Residence Hall Directors

PpOur residence hall directors are full-time professional staff members who live and have offices in each residence hall. They help develop the sense of community you'll experience from the day you move in and provide support as you adjust to university life.


Shalu Kandakudy
Residence Hall Director
Abbottsford Hall


Graham Gorgas
Residence Hall Director
Carpenter Tower


Seev Lee
Residence Hall Director
Cobeen Hall 


Zach Reindel
Residence Hall Director
Humphrey Hall


Larniecia Smith
Residence Hall Director
Mashuda Hall


Onyeka Idemili
Residence Hall Director
O'Donnell Hall


Luke Waldbillig
Complex Director
Schroeder Hall


Katie Kane
Complex Director
Straz Tower


Monica Geiser
Residence Hall Director
The Commons - Eckstein Tower


Alicia Roman
Residence Hall Director
The Commons - Wells Street Hall


Nick Rockweit
Residence Hall Director
University Apartments  (McCabe, Campus Town West, Gilman, Frenn) and Evans Scholars House 


Shannon Salter
Complex Director
University Apartments (The Marq, Campus Town East, Global Village)