  • Richard Arndt, Ph.D.

    Richard Arndt
    Richard Arndt, Ph.D. Marquette University

    Wehr Physics Hall, 420

    MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America

    Adjunct Instructor

    Political Science

    After earning an M.A. in Political Philosophy from Marquette University, Richard S. Arndt remained at Marquette and earned a Ph.D. in Theology, specializing in John Courtney Murray, S.J., much of whose work examines church-state relations, the American constitution, and religious liberty in the light of the Catholic tradition. Dr. Arndt also earned an M.A. in Education (St. Mary's, San Antonio) and has served for nearly two decades as an administrator, teacher, and guidance counselor in primary and secondary schools in Milwaukee, Chicago, and San Antonio, one of which was awarded the National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence for both reading and math.


    Richard Arndt's teaching interests include the development of political philosophy from antiquity to modern times, the relationship between politics and religion, politics and literature, as well as democracy and the American regime.


    Ph.D., Marquette University, 2008 

    Courses Taught

    POSC 2801 Justice and Power

    POSC 4821 Democracy and Its Problems

    POSC 4871 Politics and Literature


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    Department of Political Science
    Wehr Physics Building, Room 468
    1420 W. Clybourn St. 
    Milwaukee, WI 53233
    (414) 288-6842

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