Canterbury Fellowship

Canterbury Fellowship is Marquette’s Episcopal Campus Ministry, in full communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), and we have three main ways you can join us on campus:

  • Evening Prayer: Join us Monday-Wednesday at the Joan of Arc Chapel at 4:30 PM for a short contemplative prayer service using the Book of Common Prayer.
  • Monthly Eucharist: Once a month on Wednesdays, we share communion together instead of Evening Prayer. For the Spring 2025 semester, we’ll do this on 1/29, 2/19, 3/26, and 4/23.
  • Weekly Fellowship: Come hang out with us (usually at the Annex!) immediately following Evening Prayer or Eucharist every Wednesday.

Got questions? Feel free to reach out to our Campus & Young Adult Minister, Nate Irvine, or Rev. Michael Cover

Find us on Instagram @MUCanterburyFellowship, and on Facebook at The Canterbury Fellowship.

Canterbury Fellowship Infographic

Canterbury Fellowship Logo