Experts in Natural Sciences and Mathematics — Biology and Genetics

Allison Abbott, Associate Professor

Dr. Allison AbbottBiological Sciences

Expertise: MicroRNAs, Regulation of Gene Expression, C.Elegans (model organism)

Office Phone: (414) 288-4422
Mobile Phone: (414) 736-7999


Murray Blackmore, Associate Professor

Murray BlackmoreBiomedical Sciences

Expertise: Spinal Cord Injury, Brain Development

Office Phone: (414) 288-4532
Mobile Phone: (786) 327-7176


Edward Blumenthal, Associate Professor and Associate Dean of Faculty, Research and Graduate 

Dr. Ed BlumenthalBiological Sciences

Expertise: Entomology, Genetics, Physiology

Office Phone: (414) 288-6270
Home Phone: (414) 540-0897
Mobile Phone: (414) 627-3947


Chelsea Cook, Assistant Professor

Dr. Chelsea CookBiological Sciences

Expertise: Bees (Why and how collective behavior occurs at every level from the collective, to individual behavior, to the physiology and genetics of the individual; environmental conditions that elicit many social behaviors, such as the need for food or a change in temperature)

Office Phone: (414) 288-4105


Robert Fitts, Professor Emeritus

Robert FittsBiological Sciences

Expertise: Astronauts, Space Biology, Exercise Physiology, Muscle Biology, Preventative Medicine through Exercise, Muscle Biology and Fatigue, Space Biology, Muscle Fatigue, Muscle Wasting, Exercise and Heart Disease, Exercise

Office Phone: (414) 288-1748
Home Phone: (262) 353-3170
Mobile Phone: (414) 350-6859


Laurieann Klockow, Clinical Associate Professor

Laurieann KlockowBiomedical Sciences

Expertise: Virology

Office Phone: (414) 288-6560


Gary Krenz, Professor Emeritus

Gary KrenzMathematical and Statistical Sciences

Expertise: Applied Mathematics, Biology and Medicine

Office Phone: (414) 288-6345


Nathan Lemoine, Assistant Professor

Dr. Nathan LemoineBiological Sciences

Expertise: Ecology, ecosystems, conservation

Anita Manogaran, Associate Professor

Anita ManogaranBiomedical Sciences

Expertise: Protein misfolding and aggregation, Protein aggregation diseases, Prion disease, Transthyretin amyloidosis

Media type: Print, T.V. and radio


Chris Marshall, Assistant Professor

Chris MarshallBiological Sciences

Expertise: Microbiology (mostly bacteria)

Media: Radio, Print

Office Phone: (414) 288-1698


Aaron Miller, Clinical Associate Professor

Aaron MillerBiomedical Sciences Department

Expertise: Pharmacology & toxicology, human physiology, nutrition

Media type: Print, T.V. and radio


Michelle Mynlieff, Chair and Professor

Michelle MynlieffBiomedical Sciences

Expertise: Neurobiology, ion channels, neuroscience, pharmacology, physiology, neurotransmitters

Media type: Print, T.V. and radio

Michael Schläppi, Professor

Michael SchlappiBiological Sciences

Expertise: Molecular Biology, Plant Molecular Biology, Plant Development

Office Phone: (414) 288-1480


Kristi Streeter, Assistant Professor

Kristi StreeterPhysical Therapy Department

Expertise: Physiology; Neuroscience; Neuroanatomy; Respiration

Office Phone: (414) 288-1624


Pinfen Yang, Professor

Pinfen YangBiological Sciences

Expertise: Cell Biology of Cilia and Flagella, Signal Transduction and Cytoskeletal Systems

Office Phone: (414) 288-5663