dataMarq Report Catalog

The dataMarq report catalog is a searchable, user-friendly index of reports and dashboards available to the Marquette community.

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Report Owner
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Undergradate Student Admissions Report

This report shows the admission cycle for new degree-seeking undergraduate students.

Ugrad Details Report

Undergraduate Admissions Details Report

Athletic Points Statement and Calculator

A three paged report that includes a point statement and a hypothetical point calculation based on new donations.

Athletic Points Overview

An integrated dashboard for analysis of priority points for fundraisers and the athletics department.

Athletics DXA Scans

A comprehensive overview of the data returned by the DXA body scan analyses done on Marquette athletes.

Basketball Load Dashboard

A comprehensive break down of Catapult load data for the MU basketball teams.

Soccer Load Dashboard

A comprehensive look at Catapult load data for the Marquette soccer teams

Lacrosse Load Dashboard

A comprehensive overview of Catapult load data for Marquette's lacrosse teams.

Strength Testing Dashboard

A dashboard to display team and individual results for testing done in the Marquette athletic facilities including coach testing, weight lifting and jump testing.

Readiness Dashboard

A single page compilation of the top metrics used to judge athlete readiness for competition.

Basketball Coaches Dashboard

A condensed, mobile friendly dashboard for coaches to check load numbers quickly.

Enroll Order (PS Query)

Identifies the order that enrolled students added a class based on their first successful attempt.

ADP Students (PS Query)

Identifies students in an ADP student group.

Student Groups List (PS Query)

Identifies student group information (not membership).

Grade Rosters Unapproved (PS Query)

Identifies unapproved grade rosters.

Waitlisted Students (PS Query)

Identifies students on a waitlist.

MCC Discovery Theme Not Declared

Identifies students who have not declared a MCC discovery theme.

J Session Term Enroll Status (PS Query)

Identifies undergraduate students who are identified as full-time from an academic load perspective but are not considered full-time for institutional financial aid due to being enrolled in fewer than 12 credits when excluding J session.

First Year Required Training Status (PS Query)

Identifies first year student required training completion status.

Faculty Practice Notes

Faculty Practice After Hours Report

Faculty Practice Prescription

Faculty Practice After Hours Report

Faculty Practice Record

Faculty Practice After Hours Report

Faculty Practice Treatment

Faculty Practice After Hours Report

Notes Requiring Approvals - All

Ortho Notes Requiring Approval

Notes Requiring Approvals - Faculty

Ortho Notes Requiring Approval

Notes Requiring Approvals - Students

Ortho Notes Requiring Approval

On Call Report

Main Clinic After Hours Report

AP Invoices with Insufficient Funds

A report detailing AP Invoices with Balances on hold.

Authorized Signers Acct (No Sig)

A list of GL Accounts and account ranges with the corresponding employee(s) who are authorized to approve transactions against those accounts/budgets, but without the signature images.

Budget Actual and Encumbrance Balances

GL Balances by Period and GL Account, detailing balances by Budget, Actual, and Encumbrances, Funds Available, and percentage of budgeted amounts available secured by Username and assigned GL Account Segments.

Journal Entry Detail

A report displaying information for posted Journal Entries by Period and GL Account, detailing GL Account, Batch Name, Line Number, Line Description, Amounts, Debit/Credit Amounts, and Posted Date.

Journal Entry Detail with Multiple Ranges

General Ledger query of individual journal entry lines.

Balances - Actual with Multiple Ranges

A List of general ledger account balances, actuals only.

Graduate Assistantship Salary Authorization

A report detailing Salary Authorization information for Graduate Student employees working on a stipend.

Unrestricted Actual and Budget YTD Plus Trend

A report detailing Unrestricted Budget, Actual, and Encumbrance Balances for Revenue and Expense Categories by RC Parent rollup run by RC Parent Rollup and Fund, with the ability to return balances for year to date Current Month, and year to date Fiscal Year End.

Encumbrance Report

A report detailing outstanding encumbrances for the Fiscal Year by RC and Restriction.

University Research Fund 06

A report detailing Budget and Actual Balances for RCs and Restrictions using funds from Fund 06, grouped by College and department RCs within each College run by Fiscal Year.

Capital Project Summary Report

A summary of Capital Projects by Period and Construction in Progress (CIP) number.

Equity Balance

A report detailing YTD Available Equity balances run by Period and broken down by RC Parent description, Employee name, RC and Restriction.

Operating Statement

A report detailing GL balances for Budget, Actual, Encumbrance, and variances for all Operating activities.

Grant (Project) Statement

A report providing information on all Grant Funded Research projects run by GL Period.

Journal Entries with iExpense Report Detail

A report displaying information for posted iExpense Journal Entries by Period and GL Account, detailing GL Account Batch Name, Line Number, Line Description, and iExpense fields with recorded Amount, Debit/Credit Amounts, and Posted Date.

Agency and Receivables

A report detailing Journal Entry information with monthly totals and balance information for Agency and Receivable GL Accounts run by GL Period and RC, secured by Username and RC

Local and Diverse Spend

A summary of local and diverse supplier spending for the current year, as well as supplier spending trends for a seven-year time period.

Labor Distribution Report

A report detailing the Costing Distribution of Labor by GL Costing Account, Assignment Number, and Employee run by Original Costing Date/Transaction Date, and Payroll Types based on Start and end Payroll Dates, secured by Username.

Budget Only

Template for batch uploads of compensation budgets by position code. Secured by username.

Labor Distribution Report - Grants

A report detailing the Costing Distribution of Labor by GL Costing Accounts associated with Grants, Assignment Number, and Employee run by Original Costing Date/Transaction Date, and Payroll Types based on Start and end Payroll Dates secured by Username.

Faculty Practice Template

Template for batch upload of faculty practice compensation, by position code. Secured by username.

FWS Matching Report - Grants

A report matching Federal Work Study Accounts to GL Payroll Costing Accounts associated with Grants for employees working on Federal Work Study.

FWS Matching Report

A report matching Federal Work Study Accounts to GL Payroll Costing Accounts for employees working on Federal Work Study secured by Username, RC, and Restriction.

Spring Teaching Pay Template

Template for batch upload of spring teaching wages, by position code. Secured by username.

Summer Teaching Pay

Template for batch upload of summer teaching wages, by position code. Secured by username.

Fall Teaching Pay Template

Template for batch upload of fall teaching wages, by position code. Secured by username.

Grant Budget Dashboard

This dashboard represents an overview of the current status for Grant accounts at the university.

Uniflow User Report

This report aims to identify all the assigned Uniflow printing accounts.

Supplier Inquiry Report

A list from the supplier interest form of suppliers who want to do business with Marquette.

Energy Bill Allocations

This report allocates the energy bill information from the primary electric and steam bills for Marquette.

Energy Bills and Invoices

A report that shows billing and invoicing details for Marquette's energy bills. The data compares what has come in through the MU Energy Bill App and what has been sent to Coupa for payment.

Energy Usage Analysis

This report provides an overview of spend and usage for energy at Marquette, broken down by campus building. Users have the option to select between viewing graphs by charges, consumption, or greenhouse gas use.

Compensation Transaction Report

A list of GL Accounts and account ranges with the corresponding employee(s) who are authorized to approve transactions against those accounts/budgets, but without the signature images.

Limited Term Employees - Secured

A report detailing a list of Limited Term Employees by Employee, Organization, Position Type, and Start and End Dates of employment.

New MU Network Account Creation - Employee

This report contains the Marquette network credentials for employees that have been hired in the recent past or will be hired in the near future.

CIP Form

Form to establish new CIP accounts for university projects

Project Milestones

ITS Projects milestones, status, finish date for each Project Manager

Security Group Membership

Information on membership in security groups that allow access to reporting.

CMS Search Report

A report to analyze search queries done on the website.

Uniflow Monthly Report

A detailed report showing print jobs across the university using date selectors.

Image Now Security Report

This report details security permission for Image Now items.

Help Desk Ticket Dashboard

The Help Desk Ticket Dashboard Power BI report provides actionable insights into ticket volumes, resolution times, agent performance, and trends over time.

Marquette Computer Inventory

The Marquette Computer Inventory Power BI report offers insights into various aspects of computer inventory, including asset distribution, specifications, and lifecycle management.

Perceptive Content Alarm Notifications

Alarm notification list for all departments that receive error-based email notifications.

CCure Door Clearances

active door clearances, the groups that have access to them, and the people in those groups.

D2L SCORM Dashboard

A visual overview of SCORM component use in D2L.

D2L Content Objects Usage

This report contains bar charts and a searchable table indicating what D2L content objects (videos, links, etc.) are being used and in which courses.

D2L Usage Report

A report that shows d2l usage for class sections during selected terms. Usage stats include course logins, gradebook use, assignment creation and announcement postings.

Museum Visits Report

A report summarizing information about visits to the Haggerty Museum of Art.

Surveys: Graduating Senior Survey

Results from survey investigating graduating seniors' academic experiences at Marquette.

Diversity and Inclusion: Outcomes

This report examines student success measures by gender and race/ethnicity.

Enrollment: New Undergraduate First-Time Students

This report shows the number of new full-time, first-time students enrolled as of the fall census date.

Diversity and Inclusion: Composition

This report shows the number and percent of Marquette's students, faculty, and staff by gender and race/ethnicity.


This report shows data on Marquette faculty as of the fall census date.

Surveys: First-Time, First-Year Student Survey

Results from survey investigating first-time, first-year students' expectations and concerns about the undergraduate experience.

Course Evaluations: Instructor and Course Trends

This report contains course evaluation trends by department, course and instructor.

Enrollment: Majors, Minors, and Graduate Programs

This report shows the number of students enrolled as of the census date by undergraduate major, minor, and graduate program.

Enrollment: New Undergraduate Transfer Students

This report shows the number of new full-time transfer students enrolled as of the fall and spring census date.

Course Evaluations: Audit of Classes and Instructors

This report contains the list of classes and instructors that will receive a course evaluation at the end of the current term.

Surveys: First Destination - Undergraduate, by College

Results by college from survey investigating the employment and enrollment into graduate/professional school activities of recent bachelor's degree recipients.

Degrees Awarded

Number of degrees awarded by Marquette University by academic year since 2003-04.

Enrollment: Student Headcount and Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Headcount

This report shows the number and FTE of students enrolled as of the fall, spring, and summer census dates.

Courses: Course Enrollment and Student Credit Hours

The Course Enrollment and Student Credit Hours report offers census data, end-of-term data, and preliminary data on course enrollment, student credit hours (SCH), and sections for the Fall, Spring, and Summer terms.

Courses: MCC Completion Status (Updated Weekly)

This report shows the number of students who have completed, or have yet to complete, their MCC requirements.

Courses: Registration Report (Updated Daily)

This report shows course registration data for past, current, and future terms.

Registration: Undergraduates (Updated Daily)

This report shows how registration for undergraduate students in a particular academic term is progressing.

Registration: Graduate Students (Updated Daily)

This report shows how registration for graduate students in a particular academic term is progressing.

Student Outcomes: Retention and Graduation Rates

This report shows retention and graduation rates for first-year cohorts by various student characteristics.

Admissions: Top Competitors

This report shows where first-time, first-year students who were admitted to Marquette, but did not enroll, ended up enrolling.

Faculty: Teaching Loads

This report shows teaching load data by college, department, and faculty type.

Course Evaluations: Faculty Success Promotion & Tenure Reports

Instructor profiles showing course evaluation results with department and college comparisons.

Course Evaluations: MOCES Login

Log in to view MOCES results and reports.

Surveys: Campus Climate (2020)

Summary of 2020 survey results including key findings, final report, and interactive dashboards.

Surveys: First Destination - Executive Summaries

Results from survey investigating the employment and enrollment into graduate/professional school activities of recent bachelor's degree recipients.

Surveys: First-Time, First-Year Student Survey - Executive Summaries

Results from survey investigating first-time, first-year students' expectations and concerns about the undergraduate experience.

Surveys: Graduating Senior Survey - Executive Summaries

Results from survey investigating graduating seniors' academic experiences at Marquette.

Surveys: National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)

Results from a survey on student participation in programs and activities for learning and personal development.

Surveys: Undergraduate Alumni Survey

Results from survey examining post-graduation outcomes of recent Marquette University undergraduate alumni.

Academic Programs: Program Review Repository

The Program Review Repository contains a cross section of institutional data which units undergoing a program review will reference in their self-study.

Surveys: First Destination - Graduate, by Program

Results from survey investigating the employment and enrollment into graduate/professional school activities of recent graduate degree recipients.

Surveys: First Destination - Undergraduate, by Major

Results from survey investigating the employment and enrollment into graduate/professional school activities of recent bachelor's degree recipients.

Surveys: First Destination - Graduate, Fully Engaged

Results from survey investigating the percent of fully engaged graduate degree recipients.

Surveys: First Destination - Undergraduate, Fully Engaged

Results from survey investigating the percent of fully engaged bachelor's degree recipients.

Admissions: First-Year Student Deposit to Registration (Updated Daily)

This report tracks the registration status of first-year deposited students.

Enrollment: International Student Headcount and Full-Time Equivalent

An overview of International Students enrolled at Marquette.

Enrollment: First-Year International Students

A profile of first-year International students

Enrollment: Educational Opportunity Program

A profile of students participating in EOP.

Degrees Awarded: Major/Minor Pairings

This report shows all paired majors and minors based on earned degrees.

Admissions: Graduate Students (Updated Daily)

This report provides an overview of the graduate admissions cycle.

Academic Programs: Annual Report Data

Available to academic deans and department chairs, this dashboard is comprised of a set of consistently defined metrics across several key academic domains for academic planning. Currently used in college annual reports.

Courses: First-Year Seat Projections

This report provides guidance on how many seats are needed for first-year students during their first fall at Marquette.

Courses: Requirement Tracker (Updated Weekly)

This report contains information about students' progress toward completing their course requirements.

Courses: Scheduling Analytics

This report gives users access to data that can inform the course scheduling process for future terms.

Faculty: Faculty Success Login

Log in to the Faculty Success database.


This report shows data on Marquette faculty and staff as of the fall census date.

Courses: AACSB Teaching Data

Teaching data for AACSB accreditation.

Courses: Undergraduate Course DFW Rates

This report shows DFW rates of undergraduate courses taught in recent fall and spring semesters.

Enrollment: Projections - College View

A summarized overview of graduate and undergraduate enrollment projections for review by deans and associate deans.

Enrollment: Graduate Projections - Committee View

An overview of graduate enrollment projections.

Enrollment: Undergraduate Projections - Committee View

An detailed view of undergraduate enrollment projections.

Registration: Budget vs Actual

A comparison of actual enrollment to budget projections.

Admissions: Undergraduate Census

A term based overview of the admissions cycle as of census freeze.

Checklist Upload Discrepancies

A report for the financial aid office to find discrepancies in uploaded student checklist files.

Academic Grade Report

This report delivers detailed term and course academic information for students for a given term.

Deans List

This report delivers a detailed list of students who have achieved dean's list status or dean's scholars status for a given term.

Degrees Granted

A report that lists all degree granted by Marquette University since 1985

EOP Class Load

A report used by EOP to load student class schedules into their advising software.

EOP Term Load

A report used by EOP to load student term statistics into their advising software.

Faculty Credentials

This report delivers a list of all faculty members and their assigned credentials at the College, Department, and Course Subject levels.

International Student Directory

This report delivers a detailed list of international students who are eligible and/or enrolled for a given term.

MUSG Election Report

A report used by Student Affairs to send voting surveys for MUSG elections.

Promotion and Tenure

A report for internal OTR use to aid in identifying students to be contacted for the promotion and tenure process review.

Registration Status Report

This report shows the detailed registration status of individual students for a given term.

Student Academic Directory

This report delivers a detailed list of students who are eligible and/or enrolled for a given term.

Student Address and Phone Directory

This report delivers a detailed list of contact information (phone, email, address) for students who are eligible and/or enrolled for a given term.

Student Registration Appointments

This report is intended to provide information on student registration appointments each academic term.

UARSC Advising Report

A comprehensive report the Arts and Sciences Advising Office uses to identify and work with their students.

Graduation Audit Report

This report gives a detailed list of students who are eligible to apply or have applied to graduate in a given term. Students are removed from the list once their degrees are conferred.

Academic Review Report

A summary of cumulative and term academic statistics for individual students, including all class grades for the selected term.

Conditional Admits

A list of active students in a given term who have been conditionally admitted but not yet fully admitted.

Student Class Schedules

A list of enrolled classes for each student for a given term.

New Students Report

A report listing academic information and entry test data for incoming students for a selected term.

Athletics Grade Report

Student grades for athletes broken down by sport.

Schedule of Classes

This report shows class schedules going back to the Fall 2004 term.

Grade Distribution Report

This report provides a detailed breakdown of grades by college, department, course and instructor.

Class Waitlist Report

A report showing classes and individual students on registration watilists.

W Grade Report

A list of students who have received "W" grades with the ability to filter by relative date ranges.

Course Prerequisites

Provides information to alert colleges when students have not passed course prerequisites.

Enrollments with Prior Credit

A list of students enrolled in courses for a given term who have equivalent AP, IB, or other equivalent prior course transfer credit.

Lamda Pi Eta

This report is intended to give insight into students interested in the Lamba Pi Eta Greek Society.

Academic Calendar

A sortable and filterable report with key dates for each term and session.

Final Exam Report

The Final Exam Report provides detailed exam schedules by class and student, highlighting conflicts, graduating students, and key dates to support academic planning and commencement coordination.

Commencement Report

This report shows students eligible for commencement by specific term and program

PHAS Assessment Dashboard

A cohort and student based overview of PHAS assessment data from d2l.

Building Activity Report

Provides a list of all people, residents and visitors, who entered a building for a given time frame.

Building Entries

Provides a list of all residents who entered a building for a given time frame.

Meal Plan Report

Provides a summary of campus meal plans by building.


Provides a roster of students in the residence halls to interface with Roompact.

Building Visitation History

Provides a list of all visitors who entered a building for a given time frame.


Reunion year tracking of participation and giving by class.


Detail and summary of fundraiser metrics.

Senior Class Giving

Fundraising from the current senior class


Giving and participation for constituents on Volunteer Boards.

Constituent Counts

Count of Alumni and Parents from University Advancement database.

Open Opportunities

All open fundriasing solicitations

Open Pledge

All pledges with an outstanding balance.

Open Pool

All unassigned rated Alumni and Current Parent constituents that are not disqualified or do not have a qualification manager with a completed interaction in the past 90 days.


All constituents that have either a prospect manager or a qualification manager.

Corporate Engagement Interactions

Interactions on Corporate constituents within the past 2 months.

Athletics Weekly

Gifts made to Athletics funds during the last 7 days.

Campus Ministry Donations

Donations made to Campus Ministry Funds.