Individual vs Joint Leasing

There are two types of leases in the on-campus apartments:

 Joint Lease

Campus Town, Frenn, McCabe (Academic Year)

 Individual Lease

The Marq (all year)

Campus Town, Frenn, McCabe (Summer)


Joint Leases

Joint leases are the most prevalent type of lease, and are the lease that renters will most commonly see in off-campus properties.  A joint lease is one in which all roommates in a particular apartment sign the same lease.  This means everyone is equally responsible for for all rules and regulations of the lease (including rent payments), and that any one tenant is responsible for the actions (or inactions) of all the others.

Therefore, it is important to make leasing plans with all of your roommates in mind.  For example:


Individual Leases

Individual leases are a bit less common, but offer different flexibility for renters.  An individual lease means that you alone are renting a space (or bedroom) within a larger apartment. Nevertheless, these leases also require advance planning on behalf of you and your roommates:

While leases in Campus Town, Frenn, and McCabe are joint leases, they are treated as individual leases during the summer term.  Please see the Summer Leasing Page for more information.


By default, single-occupancy (one-person capacity) apartments are individual leases:



While you cannot choose the lease type for any apartment, it is good to consider the features of each in order to find the best apartment community/building for your situation. 


Additional Information

Individual vs Joint leasing options are closely interwoven with the flexible leasing options and the summer leasing options.  We recommend viewing the following pages for additional context: