Speech and Swallowing Lab

Our primary research is focused on understanding how auditory information affects aspects of learning and coordination of movements of the tongue, lips, and jaw during speech. We seek to clarify how brain injury may impact speech related auditory-motor integration for survivors of stroke and traumatic brain injury (TBI). This research will help broaden our understanding of brain function for speech and facilitate improved speech treatments for millions of survivors of brain injury.
Our current project is supported with a grant (FAIN# R15DC017296) from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Institute of Deafness and other Communication Disorders (NIDCD). In this study, we are using a speech synthesizer and an instrument that tracks movements of the tongue, lips, and jaw to study auditory-motor integration.
Can a speech synthesizer help with speech rehabilitation?
The Marquette University Speech and Swallowing Laboratory seeks participants for a study of speech following stroke or traumatic brain injury (TBI). The purpose of this research study is to explore how a new speech synthesis system may be useful in helping brain injury survivors with speech problems change the movements of their tongue, lips, and jaw.
- 18-60 years of age
- Speech problems
- At least 1 year since stroke or traumatic brain injury
- Adequate hearing and attention
- No implanted cardiac or respiratory pacing device or cardiac defibrillator
Prospective participants will complete a one-hour screening process and receive $20.
Individuals who are selected to participate in the full research study will complete a two-hour experiment and receive $50.
For more information, please call 414.288.5401 or email SpeechLab@marquette.edu
Current student researchers
Graduate research assistants
- Madison Colvis
- Molly Glowacki
- Nibia Joseph
- McKenzie Maccaux
- Jenna Strand
Undergraduate research assistants
- Elliana Beatty
- Grace Brock
- Emily Karr
- Lizbeth Lopez
- Madison McGrath
- Rebecca Mudge
- CeCe Robinson
- Brenna Tiger