Study Abroad: How-To Video Tutorials

Beginning the study abroad process can be overwhelming. Students are encouraged to view the How-To video tutorials below to assist them in their study abroad journey.

Exploration Stage

Just starting out in your study abroad journey? In addition to the below, view or attend a Study Abroad 101 Info Session for an overview of study abroad for Marquette students. Don't forget about our Study Abroad FAQs.

Navigating the MUGlobal Portal Website

Searching for Study Abroad Programs

Viewing a Program Brochure Page

Applying or renewing your passport (required for international travel)

Marquette Financial Aid and Study Abroad

Application Stage 

You have taken your next step in your study abroad journey and have started an application through MUGlobal Portal - Marquette's online study abroad application system. There will be essential information provided to you from our office so be sure to check out the video tutorials below to help you through the process.

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Navigating your MUGlobal Portal account

Ensuring your study abroad credits transfer back to Marquette

Pre-Departure Stage

After Marquette application decisions are released, you will receive additional email communications and pre-departure resources from our office. Be sure to stay on top of all requirements to ensure you don't fall behind in your study abroad process. Review resources within your MUGlobal Portal, any host institution communications as well as viewing the helpful tutorials below.

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Confirming your travel documents and requirements

Utlizing Marquette-OIE PDO resources

Purchasing your flight

While Abroad Stage

Once abroad, there are additional requirements that will appear in your MUGlobal Portal. Do not forget to monitor your Marquette email for updates and communications from our office. Remember that you are still a Marquette student so there are requiements you must complete and submit in order to maintain your enrollment status.

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Completing the Verification of Course Enrollment (VCE) form