1: Eastern U.S. |
Mark G. Thiel with Nicholas Zettel, 2007, rev2017-2020 |
Alabama |
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2: Midwest U.S. |
Philip C. Bantin with Mark G. Thiel, 1984; Mark G. Thiel with Nicholas Zettel, rev2007-2020 |
Illinois |
Indiana |
Iowa |
Kansas |
Michigan |
Minnesota |
Missouri |
Nebraska |
North Dakota |
Oklahoma |
South Dakota |
Wisconsin |
3: Western U.S. |
Mark G. Thiel with Nicholas Zettel, 2007; rev2017-2020, ISBN 978-0-87462-994-1 |
Alaska |
Arizona |
Arkansas |
California |
Colorado |
Hawaii |
Idaho |
Montana |
Nevada |
New Mexico |
Oregon |
Texas |
Utah |
Washington |
Wyoming |
4: Outside U.S. |
Mark G. Thiel with Nicholas Zettel, 2007, rev2017-2020, ISBN 978-0-87462-994-1 |
Austria |
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Cuba |
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5: Help & Search |
Mark G. Thiel with Nicholas Zettel, 2007, rev2017-2020, ISBN 978-0-87462-994-1 |
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Acknowledgements |
Preface, 1984 |
Preface, 2006 |
Catholic Terms |
Catholic Groups |
Native Terms |
Native Groups |
Non-Catholic Church Repositories |

Choctaw Indian children with a poster of St. Kateri Tekakwitha and Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity (priest) and Missionary Servants of the Blessed Trinity (religious sister), Holy Rosary Mission, Tucker, Mississippi, 1934; Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions Records, 01892. |
Brulé Indian children, Jesuits, and Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity at St. Francis Mission School, Rosebud Reservation, St. Francis, South Dakota, ca. 1905; Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions Records. |

San Xavier del Bac Mission, San Xavier Reservation, near Tucson, Arizona, undated (1940s), Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions Records. |

Osage Indian tourists from Oklahoma at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Jerusalem, Palestine, undated (ca. 1919-1932) by G. Felici, photographer; Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions Records, 10761. |

Monsignor William H. Ketcham, Third Director, and his adopted son Tom (Choctaw) at the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions, Washington, D.C., undated (ca. 1900-1920); Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions Records, 01746. |