Resources for the Anti-Racist Classroom
Resources for the Ignatian and Anti-Racist Classroom
Compiled by Dinorah Cortés-Vélez
- Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities. Characteristics of Jesuit Higher Education: A Guide for Mission Reflection. AJCU, 2021.
- BBC Ideas. “The Myth of Race: ¿Is There a Biological Basis for Categorizing Humans by Race?” Video. Web.
- Cortés-Vélez, Dinorah. “A Hope-Filled Future for BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ Youth in U.S. Jesuit Universities.” Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education. January 12, 2023.
- “Transformational Teaching Is Based on Humility.” Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education. September 7, 2022.
- “Teaching Race While Being a Racialized Subject: Radical Vulnerability and Difficult Conversations, A Pedagogy for Critical Times.” On the Vocation of the Educator at This Moment. Eds. Jennifer S. Maney & Melissa M. Shew. Milwaukee: Marquette UP, 2021. 36-43.
- García Peña, Lorgia. Community as Rebellion: A Syllabus for Surviving Academia as a Woman of Color. Chicago, Illinois: Haymarket Books, 2022.
- Herlihy-Mera, Jeffrey. Decolonizing American Spanish: Eurocentrism and the Limits of Foreignness in the Imperial Ecosystem. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2022.
- Kendi, Ibram X. How to Be an Anti-Racist. New York: One Word. 2019.
- Macedo, Donaldo, ed. Decolonizing Foreign Language Education: The Misteaching of English and Other Colonial Languages. New York & London: Routledge, 2019.
- Massingale, Bryan. “The Ignatian Witness to Truth in a Climate of Injustice.” Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education. Volume 52 (September 2017): 2-7.
- Racial Justice and the Catholic Church. New York: Orbis Books, 2010.
- McCormick, Bill. “Racism as Soul Sickness: Interview with Bryan Massingale.” November 27, 2017. Ignatian Solidarity Network. Web.
- Saint-Jean, Patrick. The Crucible of Racism: Ignatian Spirituality and the Power of Hope. New York: Orbis Books, 2022.
- The Spiritual Work of Racial Justice: A Month of Meditations with Ignatius of Loyola. New York: Anamchara Books, 2021.
- “An Examen for Racism.” June 22, 2020. Jesuits. Web.
- Singleton, Glenn E. & Cindye Hays. “Beginning Courageous Conversations About Race.” Every Day Anti-Racism. Ed. Mica Pollock. New York: The New Press, 2008. 18-23.
- Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat. Promotio Iustitiae. The Promotion of Justice in the Universities of the Society. No. 116 (2014/3). Ed. Patxi Álvarez, S.J. Trad. Joseph Owens, S.J. Web.
- Sosa, Arturo. Walking with Ignatius. Chicago: Loyola Press, 2021.
- “Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus, 2019-2029. Rome 19 February 2019. Jesuit Global. Web.