/5/2004 Interim Influenza Vaccination Recommendations: 2004-05
9-4 4 1 10/5/2004 HHS Awards $31 Million in Grants to 31 States to Help Individuals with Disabilities and Older Adults
9-4 4 1 10/5/2004 Statement from the Department of Health and Human Services Regarding Chiron Flu Vaccine
9-4 4 1 10/6/2004 Medicare Advantage Plans Expand Coverage to Seniors, Lower Costs for Enrollees
9-4 4 1 10/6/2004 HHS and OPM Announce Launch of HealthierFeds Physical Activity Challenge
9-4 4 1 10/7/2004 HHS Provides $1.2 Billion to States for Energy Aid
9-4 4 1 10/7/2004 HHS Awards $232 Million in Biodefense Contracts for Vaccine Development
9-4 4 1 10/7/2004 Welfare Rolls Fall Under Two Million
9-4 4 1 10/8/2004 HHS Approves North Carolina Plan to Allow Individuals with Disabilities to Direct Own Care
9-4 4 1 10/13/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on the Formation of the National Commission for Quality Long-Term Care
9-4 4 1 10/13/2004 HHS Awards $139 Million to Drive Adoption of Health Information Technology

Series 9-4

Series Box CD Date Press Release Title
9-4 4 1 10/14/2004 HHS Secretary Urges States to Aggressively Prosecute Flu Vaccine Price Gouging
9-4 4 1 10/14/2004 HHS Awards $49 Million to Extend Health Care to More Low-Income, Uninsured Americans
9-4 4 1 10/14/2004 By 2020, One in Two Americans Over Age 50 Will Be At Risk for Fractures from Osteoporosis or Low Bone Mass
9-4 4 1 10/15/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding National Latino AIDS Awareness Day
9-4 4 1 10/19/2004 HHS Says Supply of Flu Vaccines, Medicines Will Help Keep People Safe During Coming Flu Season
9-4 4 1 10/19/2004 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Ad Council Launch National HIV Detection Campaign
9-4 4 1 10/21/2004 HHS Announces Additional Million Doses of Flu Vaccine
9-4 4 1 10/22/2004 HHS Files Brief in Support of Florida Price Gouging Lawsuit
9-4 4 1 10/22/2004 HHS Unveils New Unified Financial Management System
9-4 4 1 10/26/2004 HHS Awards $1.6 Million to Support Community Programs That Help Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
9-4 4 1 10/26/2004 HHS Awards 21 Grants Totaling $230 Million for Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grants
9-4 4 1 10/27/2004 HHS Makes Price Gouging Brief in Florida Available to All States
9-4 4 1 10/27/2004 HHS to Give Awards During Celebration of National Disability Employment Awareness Month
9-4 4 1 10/27/2004 Marks First Anniversary
9-4 4 1 10/28/2004 HHS Identifies More Influenza Vaccine
9-4 4 1 10/28/2004 HHS Announces Awards to States to Tell Lower-Income Beneficiaries About 2006 Drug Benefit

Series 9-4

Series Box CD Date Press Release Title
9-4 4 1 11/3/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson on the Death of Dr. John La Montagne, Deputy Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health
9-4 4 1 11/4/2004 HHS Buys New Anthrax Vaccine for Stockpile
9-4 4 1 11/4/2004 HHS Approves Idaho Request to Help SCHIP Families Buy Employer Based Insurance
9-4 4 1 11/8/2004 HHS Launches New Family Health History Initiative
9-4 4 1 11/8/2004 HHS Approves Maryland Plan to Allow Individuals with Disabilities to Direct Own Care
9-4 4 1 11/9/2004 Secretary Thompson Announces Contract to Secure Future Egg Supply for Flu Vaccines
9-4 4 1 11/9/2004 Medicare Preventive Benefits Begin January 2005 with a Goal of Healthier Seniors
9-4 4 1 11/10/2004 HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Announces New Initiatives for Help Americans Quit Smoking
9-4 4 1 11/12/2004 HHS Provides $42.6 Million in Hurricane Relief to Florida
9-4 4 1 11/16/2004 HHS Observes 25th Anniversary of Belmont Report for Human Research Subject Protections
9-4 4 1 11/18/2004 HHS Awards $10.4 Million to Fight AIDS on Three Continents
9-4 4 1 11/24/2004 More Than 17 Million Flue Vaccine Doses Shipped in Six Weeks
9-4 4 1 11/30/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding World AIDS Day, December 1, 2004

Series 9-4

Series Box CD Date Press Release Title
9-4 4 1 12/1/2004 Statement by Alma Golden, M.D., Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population Affairs, Office of Public Health and Science Regarding Abstinence Education Report of the House Committee on Government Reform
9-4 4 1 12/2/2004 HHS Awards Kansas Grant to Help People with Disabilities Maintain Employment
9-4 4 1 12/2/2004 HHS Awards Louisiana Grant to Help People with Disabilities Maintain Employment
9-4 4 1 12/2/2004 HHS Awards Minnesota Grant to Help People with Disabilities Maintain Employment
9-4 4 1 12/6/2004 HHS Announces Regions to Administer New Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit and Medicare Advantage Program
9-4 4 1 12/7/2004 Secretary Announces Plan to Fight Diabetes, Highlights Efforts to Promote Prevention
9-4 4 1 12/7/2004 HHS Approves Delaware Plan to Allow Individuals with Disabilities to Direct Own Care
9-4 4 1 12/7/2004 HHS Purchases $1.2 Million Doses of Flu Vaccine
9-4 4 1 12/8/2004 Medicare Modernization Act Already Helping Millions in First Year
9-4 4 1 12/10/2004 United States Pledges 20 Million Doses of Smallpox Vaccine to Global Stockpile
9-4 4 1 12/10/2004 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Ad Council Launch Flu Vaccine Campaign
9-4 4 1 12/12/2004 HHS Delivers Interactive Talking Book to Afghanistan
9-4 4 1 12/13/2004 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding the Nomination of Mike Leavitt
9-4 4 1 12/13/2004 HHS Issues Performance and Accountability Report: Sixth Consecutive Clean Opinion On Its Audited Financial Statements
9-4 4 1 12/16/2004 Secretary Thompson Announces PACHA Co-Chair
9-4 4 1 12/21/2004 Teen Drug Use Declines 2003-2004
9-4 4 1 12/22/2004 Nursing Home Care Improving in Many Areas New CMS Data Show, New Steps Initiated
9-4 4 1 12/23/2004 Medicare Will Help Beneficiaries Quit Smoking
9-4 4 1 12/23/2004 HHS Provides $100 Million to States for Energy Aid
9-4 4 1 12/29/2004 HHS Issues Final Regulation on Access to Group Health Coverage

Series 9-4

Series Box CD Date Press Release Title
9-4 4 1 1/6/2005 HHS Maintains Lead Federal Role for Emergency Public Health and Medical Response
9-4 4 1 1/6/2005 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding HHS Deputy Secretary Claude Allen's New Position
9-4 4 1 1/7/2005 Secretary Thompson Urges Medical Community to Support Tsunami Victims
9-4 4 1 1/10/2005 HHS Promotes New Medicare Preventive Benefits for Better Senior Health
9-4 4 1 1/11/2005 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson in Support of the Together Rx Access Card Announcement
9-4 4 1 1/12/2005 New Dietary Guidelines Will Help Americans Make Better Food Choices, Live Healthier Lives
9-4 4 1 1/13/2005 Statement by HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Regarding Major League Baseball's New Steroid Testing Decision
9-4 4 1 1/13/2005 HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson Releases Report on Promoting Medical Innovation