Dr. Irfan A. Omar

Irfan A. Omar
Dr. Irfan A. OmarMarquette University

Marquette Hall, 337

MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
(414) 288-3746
Curriculum Vitae


Theology Department (Systematic Theology)

Irfan A. Omar (Ph.D., Temple University) teaches courses in Peace studies, Islamic theology, and interfaith dialogue. His research areas include Sufism and South Asian studies. He is the author of Prophet al-Khiḍr: Between the Qur’anic Text and Islamic Contexts (2022) and El-Khaḍir/El-Khiḍr: Le Prophète-Sage dans la tradition Musulmane (2021). He has edited several volumes including Interfaith Engagement in Milwaukee: A Brief History of Christian—Muslim Dialogue (2020, co-edited with Kaitlyn C. Daly), Peacemaking and the Challenge of Violence in World Religions (2015, co-edited with Michael Duffey), The Judeo-Christian-Islamic Heritage: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives (2012, co-edited with Richard C. Taylor), and A Christian View of Islam: Essays on Dialogue by Thomas F. Michel, S.J. (2010). He currently serves on the editorial / advisory boards of the Journal of Ecumenical Studies, the Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Religion, and İslāmī Araştirmalar/Journal of Islamic Research.

Courses Taught

  • Islamic Theology
  • Inter-religious Dialogue
  • Peace Studies

Additional Information

Office Hours - Spring 2025

  • Tu 2:00-4:00 and by appointment

Faculty & Staff Directory


Department of Theology
Marquette Hall 115
1217 W. Wisconsin Avenue 
Milwaukee, WI 53233
(414) 288-7170

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