The Marquette University Medical Clinic provides both routine and travel vaccines for students, faculty and staff.
*SHF (Student Health Fee) prices are for undergraduates and those who paid the Student Health Fee. FFS (Fee for Service) prices are for graduate and professional students, faculty, and staff.
Prices listed below are for one (1) dose of the vaccine. Some vaccines require multiple doses to complete the series. An immunization administration fee will be added to any visit involving one or more vaccines.
Routine Vaccines Travel Vaccines
Hepatitis B Vaccine
Hepatitis A Vaccine
HPV (Gardasil 9) Vaccine
Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine
Influenza - SHF*
Polio - currently not available
Influenza - FFS*
Rabies Vaccine (by special order)
Meningoccocal Vaccine - currently not available
Typhoid Vaccine - injectable
MMR Vaccine
Typhoid Vaccine - oral
Td (tetanus, diphtheria) Vaccine
Yellow Fever Vaccine
Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) Vaccine
Varicella Vaccine
Immunization Administration Fees:
SHF- $10 vaccine administration fee FFS - $20 vaccine administration fee
All vaccines prices are the same charges unless noted above.
Prices are subject to change. Please be prepared to pay for any charges incurred at the time of the visit.