Mass Announcements

Marian Crowning

Join us for a special Marian “May Crowning” prayer on Saturday, May 4th at 9:45am in the Marian Grotto, right before the 10:00am mass in the St. Joan of Arc Chapel.

Finals Week Mass Schedule

MU Campus Ministry will have weekday masses in the St. Joan of Arc Chapel during finals week

  • Mon/Wed/Fri at noon and Tue/Thur at 10:00pm. 

We will also be having Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration all during finals week

  • 10:00am – 4:00pm in the St. Joan of Arc Chapel.

Tuesday Night Mass

Please join us for our final 10:00pm Tuesday Night Mass of the semester: our candlelight Mass! Enjoy a beautiful evening with a great faith community as we celebrate the end of the semester. 

Ice Cream Social

Please join us for an Ice Cream Social after the 9:00pm mass on Sunday in the AMU rotunda.