School of Dentistry
Award Recipients
Friday, April 27
Reception: 5 p.m.;
Conferral: 6 p.m.
Alumni Memorial Union
1442 W. Wisconsin Ave., Marquette University campus
Distinguished Alumnus in Dentistry Award
Gerald J. Ziebert, D.D.S., Dent ’56, Grad ’71
Wauwatosa, Wis.
For 55 years, Jerry worked to ensure that graduates of Wisconsin’s only dental school were rigorously trained to the profession’s highest standards, teaching them how to provide the same top-quality care and service that he always worked to provide for his own patients.
Outstanding Dental Service Award
Charles J. Ritter, D.D.S., Arts ’49, Dent ’52
Oconomowoc, Wis.
Growing up, Charles and Nancy’s eight sons, including Nancy's future dentists Thomas and Robert Ritter, thought it was perfectly normal to have parents who made regular trips to Haiti, using their medical skills to serve the poor. “We were raised,” says Thomas, “to assume that using one’s natural talents serving others was the way life worked.”
Robert P. Ritter, D.D.S., Dent ’79
Milwaukee, Wis.
Thomas J. Ritter, D.D.S., Dent ’82
Towson, Md.

Young Alumna of the Year Award
Tiffany L. Jonasen, D.D.S., Dent ’07
Duluth, Minn.
With a passion for providing dental services for people who have struggled with access to care, Tiffany became the dental director at Lake Superior Community Health Center at a relatively young age.
Friend of the School of Dentistry Award
John F. Bergstrom, Bus Ad ’67
Neenah, Wis.
In the late 1990s, when John Bergstrom served on the Marquette University Board of Trustees, the School of Dentistry proposed a bold initiative to build a state-of-the-art building and reinvent its curriculum. John embraced the vision of a world-class program, and his leadership and support have contributed significantly to the school being at the forefront of dental education today.