A quick guide to publicizing events at Marquette
Event Approval
If your event is sponsored/co-sponsored by a registered student organization, see the policies/procedures. All events must be registered with the Student Engagement Services, and publicity must be approved via MARQUEE. No printing can happen until Student Engagement Services has approved your event and publicity.
Publicity Approval
- All events being publicized must be registered with and approved by the Office of Engagement and Inclusion before publicity will be printed.
- All posters advertising student organization events need to be approved by Student Engagement Services via MARQUEE before they go up around campus.
- Publicity may be hung in approved posting locations ONLY AFTER the flier has been uploaded and approved on MARQUEE. (The Office of Engagement and Inclusion will no longer be stamping publicity.)
- Fliers hung on campus that do not appear on MARQUEE are NOT approved to post, and will be removed.
- Some posting spots do require advanced reservation:
- Publicity for dances requires specific information, and approval is subject to meeting the policies on hosting a dance.
More information on these procedures and policies can be found under the Student Organizations Policies.
Poster Printing
A limited number of posters to advertise your student organization's event can be printed through the Student Affairs Marketing Office at no cost to your organization. Funding for this is limited. As such, limitations have been placed upon the number of prints an organization can receive for an event.
The limitations are as follows:
- 13 posters for residence hall lobbies (7), campus-owned apartments (4), and the Evans Scholars House (2): SIZE: 11 x 17 inches. (Three halls no longer allow lobby posters but have installed AXIS TV screens on which you can advertise.) You must contact the Office of Residence Life to reserve space. Events and publicity should be approved before reserving space with Residence Life.
- 1 large banner for AMU Rotunda: SIZE: 36 x 54 inches maximum (Must make reservations for space with Event Services and provide reservation confirmation number with request.)
- 2 large posters: SIZE: 24 x 36 inches maximum for display elsewhere.
If you are in need of more posters than what is allotted above, your organization is responsible for printing them elsewhere and incurring the costs of printing.
Submit print request here.
Frequently asked questions about publicity
What publicity do I need to get approved?
All event publicity needs to be approved. General meeting or tryout publicity does not need approval.
How do I upload my flier to MARQUEE?
It's easy! Instructions can be found at the Student Org Policy webpage on publicity.
What if I have a flier that has information on it but is not advertising an event?
Some fliers will be considered literature (for example, if you are handing out political information). Literature needs to be approved and have a disclaimer on it. See the policies on literature for complete details.
Where can I post my fliers?
There are restrictions on where you can post, and some spaces need to be reserved (see information on reservations above).
What if I want to chalk event information on campus sidewalks?
The message you chalk does need approval, and there are also some regulations about where you can chalk. We cover all that in our chalking policy.
What if I need more help?
The Division of Student Affairs Marketing Office offers consulting to student organizations. Make an appointment by emailing them.
Marquette Tribune
The Tribune charges for actual advertisements, but sometimes a well-written press release with a good amount of advanced warning will encourage one of the reporters to cover your event. Though you pay for advertising, having them write an article is FREE. Also, consider writing a Viewpoints letter to get published a couple days in advance of your event.
AMU Stairwell Banners and Other Publicity Reservations
The Event Services Office (AMU 245) is the place to reserve first floor display cases — an excellent way to advertise big events FREE for two weeks. Event Management also reserves banner space in the main stairwell.
Marquette Today
Marquette Today is sent to students via email Monday through Friday during the academic year. An event can be submitted to Marquette Today online. Please note, the deadline to submit news items is three days prior to the intended publish date. The Office of University Relations reserves the right to select which events are included in Marquette Today.
AXIS TV is the system that publicizes events on AMU screens. Plan ahead because space is limited. Please email Luke Morrison to request to have your slide placed on the screens.
NOTE: Contact the Office of Residence Life to submit fliers for the AXIS TV screens in the residence halls and for Channel 95.
Other posters or fliers can be printed through any of the Marquette University recommended print vendors. (Link is internal to campus only.) NOTE: We currently do printing only for registered student organizations. We recommend that students who wish to have posters printed for class projects/conferences or departments outside the Division of Student Affairs who need publicity have posters printed at one of the university-recommended vendors.
Additionally, you can get a PrintWise card for your organization. A personalized card (meaning the student organization's name is on it) is $5 and then MarquetteCash can be added as needed for printing. If it is lost, you can pay $5 for a replacement and any funds on the card can be reloaded. You can also get a courtesy card from the kiosk for $1 and load that. The downside of that is, if it’s lost, the funds are not recoverable. If you would like a personalized card, contact Rob Mullens in the Union Station, located on the first floor of the AMU.