  • Dr. Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent

    Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent
    Dr. Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-LaurentMarquette University

    Marquette Hall, 338

    MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
    (414) 288-8045

    Associate Professor

    Theology Department (Historical Theology)

    Director of Graduate Studies

    Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent (Ph.D., Brown University, 2009) is a scholar of Syriac Studies and Early Christianity, with special interests in hagiography and sacred narrative. She is the author of Missionary Stories and the Formation of the Syriac Churches (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2015), which received an award from the Hagiography Society in 2018. She recently co-authored with Kyle R. Smith The History of Mar Behnam and Sarah: Martyrdom and Monasticism in Medieval Iraq (Piscataway: Gorgias Press, 2018). She is the co-editor of The Gateway to the Syriac Saints: a two-volume digital database on Syriac Saints (Qadishe: http://syriaca.org/q/index.html) and their Lives (Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriac Electronica (http://syriaca.org/bhse/index.html ), published in 2016 with www.syriaca.org : an on-line reference portal for Syriac Studies.  She translated two poems on Christology by Jacob of Serug ("Our Lord as Food and Drink" and "The Name Emmanuel") forthcoming in Mark DelCogliano (ed.), The Cambridge Edition of Early Christian Writings, Volume 3: Christ, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). She is beginning a project with Chris De Wet that will provide a source book on slavery in Early Christianity.  She serves on the Digital Humanities Committee of the North American Patristics Society.

    Courses Taught

    • Syriac Studies
    • Early Christianity

    Additional Information

    Office Hours - Spring 2025

    • By appointment

    Faculty & Staff Directory


    Department of Theology
    Marquette Hall 115
    1217 W. Wisconsin Avenue 
    Milwaukee, WI 53233
    (414) 288-7170

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