C: Communism;  E: Economics;  ED: Education;  F: Foreign Affairs;  L: Liberal Arts;  M: Miscellaneous;  P: Philosophy;  PS: Psychology;  SJ: Social Justice;  S: Sociology;  T: Theology;  U: University


Record Group Series Category Description
A-4.5 15.4 C-1 Russians as Champions of Reunion, Rev. Denisoff / The Mission of Metropolitan Andrew Szeptycky, Rev. Michael Hrynchysshyn, CSSR, St. Mary’s Catholic Ukrainian Seminary (Meadowvale, Canada)
A-4.5 15.4 C-2 The Planned Economy of the Communist State / The Educational System in Communist State as a Political Instrument, Vladimir Naleszkiewcz
A-4.5 15.4 C-3 Positive Approaches to Communism, Neill (St. Louis University), Kilcoyne and Vardys (UW-Milwaukee)
A-4.5 15.4 C-4 Literary Scene, Roger Parr (Marquette University) / Communism and the World Threat, Richard Connell and Quentin Quade (both Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 C-5 Germany’s Problem Today, Eric Waldman / Tensions Within Communist Camp, Quentin Quade (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 C-6 Philosophy of Communism, Richard Connell (Marquette University) / Organized Totalitarian Society, Eric Waldman
A-4.5 15.4 C-7 Russia and China-Communism Clashes, Tomasic (Indiana) / Anti-Communism, Siegrist / Red China – Leap Into Famine, Dean
A-4.5 15.4 C-8 Communist Education, Thomas Walton / Communist Propaganda, Barry Fagin
A-4.5 15.4 C-9 Communism’s Intellectual Unrest, Zitta / Anti-God Humanism, Everett Morgan, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 C-10 Dynamics of Communism (Soviet Totalitarians, Quentin Quade (Marquette University), Stanley Vardys, and Victor Zitta
A-4.5 15.4 C-11 Propaganda as an Investment of Communism, Barry Fagin / Sino-Soviet Tensions Today, Quentin Quade (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 C-12 Communism, Quentin Quade (Marquette University) and Eric Waldman
A-4.5 15.4 C-13 Signs of Change in Communism Countries, Victor Zitta
A-4.5 15.4 C-14 Religion Under Communism, Monsignor Basil Smochlco (Byzantine Catholic Seminary, Pittsburg) / Commentary on Communism and Religion, Roman Smal-Stocki (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 C-15 Soviets and Disarmament, Kurdziel / Soviets and United Nations, Victor Zitta (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 C-16 Supernatural and Natural – Their Relationship, Gerard Smith, S.J. (Marquette University) / Theory and Practice of Communism, Eric Waldman
A-4.5 15.4 C-17 Soviet Imperialism, Eric Waldman / German-Russian Relations, Victor Zitta (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 C-18 Communism and Religion, Everett Morgan, S.J. (Marquette University) / The East-West Berlin Problem and the Conditions in Divided Germany, Victor Zitta (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 C-19 Approaches to Communism, Quentin Quade (Marquette University) / The Historical Roots and Growth of Communism, Roman Smal-Stocki (Marquette University), 10/9/1962
A-4.5 15.4 C-20 Coming of Communism / Rise of Russian Empire, Roman Smal-Stocki (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 C-21 The Fate of Religion Under Communism, Monsignor Basil Smochko, SID (Byzantine Catholic Seminary) / Discussion, Roman Smal-Stocki (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 C-22 Communism: Its Educational Systems as a Political Instrument, Thomas Walton (UW-Milwaukee) / Communism Propaganda and Man’s Mind, Barry Fagin (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 C-23 The Soviet Cultural Offensive and Ideological Goals, Rudolph E. Morris (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 C-24 Soviet Imperialism and Morality of War Today, Everett Morgan, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 C-25 Political Aims of Communism, Quentin Quade (Marquette University) / Communism Prior to World War II, Eric Waldman
A-4.5 15.4 C-26 Communism, Roman Smal-Stocki (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 C-27 Soviets and Disarmament, Kursziel / Soviets and United Nations, Victor Zitta (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 C-28 Communism’s Philosophy of Life, Richard Connell (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 C-29 Totalitarian State: Its Structure and Control, Quentin Quade (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 C-30 Communist Propaganda Tactics and the Mind of Man, Barry Fagin (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 C-31 Debate - The Nature of the John Birch Society, Richard Connell (Marquette University) and Norman Skogstad (Milwaukee Attorney), March 1962 / The Lure of Wisdom, James Collins (1962 Aquinas Lecture)
A-4.5 15.4 C-32 Current Events-Why Study Them?, Eric Waldman / A Communist Addresses Comrades on Revolution, Roman Smal-Stocki (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 C-33 Soviet Policies for World Domination, Eric Waldman / India’s Foreign Policy, Kozickl
A-4.5 15.4 C-34 Theory and Practice of Communism, Eric Waldman / International Order-Union and Answer to the Challenge, Elmo Roper / Catholic Social Action, Rev. Crane
A-4.5 15.4 C-35 Communism and Western Civilization’s Consciences, Everett Morgan, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 C-36 Roots of Communism, Roman Smal-Stocki (Marquette University) / Economics of Communism, Marburg

Series 15.4

Record Group Series Category Description
A-4.5 15.4 E-1 Natural Law and Social Doctrine; Government and the Economy; Wages, Unions, International Labor Organization, Philip Land, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 E-2 Social Consequences of Alcoholism, Cyril McKinnon, S.J. (Marquette University), 7/26/1965
A-4.5 15.4 E-3 Ethics of Certain Advertising Tactics, A.K. Johnson / Price Slashing Caused by Profit Squeeze, M.H. Sheehy / Moral Problems Due to Automation, R.T. O’Hearn / Just Prices, and When Can Prices be Increased: The Morality and Ethics of Pricing Practices, R.J. Murphy
A-4.5 15.4 E-4 Just Prices, Job Discrimination unknown / New Role of Union, Population, and Foreign Aid, Philip Land, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 E-5 Truths for a Free Society, Gerard Smith, S.J. (Marquette University) / The Businessman and His Social Responsibilities, Perry J. Roets, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 E-6 Profit Sharing, B.L. Metzger, Director, Profit Sharing Research Foundation (Evansville, Illinois)
A-4.5 15.4 E-7 Government and Economy, Everett Morgan, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 E-8 Entrepreneurs and Profits, unknown / Unions as Communities, Philip Land, S.J. / Stephens –A Citizen and U.N., unknown
A-4.5 15.4 E-9 Technological Progress and the Use of Leisure Time, Rudolph Morris (Marquette University) / The Relationship Between the Government and the Economy, Richard Porter, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 E-10 Government and Economy, Wages, Unions, Philip Land, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 E-11 Ownership of Property in a Changing World, Perry Roets, S.J. (Marquette University) / Labor-Manager Relationships, Patrick Lenihan (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 E-12 Right-to-Work, Laws and Unions, Everett Morgan, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 E-13 Role of the Trade Unions, Philip Land, S.J. / The Flow of Money and Private Property; American Farm Problems, unknown
A-4.5 15.4 E-14 Interest, Usury, Perry Roets, S.J. (Marquette University) / Private Property, Philip Land, S.J. (Marquette University) / The Radicals, Ginsterblum
A-4.5 15.4 E-15 Trade Relations Within the Atlantic Community, Kurt Schuecker, Minister of Economics, West Germany, 4/9/1964 / Sherman Anti-Trust Law and Economic Order, Arthur Marlow (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 E-16 Labor and Welfare State; International Labor, Philip Land, S.J. / Management of Property and Income; Libertarianism; Corporations and the Flow of Money, Perry Roets, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 E-17 Altering the Profit and Loss Statement of a Manufacturing Company, J.E. Carroll (Student, Marquette University) / Morality of Dismissing a Worker, M. Naber (Student, Marquette University) / Communicating Trade Secrets, V.S. Becker (Student, Marquette University) / Morality and Ethics of selling Stockholdings, M.S. Megna (Student, Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 E-18 World Problems in Agriculture, Martin Schirber, OSB (St. John’s University)
A-4.5 15.4 E-19 Right-to-Work Laws, Everett, S.J. (Marquette University) / Automation, unknown
A-4.5 15.4 E-20 Just Price, Unions / Philip Land, S.J. / Existentialism, Frans Vandenbussche, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 E-21 Justice, Liberalism, Capitalism, Common Good, Individualism, Philip Land, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 E-22 Markets and Prices, Perry Roets, S.J. (Marquette University) / Unions, Public and Private, Philip Land, S.J. / Mystery, Body, and Society, Bernard Cooke, S.J. (Marquette University)

Series 15.4

Record Group Series Category Description
A-4.5 15.4 ED-1 The Reorganization of American Catholic Education, James Hanlon (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 ED-2 Economics: A New Force in Education, Anne McAllister, Elkhart, Indiana Public School System, 7/7/1964
A-4.5 15.4 ED-3 What Montessori Can Offer to the American Educational Scene, Urban M. Flege (DePaul University)
A-4.5 15.4 ED-4 Montessori and Knowledge Through the Senses, G.W. Gerleman, Spring, 1963
A-4.5 15.4 ED-5 What Kind of Education Are We Importing?, David Riesman (Harvard University), Summer 1964 (014857)
A-4.5 15.4 ED-6 Why Educate?, Jack Curtis / Love, Marriage, and the Family, Barry Fagin (Marquette University)

Series 15.4

Record Group Series Category Description
A-4.5 15.4 F-1 A Historical View of Our Image in Latin American, John Francois Bannon, S.J. (St. Louis University) / The Alliance for Progress: The Latin View, Ambassador Teodoro Moscose / Discussion: The Popular Image of the U.S. in Estol (Argentina); Aristides Moleon (Venezuela); Alvaro Garcia Pena (Columbia
A-4.5 15.4 F-2 Discussion Continues / National Politics at Mid-Term, Walter Dean Burnham; Are Catholics Failing in the Social Apostolate?, James O’Gara; Toleration and Conscience, Henry St. John, O.P.; Who Are Members of the Church?; Monsignor Charles Journet; Read by Gerard Smith, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 F-3 Pacem in Terris and the U.N., Everett Morgan, S.J. (Marquette University) / The Unity of the Free World, Barbara Ward (Lady Jackson)
A-4.5 15.4 F-4 The Pathology of Latin America, Joseph Menez (Loyola of Chicago) / Problems of Germany and Berlin, Eric Waldman (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 F-5 European Common Market, Naleskiewicz (Marquette University) / North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Eric Waldman (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 F-6 Private Property / Foreign Aid, Philip Land, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 F-7 Backgrounds of African Development, Robert Roberts (Roosevelt University) / United Nations Organization, Eric Waldman (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 F-8 Foreign Aid – A Discussion, Dominican College (Racine, Wisconsin), 3/31/1964
A-4.5 15.4 F-9 U.S. Foreign Policy in Perspective, Quentin Quade (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 F-10 Achieving International Cooperation by Aiding Underdeveloped Countries, Theodore Marburg (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 F-11 Areas of World Tension: Latin America, Africa, Europe / Church in Latin America, Eugene Korth, S.J., Victor Zitta, Pike, and Mahar (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 F-12 Apostolic Approach to Preaching – The Primitive Church, DeVault, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 F-13 Are There Degrees of Ethical Universality, Kolnoi (Bedford College, University of London
A-4.5 15.4 F-14 South Vietnam -Whither Now?, Amiya Chakravarty (Boston University) / The Two Europes, John Scott (Time Foreign News Editor)
A-4.5 15.4 F-15 Unity of the Free World, Barbara Ward (Dominican College, Racine, Wisconsin), 3/31/1964 / Pacem in Terris: Pope John and the U.N. (talk to SSND Community), Everett Morgan, S.J., 3/19/1964

Series 15.4

Record Group Series Category Description
A-4.5 15.4 L-1 Theatre Today, John J. Walsh, S.J. / Role of Poet, Jerome Archer / Role of Poet, John Pick / The Novelist, Joseph Schwatz (all Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 L-2 Nationalist Trend in the Music of the Americas, Aaron Copland / Distributive Justice and the Church’s Social Doctrine, Everett Morgan, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 L-3 Drama, Playwright and Audience / Trends in Theatre Design Today – An Interview, Joseph O’Shea, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 L-4 Literacy Scene, Roger Parr (Marquette University) / Communism and the World Threat, Richard Connell (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 L-5 Biology – Its Humanistic Possibilities, John O’Brien / Mathematics, Heider
A-4.5 15.4 L-6 Theology, Bernard Cooke, S.J. (Marquette University) / Science, Freidrich
A-4.5 15.4 L-7 Philosophy, Gerard Smith, S.J. (Marquette University) / Poetry, Victor Hamm (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 L-8 The Image of Man in the Modern Novel, Joseph Schwartz (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 L-9 The Modern American Novel and Novelists, Joseph Schwartz (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 L-10 An Afternoon With the Arts, Sr. Thomasita, OSF (Cardinal Stritch College) / The Storyteller – Folk Story and Song, William Ready (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 L-11 Religious Segregation in the U.S. Suburbs, Rev. Andrew Greeley / The Thirties: Literature in a Decade of Discontent, Granville Hicks
A-4.5 15.4 L-12 An Afternoon of Poetry, Jerome Archer (Marquette University) Time: 53:35 ; mp3 file./ Opera in America Today, Elena Fels Noth; Time: 63:22; mp3 file. 
A-4.5 15.4 L-13 The Achievement of Robert Frost, unknown / Pound: The Poet, unknown
A-4.5 15.4 L-14 Hart Crane – Poetry in Our Time, Joseph Schwartz (Marquette University) / Wallace Stevens, unknown

Series 15.4

Record Group Series Category Description
A-4.5 15.4 M-1 Dedication and Leadership Techniques (Part I) / Communism – Methods and Techniques, Douglas Hyde
A-4.5 15.4 M-2 Dedication and Leadership Techniques (Part II), Douglas Hyde
A-4.5 15.4 M-3 The Adam’s Family Papers, Lyman Butterfield (Harvard University)
A-4.5 15.4 M-4 The Ethical Responsibilities of the Advertiser, Eugene P. Lawler (Hoffman-York, Inc.) ; Glen Pommerening (State Assemblyman); Homer Bendinger (Milwaukee Journal); Roger W. LeGrand (WITI-TV) / Roundtable Discussion
A-4.5 15.4 M-5 Tax Saving Investments, A Loewi Company Representative
A-4.5 15.4 M-6 Civil Disobedience, Blackman, 3/10/1966
A-4.5 15.4 M-7 Air Pollution: Bowditch and Lipscomb / Smith and Weber
A-4.5 15.4 M-8 Children’s Drama / Ballet, Dollinger / Reilly
A-4.5 15.4 M-9 Public Health Nursing, McCardell
A-4.5 15.4 M-10 New Spirit in Vatican City, Philip Land, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 M-11 Talk on Business
A-4.5 15.4 M-12 Public and Private Aspect of Unions’ Administrative Responsibility / Life Under Castro in Cuba
A-4.5 15.4 M-13 WHBL News – Sheboygan County, Fall 1974
A-4.5 15.4 M-14 WBIR, undated
A-4.5 15.4 M-15 Adult Health Appraisal Program
A-4.5 15.4 M-16 The Campus – Wilderness of Frontier?, Jacques Barzun, 12/1/1969
A-4.5 15.4 M-17 Art and the Norms of Creativity, Paul Weiss, 2/1/1970
A-4.5 15.4 M-18 Some Aspects of Cooperation, Ralph Theodore
A-4.5 15.4 M-19 The Worst of Books, William Ready (Memorial Library, Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 M-20 Ireland Yesterday and Today (panel discussion), William Ready (Marquette University), 3/17/1962
A-4.5 15.4 M-21 Andre Girard, William Ready (Marquette University), 10/13/1962
A-4.5 15.4 M-22 Patrick Will Take Over, William Ready (Marquette University), 10/13/1962
A-4.5 15.4 M-23 Dylan Thomas, Poetry, moderator for readings, William Ready (Marquette University), undated
A-4.5 15.4 M-24 Sex Education for a Whole Society, Dr. Mary S. Calderone, 1/19/1971
A-4.5 15.4 M-25 Agony in Vietnam-A Diplomatic View, Luong Nhi Ky, 11/4/1965
A-4.5 15.4 M-26 WMUR Interview with Father Raynor and Dr. Quade, undated (9/30/????)

Series 15.4

Record Group Series Category Description
A-4.5 15.4 P-1 Art and Religion – Annual Aquinas Lecture, Paul Weiss (Yale University), 1963
A-4.5 15.4 P-2 What is Christian Existentialism?, Frans Vandenbussche, S.J. (014858)
A-4.5 15.4 P-3 What is Sensation and Sense Knowledge? A Philosophical Discussion, Professors of Marquette University’s Philosophy Department
A-4.5 15.4 P-4 Totalitarian State, Eric Waldman / Marxist Philosophy, Richard Connell (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 P-5 Deprivation and Celebration: Suggestions for an Aesthetic Ecology, 11/25/1968; A Relational Aesthetics: James and Dewey, John J. McDermott I (Queens College, New York), 11/26/1968
A-4.5 15.4 P-6 Beyond Trinity, Bernard Cooke, S.J. (Marquette University), 3/2/1969
A-4.5 15.4 P-7 Language and Questioning, John Sallis (Duquesne University), 12/18/1969
A-4.5 15.4 P-8 A Non-Marxian Application of the Hegelian Master-Slave; Dialectic to Some Modern Politico-Social Developments, Howard P. Kainz (Marquette University), 11/15/1968
A-4.5 15.4 P-9 Simultaneity and Becoming, Lee C. Rice (Marquette University), 9/26/1969
A-4.5 15.4 P-10 Hegel and Marx: Property and Alienation, Richard J. Bernstein (Haverford College), 3/5/1969
A-4.5 15.4 P-11 Value and Meaning, George A. Schrader (Yale University)
A-4.5 15.4 P-12 Linguistic Philosophy and the search for Wisdom, Frederick Copleston, S.J. 5/1/1968
A-4.5 15.4 P-13 The Body-Mind Problem and the Analytic Philosophers, Frederick Copleston, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 P-14 Moral Philosophy, Frederick Copleston, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 P-15 God and British Philosophy, Frederick Copleston, S.J., 4/29/1968
A-4.5 15.4 P-16 Catholic Intellectual Apostolate, Ong, S.J. / Hope in the Twentieth Century, Karl Stern / Teaching and Moral Virtue, Francis Wade, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 P-17 An Excursion into Cartesian Cosmology, Thomas Predergast (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 P-18 Kant in Recent British Philosophy: A Performance Basis for Metaphysics, Malcolm Clark, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 P-19 Interpretations of Hegel by his Contemporaries / The Limits of Modernism According to Marx, Shlomo Avineri 9/30/1968
A-4.5 15.4 P-20 Theological and Philosophical Knowing and Certitude, Bernard Lonergan, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 P-21 The Theological and Scientific Roots of Teilhard’s Thought, Gerard Smith, S.J. (Marquette University) 12/13/1968
A-4.5 15.4 P-22 The University in Process, John O. Riedl (Marquette University); Aquinas Lecture, 3/7/1965
A-4.5 15.4 P-23 What is Philosophy?, Gerard Smith, S.J. (Marquette University) / The Nature and Purpose of Poetry, Victor Hamm (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 P-24 Hegelian Idealism – The Forerunner of Marxist Materialism, Franz Vandenbussche, S.J. / The Totalitarian State Under a Communist Dictator, Eric Waldman
A-4.5 15.4 P-25 Metaphysical Evaluation; Philosophical Notions With Regard to God; Activity of Man: Religion; Art, Discussion with Marquette Faulty: Paul Weiss (Yale University), Schmitz, Francis Wade, S.J., Rabbi Weinberg, and Griesbach
A-4.5 15.4 P-26 The Good Life: Public and Private / Religion, Morality and Art, Paul Weiss (Yale University), 10/16/1963
A-4.5 15.4 P-27 What is Sensation? / What is Metaphysics?, Gerard Smith, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 P-28 The History of Philosophy As Philosophical Experience, Julius Weinberg (University of Wisconsin) / An Analysis of the Novel: The Possessed, by F. Dostoyevsky, Drago, La Popovich
A-4.5 15.4 P-29 Nature, Man, and Knowledge, Paul Weiss (Yale University), 10/8/1962
A-4.5 15.4 P-30 Theological Image of Man, Bernard Cooke, S.J. (Marquette University) / Philosophical Image of Man, Gerard Smith, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 P-31 What is Sense Knowledge?, Francis Wade, S.J. (moderator), Schrader, Parker, Rabbi Weinberg, Griesbach, 6/17/1964
A-4.5 15.4 P-32

St. Thomas and Philosophy, Anton C. Pegis (Marquette University) Digitized, but poor audio at 30:00mark and cuts out before end of speech. Time: 36:26; mp3 file.  / 

Commencement Address, Robert F. Kennedy, Attorney General, June 7, 1964; Time: 25:38; mp3 file. 

A-4.5 15.4 P-33 Lure of Wisdom, James Collins / Role of a Catholic University, Henle, 4/25/1962
A-4.5 15.4 P-34 The Significance of Teillard Today, James Anderson
A-4.5 15.4 P-35 Teillard: The Essential Intention of His Work, James Anderson
A-4.5 15.4 P-36 Teillard and Materialistic Evolution, James Anderson
A-4.5 15.4 P-37 Philosophic Analysis, Max Black (Cornell University)
A-4.5 15.4 P-38 What Then Is It to Know?, M. Griesbach
A-4.5 15.4 P-39 Role of a Catholic University, Robert J. Henle, S.J. (St. Louis University), 4/25/1962
A-4.5 15.4 P-40 Buddhism – Christian Philosophy and Theology – Their Relationship, Heinrich Dumoulin, S.J. (Sophia University, Japan) / Mental Health in Various Socio-Economic Strata, Helen Carey (Milwaukee Psychiatric Social Worker)
A-4.5 15.4 P-41 God and Reality, Paul Weiss (Yale University), October 1963
A-4.5 15.4 P-42 The Death of God, William Wade, S.J., 9/28/1966
A-4.5 15.4 P-43 Hegel, Frederick Weiss, Otto Poggeler, 6/2/1970
A-4.5 15.4 P-44 Hegel, Frederick Weiss, Otto Poggeler, 6/2/1970
A-4.5 15.4 P-45 End of Poggeler Talk with Dave the Translator, June 1970 / Hegel, Eric Weil, June 1970 / Critical Comments on Weil’s Paper, John M. Findlay, June 1970
A-4.5 15.4 P-46 Hegel, Eric Weil and John M. Findlay
A-4.5 15.4 P-47 Hegel, John Findlay and Francis Collingwood
A-4.5 15.4 P-48 Hegel, Jean-Yves Calvez, June 1970 / Critical Comments on Calvez Paper, David McLellan, June 1970
A-4.5 15.4 P-49 Round Table Discussion on Problems in Editing and Translating Hegel Texts / Religion As Representation, Louis Dupre, June 1970
A-4.5 15.4 P-50 Religion As Representation, Louis Dupre / The Conceptualization of Religions Mystery, Kenneth Schmitz, June 1970
A-4.5 15.4 P-51 Hegel, Eric Fackenheim and James Doull
A-4.5 15.4 P-52 Hegel, Schlomo Avineri / Critical Comments, Otoo Poggeler, June 1970
A-4.5 15.4 P-53 Hegel, James Doull / Critical Comments, Shlomo Avineri, June 1970
A-4.5 15.4 P-54 Workshop Discussion, Weinberg, Griesbach, Parker, Schrader, Francis Wade, S.J. (moderator), June 17, 1970
A-4.5 15.4 P-55 Philosophical Image of Man, Gerard Smith, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 P-56 Phenomenology and Language, Paul Ricouer (014859)
A-4.5 15.4 P-57 Nature and Grace, Gerard Smith, S.J. (Marquette University)

Series 15.4

Record Group Series Category Description
A-4.5 15.4 PS-1 Theories of Sensory Perception, Julius Weinberg (University of Wisconsin)
A-4.5 15.4 PS-2 Loss of Identity and Loneliness in Latin America, M.E. Edmundsen (Tulane University), 2/14/1965
A-4.5 15.4 PS-3 The Ecumenical Council, Rev. Edward E. Finn (Marquette University) / Psychology, Psychoanalysis, and Catholic Education, Raymond McCall (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 PS-4 Control of the Obscene, First Assistant District Attorney of Milwaukee, Professor of English Literature, Professor of Psychology (Marquette University) / Labor in Contemporary America, O.S. Holbricks (Attorney)
A-4.5 15.4 PS-5 Paranoid and Schizophrenic Mental Types, Raymond McCall (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 PS-6 Mental Problems, Raymond McCall (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 PS-7 Various Syndromes in Abnormal Psychology, Raymond McCall (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 PS-8 Drugs and Brainwashing, Loraine Gray
A-4.5 15.4 PS-9 Hypnotism and Brainwashing, Jerome Jekel

Series 13

Record Group Series Category Description
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-1 How Can We Promote Distributive Justice in the Economic Order; The Politics of the Paper Economy, by David T. Bazelon; Clergy and Laity Lag Behind Pope John’s Social Thought and Action, by J.A. Raftis, CSB; Is it Basketweaving? From We Hold These Truths, by John Courtney Murray, S.J., read by Everett J. Morgan, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-2 Common Good and Social Progress, Ralph Lassance, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-3 Common Good / Socialization / Historical Background
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-4 Social Nature of Man, Society, and Social Justice, Philip S. Land, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-5 Social Justice and Social Progress, Ralph Lassance, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-6 International Community and World Law, Victor Zitta / The Corporation and Social Responsibility, Roets, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-7 Civil Disobedience, Everett Morgan, S.J. / Social Studies and Schools, R. Burnert, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-8 Problems in Latin America: A Discussion
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-9 Three Presidents on the Presidency, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy / The U.N. Declaration of Human Rights, Honorable Judge Edith Sampson
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-10 Right-to-Work Laws; Automation; The One Against the Many, Everett J. Morgan, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-11 Civil Rights and Civil Wrongs, Robert O’Connell / Civil Rights Act of 1964, Boden
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-12 The New Breed and Social Reform, Everett J. Morgan, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-13 Mercy Killing, Robert
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-14 Student Movements, Fr. Blewett
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-15 The Changing Personality of the American Female: Panel Discussion, Gilda B. Shellow (Attorney)
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-16 Christianity and the Negro, Margaret Borkowski / Moral and Ethical Aspects of Racial Integration, Elizabeth M. Grady / Youth in Germany Today: West Germany and West Berlin, Aloys Wehr
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-17 Civil Disobedience: Socrates and Ghandi, Francis C. Wade, S.D. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-18 Racial Problems – Discussion, Dominican College, 3/31/1964
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-19 The Integration Front This Summer, Rabbi Clyde T. Sills (Temple Emanuel), Lloyd Barbee (Attorney), Rudolph Morris (Marquette University), and Sister Claire Marie, OSF (Alverno College)
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-20 Organized Crime in U.S.A., James Shellow / Problems of Public Welfare, R.J. O’Connell
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-21 DeFacto Racial Discrimination in Milwaukee Public Schools
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-22 God and the Public Schools, David Shute (Attorney)
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-23 Sociological Analysis of the Poverty Problem, Charles O’Reilly (University of Wisconsin) / The Government Anti-Poverty Program, Carl Olien (Economic Opportunity, State of Wisconsin)
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-24 Racial Justice and the Church, Monsignor Daniel Cantwell
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-25 God in the Public Schools, William A. Bowman (Attorney) / TV Wasteland, Les Jones
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-26 Non-Violence and Civil Disobedience As Means to Racial Justice, Robert Drinan, S.J. (Boston College Law School)
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-27 Law and Order vs. The Individual Conscience, Rev. Christopher G. Raible / Law and Order vs. The Individual Conscience, Robert H. O’Connell
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-28 The Social Doctrine and Its Practical Application Conscience, Daniel Mannin, S.J. / Pertinent Problems in a Pluralistic Society, Everett Morgan, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 SJ-29 Social Doctrine Institutes, Roets, Lassance / Meaning of Social Doctrine

Series 13

Record Group Series Category Description
A-4.5 15.4 S-1 Sociology and Man, Bela Kovric (Hungarian Royal Franz Josef University)
A-4.5 15.4 S-2 Population and New Israel, Saadat Hassan
A-4.5 15.4 S-3 Socialization, Government, and Economic Order, Philip Land, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 S-4 Images of Man, Paul Reiss / Political Image of Man, Quentin Quade (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 S-5 Discontent in Society – Nuclear Dialogue, Glazer / Pertinent Problems in a Pluralistic Society, Everett Morgan, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 S-6 Socialization (continued), Five Revolutions, Social Reform, and Social Policy
A-4.5 15.4 S-7 Social Welfare, Five Revolutions (continued), Individualism – Collectivism

Series 15.4

Record Group Series Category Description
A-4.5 15.4 T-1 The New Testament, DeVault
A-4.5 15.4 T-2 The Church: Popes, Bishops, Priests and Laity – and Vatican II, Bernard Cooke, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 T-3 Greek Orthodox Churches from 1054 A.D. to Present, Rev, Charles Von Euw
A-4.5 15.4 T-4 Sectarianism Within the Russian Orthodox Church, Archimandrite Elias Denisoff (Notre Dame University)
A-4.5 15.4 T-5 The Sodality as a Way of Life for the Laity; Prayer and Christian Asceticism; The Sacrifice of the Mass, Bernard Cooke, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 T-6 Nature of Prophetism in Old Testament, Claude Peifer, OSB
A-4.5 15.4 T-7 Prophetism and Moral Doctrine, Claude Peifer, OSB
A-4.5 15.4 T-8 Christian Truth and Social Progress, Ralph Lassance, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 T-9 Interview with Fr. Joseph Christy / The Role of a Catholic School in a Democracy, Everett Morgan, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 T-10 Liturgy Trends, Fr. Ellard / Theology Today, Bernard Cooke, S.J. (Marquette University) / Teilhard and Man, Vollert
A-4.5 15.4 T-11 Social Charity and Social Progress, Ralph Lassance, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 T-12 Class Discussion of Mater et Magistra
A-4.5 15.4 T-13 Various Rites Used in Catholic Liturgy, Edward Finn, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 T-14 Shaping the Gospels (The Question of Midroush), DeVault / Dead Seas Scrolls, Fr. Robert North
A-4.5 15.4 T-15 Dead Sea Scrolls, Father Robert North
A-4.5 15.4 T-16 Freedom of Choice in Education, Blum / Papal Encyclicals and Economic Problems, Mulder
A-4.5 15.4 T-17 Nature of Church, Catholic Views and Prospects of Reunion, the Orthodox View, Rev. John Meyendorf
A-4.5 15.4 T-18 Liberalism and Conservatism and the Common Good, Everett J. Morgan, S.J. (Marquette University) / Personal Integrity and the Common Good, Ralph A. Lassance, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 T-19 Theology and Catholic Living, Bernard J. Cooke, S.J. (Marquette University) / Sacred Heart Devotion, Murphy
A-4.5 15.4 T-20 Planning Meetings; How to Eliminate “Deadwood”, Bernard J. Cooke, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 T-21 Christ the Leader, Christ the King, Christ the Social Reformer, Bernard J. Cooke, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 T-22 C.C.D. Demonstration, Br. Leo Willet, SM (Assistant Principal Don Bosco High School) / Mass Theology, Bischofberger, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 T-23 Teaching Role of Church and Social Problems, Ralph A. Lassance, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 T-24 Zeal for C.C.D., Roger Parr (Marquette University) / C.C.D. in College, Sr. Aloysia
A-4.5 15.4 T-25 Shaping the Gospels; Historicity of the Gospels, DeVault, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 T-26 Training Catholic Leaders, Bernard J. Cooke, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 T-27 True Devotion to Mary, Bernard J. Cooke, S.J. (Marquette University) / Role of a Catholic University on the American Scene, Henle, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 T-28 Challenge of C.C.D., Msgr. Gulnerich / C.C.D. in High Schools, Rev. Raymond Lucker (St. Paul Seminary) / Lay Apostolate, Everett Morgan, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 T-29 Apostolic Approach to Preaching – The Primitive Church
A-4.5 15.4 T-30 New Testament Studies Today, DeVault, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 T-31 Orthodox Views of Church Reunion, Rev. John Meyendorf / Commentary on Meyendorf’s Lecture, Dvornik
A-4.5 15.4 T-32 Nature of Church and Prospects for Reunion, Bernard J. Cooke, S.J. (Marquette University) / U.N. and World Peace – Articles and Discussion
A-4.5 15.4 T-33 Prospects for Reunion – A Catholic Viewpoint, Thomas Cowley, OP / Concluding Remarks, Meyendorf, Smal-Stocki (Marquette University), Verges, and Finn
A-4.5 15.4 T-34 Old Testament History, MacKenzie / Liturgical Movement and Catholic Education, Shawn Sheehan
A-4.5 15.4 T-35 Obligation to Pay Living, Family Wage, Ralph J. Lassance, S.J. (Marquette University) / Freedom of Choice – A Must in Education and Schools, Virgil C. Blum, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 T-36 The “Third Rome” Legend and the Establishment of the Moscow Patriarchate, Rev. Francis Dvornik
A-4.5 15.4 T-37 Universalism; Eschatology in the Teaching of the Prophets, C. Peifer, OSB
A-4.5 15.4 T-38 Contribution of Catholic Schools to America; Trend to Secularism in America, Virgil C. Blum, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 T-39 Are We Educating Religious Pros?, Everett Morgan, S.J. (Marquette University) / Mater at Magistra, Philip S. Land, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 T-40 Mater et Magistra and Its Meaning for Today, Hillenbrand
A-4.5 15.4 T-41 Mater et Magistra and Population Problems and Economic Development, Thomas Hailstones (Xavier University), 3/12/1962 / Mater et Magistra and the Structure of Modern Society, National and International, Heinrich A. Rommen (Georgetown University), 5/23/1962
A-4.5 15.4 T-42 Kinds of Justice, Perry Roets, S.J. / Receptions of Mater et Magistra, Philip S. Land S.J. / Christ and Social Order, Ralph A. Lassance, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 T-43 Class Discussion of Christian Social Action, Mater et Magistra, and Farm Problems
A-4.5 15.4 T-44 Catechist – Witness to Christ; Catechetics – Introduction to XT, Bernard J. Cooke, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 T-45 Old Testament Messianism, C. Peifer, OSB / Catholic Social Doctrine, Louis J. Twomey, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 T-46 The Image of the Jew in America, Joseph Fitzpatrick, S.J., A. Rose, Bronfenbranner, Sr. Liguori
A-4.5 15.4 T-47 Christianity and Foreign Policy, Quentin Quade (Marquette University) / Sino-Soviet Relations, Eric Waldman
A-4.5 15.4 T-48 Review of Man, Natural Law, and Society, Perry J. Roets, S.J. (Marquete University) / Authority and Interpretation of Encyclical, Philip S. Land, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 T-49 A Just and Moral Solution for National and International Imbalance, Cyril McKinnon, S.J. (Marquette University) / Authority and Interpretation of Encyclical, Philip S. Land, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 T-50 Racism and Church, Louis J. Twomey, S.J. / Social Role of Religion, John Snyder, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 T-51 Unionistic Trends: Councils of Lyons and Florence; Council of Brest, Oscar Halecki (Fordham University)
A-4.5 15.4 T-52 Survey of Christianization of the Antiochene and Alexandrine Patriarchates, Rev. Charles K. Von Euw (St. John’s Seminary, Brighton, Massachusetts)
A-4.5 15.4 T-53 Pacem in Terris and the U.N., Everett J. Morgan, S.J. (Marquette University) / The Unity of the Free World, Barbara Ward (Lady Jackson)
A-4.5 15.4 T-54 Co-Existence of Different Ideologies, Quentin Quade (Marquette University) / Pacem in Terris and Disarmament, O’Connell
A-4.5 15.4 T-55 The Elimination of Racism in the Modern World, Rudolph Morris / The Dimension of Meaning, Bernard Lonegran, S.J.
A-4.5 15.4 T-56 Meaning of Mater et Magistra, James Buckley, Assembly Chief Clerk, State of Wisconsin / Pacem in Terris and Disarmament, O’Connell
A-4.5 15.4 T-57 The Authority of Social and Doctrinal Encyclicals, Everett J. Morgan, S.J. (Marquette University) / Natural Law and Religion as the Source of International Order and Justice, John Snyder, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 T-58 Consequences of Christian Estrangement, Rev. Francis Dvornik (Harvard University)
A-4.5 15.4 T-59 A Survey of the Slavic World; Christianization of the Slavs, Roman Smal-Stocki (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 T-60 The Origins of Christian Estrangement, Rev. Francis Dvornik (Harvard University)
A-4.5 15.4 T-61 The Origin of Rites in the Church; Improving Roman Catholic and Orthodox Relations, Edward E. Finn, S.J. (Marquette University)
A-4.5 15.4 T-62 Moral Theology, McCormick, S.J. / Social Doctrine of the Church, Twomey
A-4.5 15.4 T-63 What is the Difference Between Economic Bondage and Legal Bondage / Socialization in Mater et Magistra
A-4.5 15.4 T-64 What is a Jew? What is a Catholic?, Rabbi Weinberg, D. McDonald, and E. Gargan
A-4.5 15.4 T-65 Mater et Magistra and Pope John XXIII, Bishop Leonard Calley, Msgr. Gilligan, Fr. Griskoviack / Mater et Magistra: The Latest in a Sequence of Social Encyclicals, Aaron Abel (Notre Dame University)
A-4.5 15.4 T-67 Nature of Society / Church’s Authority / Sociality of Man
A-4.5 15.4 T-68 Government and Economy / Social Charity / Socialization and Economy
A-4.5 15.4 T-69 Subsidiarity Principle / Pacem in Teris and U.N. / Economic Laws and Principles
A-4.5 15.4 T-70 Unknown
A-4.5 15.4 T-71 Economic Rent / Corporations and Private Property / Social Action and the Parish
A-4.5 15.4 T-72 Corporations and Private Property / Social Action and the Parish
A-4.5 15.4 T-73 Just Prices and Wages / Vocational Order / Population Problems
A-4.5 15.4 T-74 Mater et Magistra: A Papal Document, Rev. Walter Peters, STL (College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota)
A-4.5 15.4 T-75 Charity and Moral Theology, McCormick
A-4.5 15.4 T-76 Anti-Theism of Christianity, Maddigan
A-4.5 15.4 T-77 New Testament, Ahern / Historicity of Gospels, DeVault
A-4.5 15.4 T-78 Christian Doctrine Symposium, Marquette University
A-4.5 15.4 T-79 Theological Questions: A Question and Answer Period
A-4.5 15.4 T-80 Vatican II: A Discussion, Rev. Schmeman, Thalassings, and Jacobovits
A-4.5 15.4 T-81 Judaism, unknown, July 9, 1968
A-4.5 15.4 T-82 Judaism – Discussion, July 9, 1968
A-4.5 15.4 T-83 Thomism in the United States, Dr. Yves Simon, 5/5/1957

Series 15.4

Record Group Series Category Description
A-4.5 15.4 U-1 Advance, 1961
A-4.5 15.4 U-2 Slide Show – Coach Raymonds, undated
A-4.5 15.4 U-3 Discover Marquette – updated, October 1977
A-4.5 15.4 U-4 Union Tip Off
A-4.5 15.4 U-5 Reading Clinic
A-4.5 15.4 U-6 Debate – Harvard vs. Marquette
A-4.5 15.4 U-7 Campus Facts and Figures, Spring 1972
A-4.5 15.4 U-8 Campus Facts and Figures, Summer 1974
A-4.5 15.4 U-9 Campus Facts and Figures, Fall 1974