STEM Optional Practical Training

STEM OPT Extension

Students who have completed a degree in specific fields related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) may be eligible to apply for an additional 24 months of Optional Practical Training (OPT) in a position directly related to their qualifying STEM degree. The list of eligible STEM fields is available on the Department of Homeland Security website.

Students are limited to one STEM extension per level of study, but may be eligible for a second STEM extension after completing an additional STEM degree at a higher level. Not all STEM fields are designated for this extension. 

Before applying for STEM OPT, be sure you have read and understand all the information on this website about STEM OPT eligibility, the application process and timing, and the F-1 regulatory obligations of students on STEM OPT.   

Students applying for STEM OPT should also read these excerpts from the government regulations on the 24-month (STEM) extension of post-completion OPT as well as the USCIS description of STEM OPT for F-1 students.

What are the eligibility requirements for STEM OPT?

In addition to the general requirements above, to be eligible to apply for STEM OPT students must:

Please note: Unpaid positions, self-employment, and working for a staffing company or temporary agency generally do not qualify as employment for a STEM extension.


What is the timeline to apply for STEM OPT authorization?

The STEM OPT application must be properly filed no more than 90 days before the end of your standard post-completion OPT authorization, within 30 days of the date the STEM recommendation is entered in SEVIS by your MU designated school official, and no later than your last day of standard OPT

Note: If you timely filed a STEM extension with USCIS, you may continue to work for up to 180 days beyond the expiration on your post-completion OPT EAD.  The employment must be with a STEM qualifying employer and follow the usual STEM extension regulations. 


Application process for STEM OPT

Step 1:

Complete the STEM OPT Extension Request Form

The form asks you to "explain how your job is related to your major field of study." Be sure your answer lists both your primary job duties as well as your degree/major name and also includes a brief explanation of how the duties are directly related to your degree/major. 

Step 2:

Submit a Form I-983 Training Plan

This form must be completed with the help of your employer and a Marquette DSO must determine that it is complete, signed, and addresses all program requirements.  If necessary, here is further information about completing the Training Plan   

Step 3:

Complete Form I-765 (click link and scroll down to find form) 

Step 4:

Gather the following documents which are required for your application:

Step 5:

Email the documents listed below to for review: 

- Your completed I-983 form

- Your STEM Extension Request Form

- Your completed I-765 form

Upon successful review of these documents, OIE will updated your SEVIS record with your STEM OPT information and issue you a Form I-20 for your STEM OPT application. You will receive an email when the updated I-20 is issued ... students living near campus will be able to pick up the updated I-20 at OIE and students not living near campus will receive the updated I-20 as an email attachment.  

Step 6:

File your STEM OPT application and required application items with USCIS.

To apply via the traditional paper-based process, follow the instructions below to submit your STEM OPT application and required application items to the USCIS center. OIE strongly recommends you use a second or third day courier services so you have a tracking number to document USCIS receipt of your application.

You can also choose to submit your STEM OPT application online using the online I-765 filing process under the STEM OPT - (c)(3)(C) category. Students who choose to file online should note that OIE currently provides only limited advising on the details of this process.

Regardless of filing method, remember to send your application within 30 days following the issuance of the new I-20 and before the completion date of your currently authorized OPT period.

Please note that you do not send Form I-983 to USCIS with your application. It is retained by OIE.

Paper-based Filing Instructions - Items to Include and Mailing Address Information:

Mail your application documents to the USCIS Lockbox. Be sure to keep copies for your own records.

For US postal service:

P.O. Box 805373
Chicago, IL 60680

For courier (FedEx, UPS): OIE recommends sending your OPT application via courier

Attn: I-765 C03
131 South Dearborn - 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60603-5517 


Waiting for authorization

About 10 to 14 days after you submit your application for STEM OPT to USCIS, you should receive a receipt notice by postal mail. (Online filers will receive the notice via email.) This notice will include a Receipt Number which you can use to check the status of your application on the USCIS website at: Look for “Case Status” on the website home page.

Once you are approved for STEM OPT by USCIS you will receive an Employment Authorization Document (EAD card). The EAD card is proof of employment authorization during the dates listed on the card. Please provide OIE with a copy of your EAD card once you receive it.

Important Information for Students on STEM OPT


Reporting Requirements During STEM OPT

As described below, during STEM OPT you must make two types of ongoing reporting to OIE:  Regular STEM OPT Reporting based on changes to employment and personal information and STEM OPT Validation and Self-Evaluation Reporting every 6 months, annually, or at the end of any STEM OPT position.

Regular STEM OPT Reporting:

You must report changes to any of information listed below to an MU DSO within 10 days of the change. You should report via email using the OPT Verification Form except as noted below, and the DSO will updated SEVIS. Please note that your STEM OPT employer has:

STEM OPT Validation and Self-Evaluation Reporting:

Regardless of whether there has been any change, you must make the following reports to an MU DSO on the timeline indicated:

Periods of Unemployment During STEM OPT

During STEM OPT maintaining your F–1 status is dependent upon employment. You may not accrue an aggregate of more than 150 days of unemployment during the total OPT period comprising your initial post-completion OPT and the subsequent 24-month STEM extension. To avoid accruing unemployment days during STEM OPT, you must work at least 20 hours per week for an E-Verify employer for which you have a completed and approved Form I-983 on file with OIE. Each day during the authorized OPT period that you do not have qualifying employment counts as a day of unemployment.

According to current government guidelines, the Department of Homeland Security may terminate your F-1 visa status if it determines that you exceeded the limitations on unemployment during post-completion OPT including STEM OPT.  This may also impact future immigration benefits that rely on evidence of valid F-1 status.


Remote Work During STEM OPT

Remote work during STEM OPT is permissible as long as you otherwise continue to comply with all STEM OPT requirements and the training/mentoring/employment details as indicated on your Form I-983. If the remote work involves a change of the employment site location, the student must submit an updated, signed Form I-983 to their Marquette DSO and the DSO will updated the site information in SEVIS.   


Traveling Outside of the U.S. During STEM OPT

Returning from travel outside the U.S. during STEM OPT is generally possible if you have the correct documents for your situation as described below:

Travel after applying for STEM OPT but before your regular OPT ends is the same as travel during regular OPT and you can return to the U.S. by presenting the following documents:

Travel outside the U.S. while your STEM OPT application is pending and your regular OPT has ended is ok with the documents above plus your original STEM OPT application receipt notice.

Travel after your STEM OPT is approved is generally ok and you can return to the U.S. by presenting the following documents:

Although not required, employed students in all cases are encouraged to also have a letter from their employer.

* If you need a travel signature on your I-20, contact the Office of International Education at Marquette at least two weeks prior to your departure. 

Missing travel documents?

Students with lost or missing passports should contact their embassy or consulate for assistance. Students with lost F-1 visas must make an appointment with a U.S. embassy or consulate to get a replacement visa before reentering the U.S. Students who lost their signed I-20 or forgot to get a travel signature should email OIE to request a replacement/updated I-20 via email. In limited cases, US CBP may allow entry to students who can otherwise be denied entry (e.g. without their I-20, without a valid travel signature, have not paid the I-901 fee, with certain SEVIS status problems). The conditions of any I-515 entry must be resolved by the student within the 30 days.


At the End of Your STEM OPT

Your practical training is automatically terminated if you transfer to another school or begin studies at another educational level at Marquette.

If you decide to leave the United States before the authorized OPT ending date on your EAD and do not plan to return to the U.S., please contact a Marquette DSO with information about your date of departure.

After the ending date of your STEM OPT, you may remain in the U.S. for an additional 60 days. During this “grace period” you may transfer to another academic program, change to another visa status, or prepare to depart from the U.S. You may not be employed during this period.