All external grant proposals must be registered in Kuali, Marquette's grants management system.


If you haven't already done so, contact Project Planning and Development (PPD) to talk about your proposal submission plans.  A member of PPD will work with Grants Administration (GA) and to create your Project Development Team. When you contact PPD, let them know:

Either you (or PPD, if preferred) will start the proposal in Kuali:

    1. Open Kuali. Enter Project Information (Title, dates, etc.).  Note: most of this information can be updated later, if needed.  If the sponsor is not in the drop-down list, use SPONSOR_PLACEHOLDER, and let your PPD contact know who the correct sponsor is. 
    2. Add yourself to the proposal as the Principal Investigator (PI).  This can be done under the PERSONNEL tab.
      • When searching for yourself, only search by last name – no other fields should be populated.
    3. Complete the below PI tasks.
      • Within the proposal:
        • Proposal Certification - under PERSONNEL, KEY PERSONNEL
        • Credit Splits - under PERSONNEL, KEY PERSONNEL
        • Questionnaire(s) 
      • Outside the proposal, in your Kuali dashboard (homepage)
        • Conflict of Interest

Completing your Kuali proposal:

     4. No less than 3 weeks prior to deadline:

     5. No less than 2 weeks prior to deadline:

     6.  No less than 3 business days prior to deadline:

     7.  PPD will put the Kuali proposal into routing for internal reviews for approval.

     8.  After ALL approvals have been completed, and the PI has received notification from Kuali that it has been officially approved, the proposal can be submitted to sponsor.


While all proposals MUST be registrered in Kuali and approved prior to submission, the above outlines the ideal timeline for submission.  ORSP will work with you on your submission needs and any alternative timelines needed.