Boland Institute for Natural Family Planning


“Helping couples live with their God-given gift of fertility”


Reflecting the mission of Marquette University, the mission of the INFP is to serve God by contributing to the advancement of knowledge in NFP and by collaboration with the Catholic Church in local, state, national and international NFP programs.


The Marquette University College of Nursing Institute for Natural Family Planning was established in 1997 for the purpose of providing professional education, research and service in natural family planning.


The three major goals of the institute are to:

  • Provide online NFP teacher training for health professionals.
  • Conduct research and scholarship in NFP and
  • Develop and offer innovative NFP services.

Marquette Method

Our method of NFP uses an algorithm that helps women and couples find their fertile window by interpreting biological signs of fertility. These signs of fertility are manifested in the activity of reproductive hormones found in urine, changes in cervical mucus and/or fluctuations in basal body temperatures. The purpose of using natural biological signs of fertility is to help women and couples to identify the day closest to ovulation and narrow the estimated fertile window. This improves objectivity and method effectiveness for women and couples who want to avoid or achieve pregnancy. The method is taught by healthcare professionals who are specially trained in an online synchronous teaching environment. Marquette Method trained healthcare professionals help the new learner/s gain confidence in management and self-interpretation of the woman's natural biological signs of fertility. The biological signs of fertility are important for understanding women’s menstrual and reproductive health. 

The Marquette Method is a full family planning service program.

Contact Information

Institute Director
Mary Schneider, Ph.D., APRN, FNP-BC, MMCP

414-544-9544 (cell)

Outreach Coordinator
Spanish Coordinator and Teacher
Susana Crespo, B.S.N., RN, MMCP

Preceptor Manager for Teacher Training Program

Jane Miles Ph.D., RN 

Office Associate:

Margaret Nakayenga 

414-288-3854 (office)