Welcome to the
interdisciplinary seminarJewish Roots of Eastern Christian Mysticism |
The interdisciplinary seminar on the Jewish Roots of Eastern Christian Mysticism is designed as the internet version of an ongoing research seminar of graduate students at the department of theology of Marquette University (Milwaukee, USA). The seminar is directed by Andrei Orlov, a professor of Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity (Marquette University). The seminar started in March 2002 as an attempt to investigate Jewish mystical traditions in the eastern Christian theological and liturgical texts. It was thought that the seminar would help initiate and inspire the discussion about the Jewish influences on eastern Christian mysticism among a broader audience.
The internet version of the seminar was constituted on April 17, 2002. It is a regular text seminar consisting of scholars and graduate students of ancient languages, systematic theology, philosophy, patristics, biblical exegesis, and Judaism.
Currently the seminar is not confined solely to the students of Marquette University but also includes participants from various scholarly communities.
Themes are announced and resources pertaining to them are posted on this webpage. The resources normally include previously published and unpublished scholarly articles, electronic publications, lectures, reviews, and sometimes the critical responses to these materials. All copyrighted materials on this page are for classroom use only. Reproduction other than "fair use" quotations is prohibited. The articles, reviews, lectures, and critical responses must be send to the project moderators in order to be posted on the webpage.
This project seeks to provide a forum for electronically mediated scholarly discussion about Jewish mystical traditions in the eastern Christian texts.
Some documents on this webpage are available for download only as *. pdf files. These files require free Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to be viewed.
The current themes include the following subjects:
- THEME 1: Jewish and Christian Mysticism
- Theophaneia School: Jewish Roots of Eastern Christian Mysticism
- Ранняя иудейская мистика и славянские ветхозаветные апокрифы
- A Farewell to the Merkavah Tradition (Andrei Orlov)
- What is Early Jewish and Christian Mysticism? (April D. DeConick) pdf
- Liturgy and Mysticism: The Experience of God in Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Part I (Alexander Golitzin). pdf
- Liturgy and Mysticism: The Experience of God in Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Part II (Alexander Golitzin). pdf
- THEME 2: Transformation
- The Place of the Presence of God: Aphrahat of Persia's Portrait of the Christian Holy Man (Alexander Golitzin).
- Glorification through Fear in 2 Enoch (Andrei Orlov)
- Традиции Преображающего Видения в Иудаизме и Христианстве
- Воскресение Тела Адама: Искупительная Роль Еноха-Метатрона во Второй книге Еноха (Andrei Orlov)
- Парадигмы преображающего видения в Макариевских Беседах (Andrei Orlov and Alexander Golitzin)
- “Без Меры и Без Подобия”: Предания о Божественном Теле во Второй книге Еноха (Andrei Orlov)
- Paradigms of the Transformational Vision in the Macarian Homilies (Andrei Orlov, Alexander Golitzin).
- A Testimony to Christianity as Transfiguration: The Macarian Homilies and Orthodox Spirituality (Alexander Golitzin).
- Demons of Change (Andrei Orlov)
- THEME 3: The Name of God
- Metatron as the Mediator of the Divine Name (Andrei Orlov)
- Традиции Имени Божьего в Откровении Авраама (Andrei Orlov)
- Mediators of the Divine Name (Andrei Orlov)
- Yahoel as the “Second Power” (Andrei Orlov)
- Yahoel as Sar Torah (Andrei Orlov)
- Aural Ideology in the Hebrew Bible (Andrei Orlov)
- Vested with Adam's Glory: Moses as the Luminous Counterpart of Adam in the Dead Sea Scrolls and in the Macarian Homilies (Andrei Orlov).
- THEME 4: Fallen Angels
- Затопленные Кущи: Предания о садах в славянской версии Третьей книги Варуха и Книге Исполинов (Andrei Orlov)
- The Watchers of Satanail: The Fallen Angels Traditions in 2 (Slavonic) Enoch (Andrei Orlov)
- Ангелы-птицы в Откровении Авраама (Andrei Orlov)
- The Pteromorphic Angelology of the Apocalypse of Abraham (Andrei Orlov)
- The Flooded Arboretums: The Garden Traditions in the Slavonic Version of 3 Baruch and the Book of Giants (Andrei Orlov)
- “What is Below?” Mysteries of Leviathan in the Early Jewish Accounts and Mishnah Hagigah 2:1 (Andrei Orlov)
- The Nourishment of Azazel (Andrei Orlov)
- The Curses of Azazel (Andrei Orlov)
- THEME 5: Two Powers in Heaven
- Two Powers in Heaven in the Book of Daniel and the Similitudes of Enoch (Andrei Orlov)
- Two Powers in Heaven Traditions and Early Christology (Andrei Orlov)
- Two Powers in Heaven… Manifested (Andrei Orlov)
- Early Christian Binitarianism: The Father and the Holy Spirit (Michel René Barnes).pdf
- THEME 6: Great Angels
- Титулы Еноха-Метатрона во Второй книге Еноха (Andrei Orlov)
- Yahoel as Sar Torah (Andrei Orlov)
- Adoil outside the Cosmos (Andrei Orlov)
- Primordial Lights: The Logos and Adoil in the Johannine Prologue and 2 Enoch (Andrei Orlov)
- Metatron as God's Shiur Qomah (Andrei Orlov).
- The Pillar of the World: The Eschatological Role of the Seventh Antediluvian Hero in 2 (Slavonic) Enoch (Andrei Orlov)
- THEME 7: Negative Theology
- Dionysius Areopagita: A Christian Mysticism? (Alexander Golitzin).
- "Suddenly", Christ: The Place of Negative Theology in the Mystagogy of Dionysius Areopagites (Alexander Golitzin).
- Revisiting the "Sudden": Epistle III in the Corpus Dionysiacum (Alexander Golitzin). pdf
- Dionysius Areopagites in the Works of Saint Gregory Palamas: On the Question of a "Christological Corrective" and Related Matters (Alexander Golitzin).
- Paths of Light and Darkness (Andrei Orlov)
- THEME 8: Atonement
- Cain and Abel as the Scapegoat and the Goat for YHWH (Andrei Orlov)
- Jacob and Esau as the Scapegoat and the Goat for YHWH (Andrei Orlov)
- The Messianic Scapegoat in the Apocalypse of Abraham (Andrei Orlov)
- Abraham as an Eschatological Goat for YHWH (Andrei Orlov)
- THEME 9: Heavenly Counterparts
- Unveiling the Face: The Heavenly Counterpart Traditions in Joseph and Aseneth (Andrei Orlov)
- The Heavenly Counterpart Traditions in the Pseudepigrapha about Jacob (Andrei Orlov)
- The Heavenly Counterpart Traditions in the Enochic Pseudepigrapha (Andrei Orlov)
- The Heavenly Counterpart Traditions in the Mosaic Pseudepigrapha (Andrei Orlov)
- THEME 10: Anthropomorphism
- Divine Manifestations in the Slavonic Pseudepigrapha (Andrei Orlov).
- Physical and Metaphysical Measurements Ordained by God (Menahem Kister).
- The Visible Christ and the Invisible Trinity (Michel René Barnes).pdf
- The Body of Christ: Saint Symeon the New Theologian on Spiritual Life and the Hierarchical Church (Alexander Golitzin).
- "The Demons Suggest an Illusion of God's Glory in a Form": Controversy over the Divine Body and Vision of Glory in Some Late Fourth, Early Fifth Century Monastic Literature (Alexander Golitzin). pdf
- THEME 11: Divine Body
- God Wrapped in the Body: Christology of Mar Narsai (Nikolai Seleznyov). In Russian pdf
- The Vision of God and Form of Glory (Alexander Golitzin).
- THEME 12: Garments of Light
- The Transfiguration, Cosmic Symbolism and the Transformation of Consciousness in the Gospel of Mark (David Ulansey).
- Theophany of Azazel (Andrei Orlov).
- THEME 13: The Holy Spirit Traditions
- Veni Creator Spiritus (Michel Rene Barnes). pdf
- Revisiting Christian Oeyen: “The Other Clement” on Father, Son,and the Angelomorphic Spirit (Bogdan Bucur) pdf
- The Son of God and the Angelomorphic Holy Spirit: A Rereading of the Shepherd’s Christology (Bogdan Bucur) pdf
- The Angelic Spirit in Early Christianity: Justin, the Martyr and Philosopher (Bogdan Bucur) pdf
- Hierarchy, Prophecy, and the Angelomorphic Spirit: A Contribution to the Study of the Book of Revelation’s Wirkungsgeschichte (Bogdan Bucur) pdf
- THEME 14: Worship
- Mystical Textile: Vision of the Heavenly Curtain in the Apocalypse of Abraham (Andrei Orlov)
- Angelic Liturgy -Why? (Rachel Elior).
- The Qedushah: Who is Greater - Israel or the Angels? (Reuven Kimelman).
- The Heir of Righteousness and the King of Righteousness: The Priestly Noachic Polemics in 2 Enoch and the Epistle to the Hebrews (Andrei Orlov)
- Motivation for Communal Prayer in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Early Judaism (Daniel Falk).
- 1Q/4QMysteries, 4QInstruction and the Roots of the Rosh Hashanah Liturgy (Torleif Elgvin).
- The Sacerdotal Traditions in 2 Enoch (Andrei Orlov)
- Aprotropaic Prayers From The Second Temple Period (Esther Eshel).
- Metatron as the Celestial Choirmaster (Andrei Orlov).
- A Second Temple Non-Temple Liturgy (Joseph Tabory).
- A Temple Prayer for Fast Days (David Levine).
- The Use and Function of Psalms from Qumran: Revisiting the Question (Eileen Schuller).
- The Second Temple Period, Qumran Research and Rabbinic Liturgy: Some Contextual and Linguistic Comparisons (Stefan Reif).
- Prayer in St. Isaac of Nineveh (Hilarion Alfeyev).
- Communal Prayer at Qumran and among the Rabbis: Certainties and Uncertainties (Richard Sarason).
- Лицо Бога как Небесный Двойник Мистика в Лествице Иакова (Andrei Orlov)
- Qumran Laments and the Study of Lament Literature (Adele Berlin).
- Human and Angelic Prayer in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Esther Chazon).
- THEME 15: Jewish Temple Traditions and Christan Liturgy
- The Cosmological Temple in the Apocalypse of Abraham (Andrei Orlov)
- The Eschatological Yom Kippur in the Apocalypse of Abraham: Part I: The Scapegoat Ritual (Andrei Orlov).
- Symbola Caelestis
- Enoch as the Heavenly Priest (Andrei Orlov).
- The Temple Roots of the Liturgy (Margaret Barker).
- Храм творения в Откровении Авраама (Андрей Орлов)
- Beyond the Veil of the Temple. The High Priestly Origin in the Apocalypses (Margaret Barker).
- Parousia and Liturgy (Margaret Barker).
- Yahoel as the Singer of the Eternal One (Andrei Orlov).
- Atonement: The Rite of Healing (Margaret Barker).
- Where Shall Wisdom Be Found? (Job 28.12) (Margaret Barker).
- Priestly and Liturgical Roles of Metatron (Andrei Orlov)
- Rachel Elior's New Book "The Temple and Chariot, Priests and Angels, Sanctuary and Heavenly Sanctuaries in Early Jewish Mysticism" (Joseph Dan).
- The Three Temples: On the Emergence of Jewish Mysticism in Late Antiquity (Rachel Elior).
- The Temple and Chariot, Priests and Angels, Sanctuary and Heavenly Sanctuaries in Early Jewish Mysticism (Rachel Elior).
- Temple and Righteousness in Qumran and Early Christianity (Eyal Regev).
- A Second Temple Non-Temple Liturgy (Joseph Tabory).
- Metatron as the Prince of the Presence (Andrei Orlov).
- Towards a Theology of the Tabernacle and Its Furniture (Gary Anderson). pdf
- The Imagery of Angelic Praise and Heavenly Topography in the Syriac Testament of Our Lord (Grant S. White). pdf
- The Cosmology of P and Theological Anthropology in the Wisdom of Jesus ben Sira. Part I (Crispin H.T. Fletcher-Louis). pdf
- The Cosmology of P and Theological Anthropology in the Wisdom of Jesus ben Sira. Part II (Crispin H.T. Fletcher-Louis). pdf
- High Priest Yahoel and Azazel (Andrei Orlov).
- The Heavenly Veil Torn: Mark's Cosmic "Inclusio" (David Ulansey).
- Zur Beziehung der Liturgien in Judentum und Christentum (Franz D. Hubman).
- Jesus and the High Priest (Crispin H.T. Fletcher-Louis). pdf
- THEME 16: The Pseudepigrapha and the Transmission of Jewish Texts and Traditions in Eastern Christian Environment
- Selected Studies in the Slavonic Pseudepigrapha (Andrei Orlov).
- Christian Transmission of Greek Jewish Scriptures: A Methodological Probe (Robert Kraft).
- The Pseudepigrapha in Christianity (Robert Kraft).
- Pseudepigrapha and Group Formation in Second Temple Judaism (John J. Collins).
- The Pseudepigrapha and Christianity, Revisited: Setting the Stage and Framing Some Central Questions (Robert Kraft).
- Christianization of Jewish Sources Revisited: Issues of Method (Robert Kraft).
- In the Mirror of the Divine Face (Andrei Orlov)
- Scripture and Canon in Jewish Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha (Robert Kraft).
- Moses’ Heavenly Counterpart in the Book of Jubilees and the Exagoge of Ezekiel the Tragedian (Andrei Orlov)
- Praxis of the Voice: The Divine Name Traditions in the Apocalypse of Abraham (Andrei Orlov)
- The Fallen Trees: Arboreal Metaphors and Polemics with the Divine Body Traditions in the Apocalypse of Abraham (Andrei Orlov)
- Pseudepigraphy at Qumran: Categories and Functions (Moshe J. Bernstein).
- The Temple Scroll and the Halakhic Pseudepigrapha of the Second Temple Period (Lawrence H. Schiffman).
- Pseudepigrapha in Rabbinic Literature (Mark Bregman).
- Qumran Pseudepigrapha in Early Christianity (Benjamin G. Wright).
- Jewish-Christian Relations (Philadelphia Seminar on Christian Origins).
- “The Gods of My Father Terah”: Abraham the Iconoclast and Polemics with the Divine Body Traditions in the Apocalypse of Abraham (Andrei Orlov)
- The Face as the Heavenly Counterpart of the Visionary in the Slavonic Ladder of Jacob (Andrei Orlov). pdf
- "Earthly Angels and Heavenly Men": The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, Nicetas Stethatos, and "Interiorized Apocalyptic" (Alexander Golitzin).
- Making the Inside like the Outside: Toward a Monastic Sitz im Leben for the Syriac Apocalypse of Daniel (Alexander Golitzin).
- "Without Measure and Without Analogy?" Shicur Qomah Tradition in 2 (Slavonic) Enoch (Andrei Orlov). pdf
- THEME 17: Adamic Traditions in Jewish and Syrian Christian Writings
- On the Polemical Nature of 2 (Slavonic) Enoch: A Reply to C. Böttrich (Andrei Orlov) pdf
- The Life of Adam and Eve: Introduction and Problems of the Text (Gary A. Anderson and Michael E. Stone).
- Recovering the Glory of Adam: Selected Themes from the Dead Sea Scrolls Present in the Macarian Homilies and Other Christian Ascetic Writings of Fourth-Century Syro-Mesopotamia (Alexander Golitzin).
- Paradise Lost (Margaret Barker).
- Vested with Adam's Glory: Moses as the Luminous Counterpart of Adam in the DSS and in the Macarian Homilies (Andrei Orlov). pdf
- Adam and Eve Archive (Gary A. Anderson and Michael E. Stone).
- Adam, Eve, and Seth: Pneumatological Reflections on an Unusual Image (Alexander Golitzin).
- Resurrection of Adam’s Body: The Redeeming Role of Enoch-Metatron in 2 (Slavonic) Enoch (Andrei Orlov).
- THEME 18: Noachic Traditions in Jewish and Eastern Christian Environments
- Noah's Younger Brother Revisited: Anti-Noachic Polemics and the Date of 2 (Slavonic) Enoch (Andrei Orlov). pdf
- The Axis of History at Qumran (Michael E. Stone).
- Patriarchs Who Worry About Their Wives: A Haggadic Tendency in the Genesis Apocryphon (George W.E. Nickelsburg).
- Qumran and the Book of Noah (Cana Werman).
- "Noah's Younger Brother": The Anti-Noachic Polemics in 2 Enoch (Andrei Orlov).
- The Flooded Arboretums: The Garden Traditions in the Slavonic Version of 3 Baruch and the Book of Giants (Andrei Orlov). pdf
- THEME 19: Enochic Traditions in Jewish and Eastern Christian Environments
- Enoch as the Expert in Secrets (Andrei Orlov).
- Enoch as the Mediator (Andrei Orlov).
- Enoch as the Scribe (Andrei Orlov).
- Наследники енохического предания: “Люди веры” во Второй книге Еноха 35:2 и Сефер Хейхалот 48D:10 (Andrei Orlov)
- О полемической природе Второй книги Еноха: Ответ Кристфриду Бёттриху (Andrei Orlov)
- Падшие древа: Полемика с преданиями о Теле Бога в Откровении Авраама (Andrei Orlov)
- “Подобие небес”: Слава Азазеля в Откровении Авраама (Andrei Orlov)
- Enoch and Written Authorities in Testament of the 12 Patriarchs (Robert Kraft).
- Регент Небесных Крыл: Литургическая роль Еноха-Метатрона во Второй книге Еноха и традиции Меркавы (Andrei Orlov)
- Сосуды Света: Предание о Светоносном Веке во Второй книге Еноха (Andrei Orlov)
- Эсхатологический Йом Киппур в Откровении Авраама: Обряд с козлом отпущения (Andrei Orlov)
- Inheritance of Azazel (Andrei Orlov).
- Енох как посредник Бога (Andrei Orlov)
- Енохические черты образа Моисея в Эксагоге Иезекииля Трагика (Andrei Orlov)
- Ex 33 on God's Face: A Lesson from the Enochic Tradition (Andrei Orlov).
- Titles of Enoch-Metatron in 2 (Slavonic) Enoch (Andrei Orlov).
- The Origin of the Name "Metatron" and the Text of 2 (Slavonic Apocalypse of) Enoch (Andrei Orlov).
- The Enoch-Metatron Tradition (Andrei Orlov).
- THEME 20: Melchizedek Tradition in Jewish and Eastern Christian Environments
- Небесные священники и небесные жертвоприношения в Откровении Авраама (Andrei Orlov)
- Регент небесных крыл: Литургическая роль Еноха-Метатрона во Второй книге Еноха и традиции Меркавы (Andrei Orlov)
- The Heir of Righteousness and the King of Righteousness (Andrei Orlov) pdf
- Храм творения в Откровении Авраама (Andrei Orlov)
- Эсхатологический Йом Киппур в Откровении Авраама (Andrei Orlov)
- “The Likeness of Heaven”: Kavod of Azazel in the Apocalypse of Abraham (Andrei Orlov)
- Melchizedek Legend of 2 (Slavonic) Enoch (Andrei Orlov).
- THEME 21: Josephus' Texts and Traditions in Eastern Christian Environment
- What Josephus Says about the Essenes in His Judean War. Part I (Steve Mason).
- What Josephus Says about the Essenes in His Judean War. Part II (Steve Mason).
- "Two Tablets" Traditions from the Book of Giants to Palaea Historica (Andrei Orlov).
- THEME 22: Divine Mediators Figures: Jewish and Christian Traditions
- Praxis of the Voice: The Divine Name Traditions in the Apocalypse of Abraham (Andrei Orlov) pdf
- Glorified Jacob-Israel (Andrei Orlov).
- Metatron as the Mediator (Andrei Orlov).
- Moses' Heavenly Counterpart in the Book of Jubilees and the Exagoge of Ezekiel the Tragedian (Andrei Orlov). pdf
- Celestial Choirmaster: The Liturgical Role of Enoch-Metatron in 2 Enoch and the Merkabah Tradition (Andrei Orlov). pdf
- Some Observations about Paul and Intermediaries (Alan F. Segal).
- Abraham as a Heavenly High Priest (Andrei Orlov).
- Satan and the Visionary: Apocalyptic Roles of the Adversary in the Temptation Narrative of the Gospel of Matthew (Andrei Orlov)
- Abraham as the Goat for YHWH (Andrei Orlov).
- Moses as Heavenly Messenger in As. Mos and Qumran Documents (Jan Willem Van-Henten)
- Metatron as the Youth (Andrei Orlov)
- Beholders of Divine Secrets: Mysticism and Myth in the Hekhalot and Merkavah Literature (Daphna Arbel).
- Metatron as the Prince of the World (Andrei Orlov).
- The High Priest as Divine Mediator in the Hebrew Bible: Dan 7:13 as a Test Case. Part I (Crispin H.T. Fletcher-Louis). pdf
- The High Priest as Divine Mediator in the Hebrew Bible: Dan 7:13 as a Test Case. Part II (Crispin H.T. Fletcher-Louis). pdf
- Kavod of Azazel (Andrei Orlov).
- The Garment of Azazel in the Apocalypse of Abraham (Andrei Orlov)
- Was There a "Messiah-Joshua" Tradition at the Turn of the Era? (Robert Kraft).
- A Messiah in Heaven? A Re-evaluation of Jewish and Christian Apocalyptic Traditions (Cana Werman).
- Metatron as the Deity: Lesser YHWH (Andrei Orlov)
- Moses as an Angel of Presence (Andrei Orlov).
- In Praise of Michael the Archangel (Robert Kraft).
- THEME 23: Transmission of Jewish Traditions in Christian Environment
- Septuagint/Old Greek (Robert Kraft).
- Lectionary (Dale A. Johnson).
- Lectionaries
- "The Old Testament of the Early Church" Revisited (Albert C. Sundberg, Jr.).
- Early Jewish and Christian Scriptural Artifacts: Continuities, Discontinuities, and Social Significance (Robert Kraft).
- Contrasting Uses of the Greek Bible: Hellenistic-Jewish Literature and the New Testament (Tessa Rajak).
- The Gospel of John and the Dead Sea Scrolls (Harold Attridge).
- The Multiform Jewish Heritage of Early Christianity (Robert Kraft).
- The Weighing of the Parts: Pivots and Pitfalls in the Study of Early Judaisms and their Early Christian Offspring (Robert Kraft).
- From Jewish Scribes to Christian Scriptoria?: Issues of Continuity and Discontinuity in their Greek Literary Worlds (Robert Kraft).
- L'Ancien Testament dans l'ecclésiologie des Pères. (J. G. Mueller).
- THEME 24: Instruction, Initiation, and Special Knowledge: Jewish and Christian Traditions
- Metatron as the Expert in Secrets (Andrei Orlov)
- The Heirs of the Enochic Lore: "Men of Faith" in 2 Enoch 35:2 and Sefer Hekhalot 48D:10 (Andrei Orlov). pdf
- The Angel Story in the Book of Jubilees (James C. VanderKam).
- The Sources of Knowledge in Qumran and in Rabbinic Literature: A Study of the Evolution of a Metaphor (Paul Mandel).
- The Nature and Function of Revelation in 1 Enoch, Jubilees and Some Qumranic Documents (George W.E. Nickelsburg).
- Uriel-Phanuel-Sariel as an Angel of Initiation (Andrei Orlov).
- The Judaism(s) of the Damascus Document (Philip R. Davies).
- Metatron as Sar Torah (Andrei Orlov).
- Astral Knowledge and the Authority of the General in Greco-Roman military Manuals: Analogies to the Role of the Maskil in the DSS (Yonder Moynihan Gillihan). pdf
- The Status of the Torah in the Pre-Sinaitic Period: St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans (Gary A. Anderson).
- Revealed Wisdom: From the Bible to Qumran (Alexander Rofe).
- Metatron as the Scribe (Andrei Orlov)
- Ancient School Activity in Alexandria and Rome (Philadelphia Seminar on Christian Origins).
- Wisdom, Apocalypticism, and the Pedagogical Ethos of 4QInstruction (Matthew Goff). pdf
- Study, Ritual and Mystical Experience: Philo's De Vita Contemplativa (Celia Deutsch).
- Philo of Alexandria in Relation to Ancient "School Tradition" Speculation (Philadelphia Seminar on Christian Origins).
- Practicing the Presence of God in John: Ritual Use of Scripture and the Eidos Theou in John 5:37 (Jonathan A. Draper). pdf
- Secrets of Creation in 2 (Slavonic) Enoch (Andrei Orlov).
- The Secret Tradition. Part I (Margaret Barker).
- The Secret Tradition. Part II (Margaret Barker).
- THEME 25: Ascent to Heaven in Jewish and Christian Mysticism
- Heavenly Ascent in Graeco-Roman Piety (Philadelphia Seminar on Christian Origins).
- Stages of Ascension in Hermetic Rebirth (Dan Merkur)
- The Descent of Christ into Hades in Eastern and Western Theological Traditions (Hilarion Alfeyev).
- Ascent to Heaven in Antiquity (James D. Tabor).
- Apocalyptic Thought in Early Christianity (Philadelphia Seminar on Christian Origins).
- THEME 26: Jewish, Pagan, and Christian Magic
- 'The Likeness of Heaven': Kavod of Azazel in the Apocalypse of Abraham (Andrei Orlov).
- The Demons of Magic (Morton Smith).
- The Etymology of the Name "Metatron" (Andrei Orlov).
- Azazel as the Celestial Scapegoat (Andrei Orlov).
- Witches in the Bible and in the Talmud (Meir Bar-Ilan).
- Overview of the Study of Angels and Demons (David Frankfurter).
- Demonology in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament (Hermann Lichtenberger).
- The Experience of Demons (and Angels) in 1 Enoch, Jubilees, and the Book of Tobit (George W.E. Nickelsburg).
- The "Culture-Hero" Abraham: Ant. 1.154-68 and the Greco-Roman Discourse about Astrology/Astronomy (Annette Yoshiko Reed). pdf
- Ancient Jewish Astrology: An Attempt to Interpret 4QCryptic (4Q186) (Francis Schmidt).
- Magic: the Phenomenon and the Issue in the Graeco-Roman World (Philadelphia Seminar on Christian Origins).
- THEME 27: Jewish Traditions and Heterodox Christian Varieties
- Eschatological Yom Kippur in the Apocalypse of Abraham: The Scapegoat Ritual (Andrei Orlov)
- The Development of the Concept of "Orthodoxy" in Early Christianity (Robert Kraft).
- In Search of "Jewish Christianity" and Its "Theology": Problems of Definition and Methodology (Robert Kraft).
- Creation: Images Old and New (Philadelphia Seminar on Christian Origins).
- Special People or Special Books? On Qumran and New Testament Notions of Canon (Daniel Schwartz).
- The Codex and Canon Consciousness (Robert Kraft).
- The DSS and the Apostolic Fathers, with Some Observations on Other Early Christian Literature Apart from the NT (Robert Kraft).
- "Orthodoxy" and "Heresy" in Early Christianity (Philadelphia Seminar on Christian Origins).
- THEME 28: Sapiential Traditions
- Priestly Sages? The Milieus of Origin of 4QMysteries and 4QInstruction (Torleif Elgvin).
- Revealed Wisdom: From the Bible to Qumran (Alexander Rofe).
- The Categories of Rich and Poor in the Qumran Sapiential Literature (Benjamin Wright).
- The Eschatologizing of Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls (John J. Collins).
- THEME 29: Some Issues of the Origins and the Nature of Eastern Christian Mysticism and its Connections with the Greek and Jewish Mystical Traditions
- Theology and Mysticism in the Tradition of the Eastern Church (Vladimir Lossky).
- The Church of the East and Its Theology (Nikolai Seleznyov). pdf
- Theology in the Thirteenth Century: Methodological Contrasts (John Meyendorff).
- Ветхозаветные псевдоэпиграфы в славянской традиции (Andrei Orlov)
- L'esychia ovvero la tranquillità interiore ed esteriore (Kallistos Ware).
- Theology and Mysticism in St. Gregory Nazianzen (Hilarion Alfeyev).
- St Gregory Palamas and the Tradition of the Fathers (Georges Florovsky).
- The Teaching of Gregory Palamas on Man (Panayiotis Christou).
- Theophany as Light: A Background of Clement of Alexandria's Interpretation of the "Day" Abraham Was to See (Arkadi Choufrine). pdf
- Hierarchy Versus Anarchy? Dionysius Areopagita, Symeon the New Theologian, Nicetas Stethatos, and Their Common Roots in Ascetical Tradition (Alexander Golitzin). pdf
- "A Contemplative and A Liturgist": Father Georges Florovsky on the Corpus Dionysiacum. Part I (Alexander Golitzin). pdf
- "A Contemplative and A Liturgist": Father Georges Florovsky on the Corpus Dionysiacum. Part II (Alexander Golitzin). pdf
- Scriptural Images of the Church: An Eastern Orthodox Reflection (Alexander Golitzin).
- "Essence" et "Energies" de Dieu selon St. Gregoire de Nysse (Elias D. Moutsoulas).
- Notes on the Palamite Controversy and Related Topics. Part I (John S. Romanides).
- Notes on the Palamite Controversy and Related Topics. Part II (John S. Romanides).
- THEME 30: Late Jewish Mysticism
- Hiérarchie des anges et hiérarchie sociale (Charles Mopsik).
- A propos d'une polémique récente concernant l'oeuvre de G. Scholem. Considérations méthodologiques et réflexions sur la féminité de la Chekhina dans la cabale (Charles Mopsik).
- The Watchers of Satanael: The Fallen Angels Traditions in 2 (Slavonic) Enoch (Andrei Orlov)
- Métaphores et pratiques sexuelles dans la cabale (Moshe Idel).
- Pardes: The Quest for Spiritual Paradise in Judaism (Moshe Idel).
- Défense et illustration de la cabale: Le philosophe et le cabaliste de Moïse Hayyim Luzzatto (Joëlle Hansel)
- Each Man Ate an Angel's Meal: Eating and Embodiment in the Zohar (Joel Hecker).
- "God's Need for the Commandments" in Medieval Kabbalah (Morris M. Faierstein).
- Maimonides: Prayer, Worship, and Mysticism (David R. Blumenthal).
- Croyance et attributs essentiels dans la theologie medievale et moderne (David R. Blumenthal).
- Genèse 1:26-27 : l'Image de Dieu, le couple humain et le statut de la femme chez les premiers cabalistes (Charles Mopsik)
- Observations sur l'oeuvre de Gershom Scholem (Charles Mopsik et Eric Smilevitch).
- Philosophic Mysticism: The Ultimate Goal of Medieval Judaism (David R. Blumenthal).
- Bibliographies in the Slavonic Pseudepigrapha Project
- Ветхозаветные псевдоэпиграфы в славянской традиции
- Introductory Readings for the Study of Judaism in the Greco-Roman Period (IOUDAIOS-L)
- Bibliographies (The Dinur Center)
- Bibliographies on the Net (Saundra Lipton).
- Bibliographical Resources on Ancient Near Eastern Studies (Okeanos)
- Select Bibliography for the Study of the Ancient Near East
- Select Bibliography on the History of Ancient Israel and Judah (Victor Matthews)
- Reading List for Ancient Jewish History (The Dinur Center)
- Bibliography on the Hellenistic and Roman Periods in the Near East (Wm. Clay Poe)
- Judaica Bibliography (Mark A.Christian)
- Hebrew Bible Bibliography (Mark A.Christian)
- Genesis Bibliography (Victor Matthews)
- Septuagint Studies Bibliography (Joel Kalvesmaki)
- Orion Dead Sea Scrolls Bibliography
- Ben-Sira Bibliography (Franz Böhmisch)
- The Josephus-Bibliography (Institutum Judaicum Delitzschianum)
- Bibliography on the "Slavonic Josephus" (Andrei Orlov)
- Old Testament Pseudepigrapha (James R. Davila)
- Bibliography on Jewish Pseudepigrapha (Meir Bar-Illan)
- Bibliography on Jewish and Christian Pseudepigrapha (Thomas Knittel)
- Bibliography on 1 (Ethiopic) Enoch (Thomas Knittel)
- Bibliography on 2 (Slavonic) Enoch (Andrei Orlov)
- Bibliography on the Book of Jubilees (Thomas Knittel)
- Bibliography on the Apocalypse of Abraham (Andrei Orlov)
- Bibliography on the Ladder of Jacob (Andrei Orlov)
- Bibliography on the Life of Adam and Eve (Gary A. Anderson and Michael E. Stone)
- Bibliography on the Primary Adam Books (Thomas Knittel)
- Bibliography on the Slavonic Life of Adam and Eve (Andrei Orlov)
Bibliography on the Apocalypse of Adam (Thomas Knittel) Bibliography on Martyrdom and Ascension of Isaiah (Thomas Knittel) Bibliography on the Slavonic "Vision of Isaiah" (Andrei Orlov) Bibliography on the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch (Thomas Knittel) Bibliography on the Greek Apocalypse of Baruch (Thomas Knittel) Bibliography on the Slavonic Version of 3 Baruch (Andrei Orlov) Bibliography on Joseph and Aseneth (Thomas Knittel) Joseph & Aseneth Bibliography (Mark Goodacre) Bibliography on the Assumption of Moses (Thomas Knittel) Bibliography on the Testament of Abraham (Thomas Knittel) Bibliography on the Testament of Adam (Thomas Knittel) Bibliography on the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs (Thomas Knittel) Bibliography on 4 Ezra (Thomas Knittel) Bibliography on the Letter of Aristeas (Thomas Knittel) Bibliography on the Apocalypse of Elijah (Thomas Knittel) Bibliography on the Apocalypse of Zephaniah (Thomas Knittel) Bibliography on the Paraleipomena of Jeremiah (Thomas Knittel) Bibliography on Pseudo-Philo (Thomas Knittel) Bibliography on the Psalms of Solomon (Thomas Knittel) Bibliography on Sibylline Oracles (Thomas Knittel) Michael E. Stone's Works on Jewish Pseudepigrapha The Enochic Library: Preliminary Bibliography (John C. Reeves) Bibliography on Jewish Sectarianism (Meir Bar Ilan) Jewish Magic Bibliography (Alex Jasen and Scott Noegel) Bibliography of Jewish Magic in Antiquity (Meir Bar Ilan) Magic Bibliographies and Resources (John-Gabriel Bodard) Magie dans l'antiquité gréco-romaine Bibliography on Jewish Astrology (Lester Ness) Bibliography on Jewish Prayer (Tzvee Zahavy) Select Bibliography on the Second Temple Synagogue (Donald D. Binfer) Bibliography on Jewish Temple Traditions (Rebecca Luft) Bibliography on Targumim (Alex Jassen and Joe Angel) Aramaic Bibliography Bibliography on Targumic and Cognate Studies Midrash Bibliography Bibliography of the Talmud Guide to the Midrashim (Michael E. Stone and K. William Whitney, Jr.) Bibliography for Research in Rabbinic Judaism (Eliezer Segal) Basic Bibliography of the Genizah Collection Bibliography on Hekhalot Literature (Meir Bar-Ilan) Hekhalot Literature in English (Don Karr) pdf Bibliography on Divine Mediators (James R. Davila) Peter Schäfer's Works on Hekhalot Tradition (1970-1996) Metatron Bibliography (Meir Bar-Ilan) Lilith Bibliography Sefer Yetzirah Bibliography (Scott J. Thompson) Bibliography on Medieval Jewish Mysticism (Journal des Études de la Cabale) Joseph Dan's Works on Jewish Mysticism Selected Bibliography on Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism (Eliezer Segal) Bibliography on Monsters and Fabulous Creatures in Jewish Folklore (Meir Bar Ilan) Bibliography of Exorcism by Jews (Meir Bar Ilan) Bibliography of Khazar Studies (Kevin Alan Brook). Rambi: Index of Articles on Jewish Studies Hebrew University Bibliographic Search Search the Jewish Theological Seminary Library BiBIL: Bibliographie biblique informatisée de Lausanne BILDI: Bibelwissenschaftliche Literaturdokumentation Innsbruck New Testament Mysticism Project Seminar THEOLDI: Documentation of Theological and Interdisciplinary Literature (School of Theology at University of Innsbruck) Louis Ginzberg's "The Legends of the Jews" On Line (Philologos). Journal Abbreviations Ancient Abbreviations
- Bibliography of Byzantine Sources and Editions (Paul Halsall)
- Bibliography for Late Antiquity
- Bibliography on Eastern Orthodox Mysticism and Spirituality (Alexander Golitzin)
- Cursory Bibliography on Martyrdom (Alexander Golitzin)
- Bibliography on Anthony and the Desert Fathers (William Harmless)
- Bibliography on the Eucharist in the East (William Harmless)
- Bibliography on Christian Initiation (William Harmless) pdf
- Bibliography on Christian Mysticism and Spirituality (William Harmless)
- Bibliography on Early Egyptian Monasticism
- Bibliography on Spirituality in the Early Church (William Harmless)
- Bibliography on Gregory of Nyssa
- Bibliography on Evagrius of Pontus (Joel Kalvesmaki)
- Pubblicazioni recenti su Origene e la tradizione alessandrina
- Bibliografia sull'esicasmo e la preghiera del cuore
- Bibliography on Gnosticism (Diotima)
- A Basic Reading List on Valentinianism
- Bibliography on Gnosticism
- Bibliographies for Theology (William Harmless)
- Database in Patristic (Université Laval. Québec)
- Bibliography on the Syrian Orthodox Tradition
- Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt
- Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon
- Gnomon Online - Bibliographische Datebank
- TOCS-IN: Tables of Contents for Classics-Related Journals
- Bibliotheca Classica Selecta
- Hagiography Database (The Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection)
- The Slavonic Pseudepigrapha Project
If you have an idea or a theme which can be part of the Jewish Roots of Eastern Christian Mysticism Project, please contact the project moderator.
Project Moderator: Andrei Orlov
Jewish Roots of Eastern Christian Mysticism Project, Marquette University| Last updated 2020-03-14 |
© 2002 Andrei Orlov