  • Sarah Grace Dalton, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

    Sarah Grace
    Sarah Grace Dalton, Ph.D., CCC-SLPMarquette University

    Harriet Barker Cramer Hall, 230B

    MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America

    Assistant Professor

    Speech Pathology and Audiology

    Dr. Dalton earned her B.S. in Communication Sciences and Disorders from the University of Georgia, M.S.P in Communication Sciences and Disorders from the University of South Carolina, and Ph.D. in Linguistics (with an emphasis in Speech and Hearing Sciences) from the University of New Mexico.  Her clinical experience has focused primarily on adults with neurogenic speech and language disorders secondary to stroke, traumatic brain injury, and neurodegenerative disease.

    Dr. Dalton teaches courses pertaining to adult language disorders and directs the Marquette University Building Rehabilitation Advances in Neurosciences (BRAIN) Lab. The focus of Dr. Dalton's work is to improve the assessment and rehabilitation of neurogenic communication disorders using neuroscience so that individuals experience a more complete recovery and return to important life pursuits.  To address this focus Dr. Dalton uses a variety of methodologies from behavioral speech-language therapy and pen-and-paper assessments to neuroimaging and brain stimulation.


    • Ph.D., Linguistics with emphasis in Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of New Mexico
    • M.S.P., Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of South Carolina
    • B.S.Ed., Communicaiton Sciences and Disorders, University of Georgia

    Courses Taught

    • SPPA 6340 Cognitive Disorders
    • SPPA 6750 Clinical Research Methodology

    Professional Affiliations

    • American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA)
      • Special Interest Group 2: Neurogenic Communication Disorders
    • Wisconsin Speech-Language Hearing Association (WSHA)
    • AphasiaAccess
    • Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honor Society


    • Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech Language Pathology: ASHA


    • Greenslade, K.J., Stuart, J., Richardson, J.D., Dalton, S.G.H., & Ramage, A.E. (Submitted). Macrostructural analyses of Cinderella narratives in a large non-clinical sample. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
    • Dalton, S.G.H., Hubbard, H.I.H., & Richardson, J.D. (In Press). Non-transcription-based discourse analysis in chronic and progressive aphasia. Seminars in Speech and Language.
    • Dalton, S.G.H., Kim, H., Richardson, J.D., & Wright, H. (In Press). A compendium of core lexicon checklists. Seminars in Speech and Language.
    • Dalton, S.G.H., & Richardson, J.D. (2019). A large-scale comparison of main concept analysis between persons with aphasia and persons without brain injury.American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
    • Richardson, J.D., & Dalton, S.G.H. (2019). Main concept checklists for two picture desciption tasks: An addition to Richardson and Dalton, 2016. Aphasiology.
    • Richardson, J.D., Dalton, S.G.H., Fromm, D., Forbes, M., Holland, A., & MacWhinney, B. (2018). The relationship between confrontation naming and story gist production in aphasia. American Journal of Speech-Lanaguage Pathology.
    • Dalton, S.G.H., Shultz, C.J., Henry, M., Hillis, A.E., & Richardson, J.D. (2018). Describing phonological paraphasias in three variants of primary progressive aphasia. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
    • Fromm, D., Forbes, M., Holland, A., Dalton, S.G.H., Richardson, J.D., & MacWhinney, B. (2017). Discourse characteristics in aphasia beyond the WAB cutoff. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
    • Richardson, J.D., Dalton, S.G.H., Shafer, J., Shults, C., Patterson, J., & Domoto-Reilly, K. (2016). Assessment Fidelity in Aphasia Research. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
    • Richardson, J.D., & Dalton, S.G.H. (2016). Main concepts for three different discourse tasks in a large non-clinical sample. Aphasiology, 30(1), 45-73.
    • Dalton, S.G.H., & Richardson, J.D. (2016). Core lexicon and main concept production during picture sequence description in non-brain-damaged adults and adults in aphasia. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 1-16.

    **All following publications submitted under the name Sarah Grace Hudspeth**

    • Hudspeth, S.G., Meredith, L., & Richardson, J.D. (2015). The promise of learning potential assessment to predict outcomes in adults with and without stroke. E-Hearsay: Journal of the Ohio Speech Language Hearing Association.
    • Fridriksson J., Hubbard H.I., Hudspeth S.G. (2012). Transcranial brain stimulation to treat aphasia: A clinical perspective. Seminars in Speech and Language, 33(3), 188-202.
    • Fridriksson, J., Hubbard H.I., Hudspeth S.G., Holland A., Bonilha, L., Fromm, D., Rorden, C. (2012). Speech entrainment enables patients with Broca's aphasia to produce fluent speech. Brain, 135(12), 3815-3829.


    • Greenslade, K.J., Bowden, J., Dalton, S.G.H., Ramage, A.E., & Richardson, J.D. (Nov 2019). Mactrostructural analysis of story gramer and orderliness in Cinderella narratives from a large non-clinical sample.  Poster presented at the annual Convention of the Speech-Language Hearing Association. Orlando, Flordia.
    • Dalton, S.G.H., Cavanagh, J., & Richardson, J.D. (NOV 2019). Spectral EEG changes in persons with chronic stroke. Poster to be presented at the Annual Convention of the Speech-Language Hearing Association. Orlando, Flordia.
    • Dalton, S.G.H., Cavanagh, J., Adams, J., & Richardson, J.D. (May 2019). Sensitivity of ERPs to language changes following therapy. Poster presented at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference. Whitefish, Montana.
    • Richardson, J.D., Dalton, S.G.H., Hubbard, H.I., Shultz, C., Hanson, J., Adams, J. (May 2019). Feasibility of group script training in two variants of primary progressive aphasia. Round Table presented at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference. Whitefish, Montana.
    • Richardson, J.D., Moser, D., Dalton, S.G.H.,  Hubbard, H.I., Shultz, C., Hanson, J., Adams, J. (May 2019). Feasibility of group script training in two variants of primary progressive aphasia. Poster presented at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference. Whitefish, Montana.
    • Jacks, A., Haley, K., Richardson, J.D., Dalton, S.G.H. (2018). Language impairment and lived experience in aphasia: A factor analysis. Poster presented at the Clinical Asphasiology Conference. Austin, Texas.
    • Arenas, R., Richardson, J.D., Dalton, S.G.H., & Stweart, H. (2018). Current State of Blinding in tACS Research. Poster presented at the NYC Neuromodulation Conference. New York City, New York.
    • Richardson, J.D., Dalton, S.G.H., Cavanagh, J.F., Shultz, C., & Adams, J. (2018). HD-tDCS to contralesional hemisphere to enhance treatement outcomesin persons with stroke-induced aphasia. Poster presented at the NYC Neuromodulation Conference. New York City, New York.
    • Richardson, J.D., Dalton, S.G.H., Arenas, R., Quinn, D., Larsen, N., Von Hoyningen-Huene, S., Duhigg, C., & Pinchotti, D. (2018). Optical measurement of cerebral blood flow to investigate brain stimulation and task engagement. Poster presented at the NYC Neuromodulation Conference. New York City, New York.
    • Haley, K., Harmon, T., Smith, M., Jacks, A., Richarson, J.D., Dalton, S.G.H., & Shafer, J. (2017). Apraxia of speech in conduction aphasia: A clinical reality. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Speech-Language Hearing Association. Los Angeles, California.
    • Tanaka, T., Dalton, S.G.H., & Richardson, J.D. (2017). Estimating the impact of assessment & treatment fidelity on aphasia treatment outcomes. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Speech-Language Hearing Association. Los Angeles, California.
    • Shultz, C.J., Dalton, S.G.H., Salm, L., and Richardson, J.D. (2017). Group phonological treatment in logopenic cariant primary progressive aphasia. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Speech-Language Hearing Association. Los Angeles, California.
    • Dalton, S.G.H., Salm, L., Cavanagh, J., and Richardson, J.D. (2017). Investigating electrophysiological changes in language, motor & cognitive networks in individuals with chronic aphasia. Flash session to be presented at the Annual Convention of the Speech-Language Hearing Association. Los Angeles, California.
    • Arenas, R.M., Richardson, J.D., Dalton, S.G.H., & Stewart, H. (2017). Current state of blinding in tACS research. Poster presented at the UNM Clinical Neurostimulation Conference. Albuquerque, New Mexico.
    • Dalton, S.G.H., Stewart, H., & Richardson, J.D. (2017). A large-scale comparison of main concept analysis between persons with aphasia and person without brian injury. Poster presented at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference. Snowbird, Utah.
    • Richardson, J.D., Dalton, S.G.H., & Shisler-Marshall, R. (2017). A focus on discourse changes following intensive language action therapy. Poster presented at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference. Snowbird, Utah.