Holy Hill Road Trip

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Enjoy a road trip, explore Holy Hill, and meet fellow students at the beautiful Holy Hill. People from all faith traditions or none are warmly welcome!

Register HereFor more information on Holy Hill Road Trip, contact Pablo Cardenal.

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What is Holy Hill Road Trip?

Holy Hill Road Trip is a one day retreat experience. The schedule for the day is loosely structured: we’ll eat lunch as a group, and other optional group prayers and walks will be offered. Additionally, there will be time to explore the trails, climb the tower, celebrate Mass and/or Reconciliation, relax with new friends, or have personal prayer and reflection time, according to each person’s preference.


Students - $10

The cost includes transportation, lunch, and snacks. Financial assistance is readily available; see the Retreat FAQ page for more information.


Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Help of Christians (Holy Hill), Hubertus, WI

Holy Hill is particularly well-known for its gorgeous upper and lower churches, outdoor Stations of the Cross, and beautiful surrounding woods which include a segment of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail. The Scenic Tower affords views of over 30 miles on a clear day and is one of the most popular elements of the shrine. Additionally, the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Help of Christians (the church’s official name) has been one of Wisconsin’s most famous sites for over 150 years, attracting both pilgrims and local hikers and families.

Holy Hill is about 40 minutes northwest of Milwaukee and has a variety of indoor and outdoor spaces available for prayer, hiking, and reflection.


  • Saturday, March 29, 8:00 a.m.: Meet at Campus Ministry (AMU 236)
  • Saturday, March 29, 5:00 p.m.: Back at Marquette

Student Testimonials

  • It was a good day for reflection and letting go of what was and embrace what is.
  • I enjoyed the flexibility of the schedule. It was nice to choose what I wanted to participate in and have space to rest if I needed it.
  • It was beneficial for me to rest and reflect on how I'm doing in my faith since I started at Marquette. I feel I have a better sense of how I want to go forward.