Residence Hall Fall Arrival Information
When can incoming students move into the halls?
Residence hall move-in will occur on Wednesday, August 20 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for all incoming first-year and transfer students. Move-in will occur Friday, August 22 through Sunday, August 24 for all returning students.
To help reduce wait times during the move-in process, all students will need to select from the options below and sign up for an arrival time based on their travel plans. We have limited the number of students who can arrive at a given time and no exceptions can be made once a timeslot has filled.
Option 1: Early drop off + Express Check In
Between Sunday, August 17 and Tuesday, August 19, students can take advantage of our early drop off policy (no overnight stays) to reduce the crowds of people on move-in day.
Students will select a 60-minute timeslot to drop off their belongings in their room (no unpacking, assembling or arranging) and complete any necessary paperwork.
Students would also select a 60-minute second timeslot on Wednesday, August 20 to receive their room key and bring in any remaining items.
Option 2: Standard Move In
Students will select a 90-minute timeslot to move all of their belongings in their room and complete any necessary paperwork on Wednesday, August 20 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Signups for both options will start *Friday, June 13 (through the Campus Living Portal).
*this date coincides with the release of housing assignments