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Liturgy is the highest moment of prayer and purpose for Catholic Christians. It is the primary setting where God and people come together for the good of the whole world. On these pages, you will find many spiritual program offerings. You are invited to full and active participation in all our liturgies, including our weekly Masses, and special events such as the Mass of the Holy Spirit, Family Weekend Masses, Seasonal Reconciliation Services, and Eucharistic Adoration. Join us as we pray as a community!
For more information about liturgical life, please feel free to contact Grant Garinger, S.J.
Liturgical Minister Training is held at the beginning of each semester. You are invited to participate in all of the ministries listed below.
Liturgical ministers are responsible and conscientious, fulfilling all assignments. Liturgical minister are asked to adjust personal schedules to help meet the needs of our Sunday Masses. Liturgical ministry is an expression of stewardship, and is a rewarding opportunity to share your times and talent with the faith community. Applications are being accepted now and all semester.
Minister of the Altar (altar server)
These women and men serve at our three Sunday liturgies and at all-University liturgies by assisting the presider at the altar and attending to the details of the liturgy. Through their reverent service at the Mass, altar servers act as faithful witnesses within the community.
Minister of Hospitality (usher/greeter)
These students welcome those who gather for worship and help create an worship environment. They also distribute worship aids, coordinate the collection and the offertory procession, assist people to their seat, and prepare the space for the next liturgy. The ministry of hospitality is an important way to embody the spirit of Christian Community.
Minister of the Word (lector)
The proclamation of the Word of God is central to every liturgy. Lectors lead the community to encounter God through the scriptures. These women and men are called to proclaim a living Word which speaks to people's lives in a way that comforts and challenges, admonishes and encourages.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
Each year, more than 100 students volunteer to be Extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist for the Sunday and all-University liturgies. This ministry is about offering the Body and Blood of Christ to those who gather and inviting those who receive the Body and Blood of Christ to be changed into the Body of Christ - the Church. Extraordinary ministers must be fully initiated Catholics and have a dep love for the Eucharist and desire to serve the poor and marginalized.
Sacristans assist in the immediate preparation of the materials needed for a Mass. Generally, these people have a particular Mass or Masses at which they serve on a regular basis. Before Mass, sacristans are present to help coordinate liturgical ministers, make sure all the necessary materials are present, and answer any questions that might arise. These individuals hold paid positions from Campus Ministry.
Liturgy Preparation Team
The Liturgy Preparation Team is comprised of liturgical ministers who assist at our Sunday and weekday celebrations. The group is open to the entire student body, but priority is given to those who are fully and actively engaged in the liturgical life of campus and demonstrate a strong commitment to the celebration of and implementation of liturgy at Marquette.
The Liturgy Preparation Team’s ultimate goal is to help creatively shape the liturgical life on campus on a weekly basis. The team also prepares and shapes large university liturgies such as: Mass of the Holy Spirit, Family Weekend Mass, Mission Week Mass, and the Baccalaureate Mass, among others. Hours of hard work and preparation culminate in a beautiful experience of prayer and community.
The Liturgy Preparation Team also recruits and trains new liturgical ministers. They plan and prepare prayer experiences, community building events, and procedure training sessions for all Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Servers, and Ministers of Hospitality.
The team meets on Monday evenings for an hour and a half to review past liturgies, prepare future celebrations, and plan events for the liturgical ministry community. At these meetings, the team members pray together and read the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday, so as to discuss ways to live out the message and meaning of the liturgy in their everyday lives.