Site Repair & Accessibility Improvements

Existing site conditions require modification to improve accessibility, safety, and aesthetics. The bluestone paving around the Chapel and fountain is in poor condition, making the surface a trip hazard and non-compliant with ADA standards. Mortared stone walls need repair and tuck-pointing. There are moisture wicking issues with the vegetation along the perimeter of the chapel. Many trees have structural issues and are showing signs of decline, as well as having leaf disease / fungal problems. Many trees are planted close to the chapel and cause leaf debris and seeds to fall on the roof and into gutters.
Remove and replace bluestone paving with stone to match the newly installed Grotto paving. Repair mortared stone walls as needed. Replace steps and landings with new reinforced color-matched concrete. Add accessible pathways at the west and north site entries where grade allows for low impact improvements.
Remove old or compromised trees. Install new native tree species which are adaptable to site conditions and provide a more formal look to the chapel site and gardens. Existing gardens (shrubs, perennials, groundcovers) should be evaluated and potentially replaced and redesigned for the site as appropriate.
Provide new stone urns, planters and benches. The materials should be high quality natural or cultured stone and match appropriately to the architecture of the chapel.