Formulating a project often relies on multiple sources. Connecting with colleagues both internally and externally can provide valuable insight and guidance. Even when you are at this preliminary stage, it is important to connect with ORSP Project Planning and Development. To ensure a successful application, contact should be made well in advance of writing your proposal. The engagement of ORSP staff at the onset is an important yet often unrealized investment of new researchers in their grant-seeking efforts.
When formulating a project idea, it's important to draft a scope of work to begin clearly defining your project. One way to do that is to prepare a shot set of bullet points to include:
- Brief narrative (couple of sentences describing it)
- What you hope to achieve
- A short list of keywords
Also think about other potential Marquette areas and groups that could assist or be affiliated with your project, such as:
If your project includes community collaboration or if you've identified a potential community partner for funding, please contact ORSP Project Planning and Development and/or Office of Community Engagement to discuss.
Additional information can be found on ORSP's Community Engagement webpage.
These steps will help ensure everyone involved has the same expectations and vision as to what the project is going to look like. Next, you can start the process of Finding Funding.