
Colloquium talks will be held in the Katharine Reed Cudahy Building on the Marquette University campus. Unless specified, the talks will begin at 1:00pm in CU 414. Please address inquiries/suggestions to Dr. Nasim Yahyasoltani

January 22 at 1:00pm (Cudahy Hall 417)

“Heterogenous Machine Learning: Characterization, Generation and Comprehension”

Lecheng Zheng (PhD Candidate in Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

January 24 at 1:00pm (Cudahy Hall 414)

“Location-Aware Data Management and Machine Learning for Spatiotemporal Vector and Raster Datasets”

Dr. Kanchan Chowdury (Postdoctoral Research Scholar in School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence, Arizona State University

January 29 at 1:00pm (Cudahy Hall 414)

“Intelligent Treadmill Control and Holographic Rendering for Accessible Rehabilitation”

Shengting Cao (PhD Candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alabama)

January 31 at 1:00pm (Cudahy Hall 417)

“Cryptography and Security in a World at Risk”

Neil Perry (PhD Candidate in Department of Computer Science, Stanford University)


Fall 2024

September 9th: Jack Forden & Sam Mazzone - Paced to Perfection: The Impact of Automated Assessment Rewards for Attending Office Hours & The A/I Grading Question: Are LLMs Ready to Grade My Homework?

September 23rd: Nidhi Nellore - Unveiling User Perspectives: Exploring Themes in Femtech Mobile App Reviews for Enhanced Usability and Privacy

September 30th: Karol Lejmbach -  Embedding Blockchain Concepts into Common Computer Science Courses

October 21st: Saba Heidari - Adversary-Robust Graph-Based Learning of WSIs

November 11th: Dr. Qi Li [online] - Data-Driven Cyber-Physical Energy Systems

Spring 2023

January 30th: Jessica Vitak - In person at AMU

Febuary 13th: Min Xian

Febuary 27th: Yusuf Aytar

March 20th: Daniel Brown

March 27th: Konstantinos Kolias


Fall 2022

September 19th: Baig Furqan - High Performance Distributed Spatial & Spatio-Temporal Processing

September 28th: Jia Yu - Apache Sedona: A Cluster Computing System for Processing Big Geospatial Data

October 10th: Himanshu Thapliyal

November 14th: Amy Pavel


Spring 2022

January 31: Jie Gao - "MAC Protocol Design for IoT Applications "

February 14: Sazzadur Rahaman -Compliance Gap Triangle: Navigating through the impediments to improve industry-wide baseline security

February 14: Sazzadur Rahaman -Compliance Gap Triangle: Navigating through the impediments to improve industry-wide baseline security

February 21: Xiaonan Zhang

March 7: Mike Gowanlock -Parallel Similarity Searches on Hybrid CPU/GPU Architectures

April 25: Dr. Forrest Sheng Bao 


Fall 2021

September 20: Mubashwir Alam  "Regulating Dataflows for Protecting Access Patterns of Data-Intensive SGX Applications "

September 27 : Jia Chen   "Representation learning of multiview data"

October 15: Dr. Josiah Dykstra - TBA

October 25: Dr. David Mohaisen- Partitioning Blockchains Efficiently: Attacks and Defenses

November 8: Dr. Zeyun Yu- TBA

November 22: Dr. Yanshan Wang - Natural Language Processing for Clinical Excellence: The State of Practices, Opportunities, and Challenges

Spring 2021

Febuary 15: Dr. Nazanin Andalibi  "Towards Accounting for the Human in Emotion Recognition/AI Technologies "

March 1: Dr. Erik Kroh   "Protecting Art Galleries"

March 29: Dr. Mohammad Islam "Securing Warehouse-Scale Computers"

April 5: Dr. Vincent Bindschaedler - TBA

April 12: John Bukowy -TBA

April 19: Michael Slattery - TBA

Fall 2020

September 14: Dr. Jacob Thebault-Spieker (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Title: Understanding and Mitigating Biases in Social Computing Systems

September 21: Dr. Alexandra Papoutsaki (Pomona College)
Title: Eye tracking tools for research on individuals and teams

October 5: Priyanka Annapureddy (Marquette University)
Title: Predicting PTSD Severity in Veterans from Self- reports for Early Intervention A Machine Learning Approach
Title: Predicting Opioid Overdose Readmission and Opioid Use Disorder with Machine Learning

October 19: Dr. Rohit Kate (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Title: Automatic Full Conversion of Clinical Terms into SNOMED CT Concepts

October 26: Dr. Garvesh Raskutti (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Title: High-dimensional tensor modeling through importance sketching

November 9: Dr. Christine Cheng (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Title: Stable Matchings with Restricted Preferences

November 23: Dr. Dong Hye Ye (Marquette University)
Title: Machine Learning for Image Processing

Spring 2020

January 14: Dr. Maia Jacobs (Center for Research on Computation and Society, Harvard) "One Size Doesn’t Fit Anyone: Tailoring Digital Tools for Personal Health Journeys"

January 15: Saeed Tizpaz Niari (CS Department, CU Boulder) "Differential Debugging for Side Channel Vulnerabilities"

January 16: Dr. Kevin Moran (Computer Science, William & Mary) "Toward Practical Automation for Software Engineering"

January 21: Hao Wang (PhD candidate, University of Toronto) "Optimizing Distributed Machine Learning with Reinforcement Learning"

January 24: Xiaowei Jia (PhD candidate, University of Minnesota). "Physics Guided Machine Learning: A New Paradigm for Scientific Knowledge Discovery"

January 28: Sabirat Rubya (PhD candidate, Computer Science & Engineering Department at University of Minnesota) "Facilitating access to peer support through technology for recovery from substance use disorders"

April 27: Dr. Serdar Bozdag (Marquette University) "Integrating high-dimensional biological datasets to uncover disease-associated genes and gene networks"


April 28: Dr. Praveen Madiraju (Marquette University) "Predicting Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Risk in Veterans"

April 29: Dr. Keke Chen (Wright State University) "Mining Social Signals to Enhance Privacy Protection and Wisdom of Crowds"

April 30: Dr. Bill Chen (AIWAYS AUTO) "Deep Learning for Big Data"

Fall 2019

September 9 - Mike Slattery, Department of Computer Science, Marquette University, "Quantum Computing for Beginners, or, How I Spent My Summer Part I"

September 16 - Mike Slattery, Department of Computer Science, Marquette University. "Quantum Computing for Beginners, or, How I Spent My Summer Part II"

October 7 - Arjun Krishnan, Department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering, Michigan State University, "Hurdles in the marathon of data-driven biology"

October 11 - Blair Taylor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Towson University

October 14 - Stevie Chancellor, Department of Computer Science, Northwestern University. "Human-Centered Machine Learning for High-Risk Health Behaviors"

October 21 - Marina Kogan, School of Computing, University of Utah, "Human-Centered Data Science for Crisis Informatics"                  

October 30 - Sameer Patil, School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering, Indiana University, Bloomington, “Mental Models and User Experiences of the Tor Browser”

November 4 - Bilge Mutlu, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Wisconsin Madison, “Designing Robots for Human Interaction”

November 18 - Elena Zheleva, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Chicago, “Causal inference and counterfactual learning from relational data”

November 25 - Mustafa Bilgic, Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology, “Active and Interpretable Classification.”


Spring 2019

Colloquium dates and speakers for Spring 2019 - Unless specified, the talks will begin at 2:00pm CT in Room 401 at Cudahy Hall.

Fall 2018

Spring 2018

Fall 2017

Spring 2017