Guided By Mission, Inspired To Change

Marquette University's strategic plan for 2031

Read the full strategic plan framework


In 2031, Marquette University will celebrate 150 years of serving God by delivering our students a transformative education rooted in our Catholic, Jesuit tradition. Heading into this milestone, we remain committed to our mission, vision and guiding values. Building upon this strong foundation and our collective strengths in teaching, research and innovation, we will continue to adapt and evolve. Through our mission and our devotion to human dignity and diversity, we are called to educate our students and conduct our research in ways that are just and responsive to the ever-changing needs of the world.

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  • Thriving Students

Marquette will be the nationally recognized leader in the integration of student wellness, transformation and success.


  • Healthy Campus

Marquette will identify as thriving in its culture of belongingness, care for the whole person (cura personalis) and be adaptable to ensure the health of the institution (cura apostolica).


  • Care for the World

Marquette will focus its talent to address the world’s challenges as identified in the Society of Jesus’ Universal Apostolic Preferences through our faith inspired service and by growing our cutting-edge research in partnership with the Milwaukee community and beyond.