Diversity Recruitment Resources

The goal of this toolkit is to provide Marquette employees with the opportunity to examine issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion as they relate to hiring practices on our campus. It is meant as a complement to the Office of the Provost’s faculty search and hiring process and an additional resource for any faculty or staff hire. A pdf version of this guidance is also available. 


Diversity, as a broad concept, refers to the many characteristics that differentiate us from each other and affect our experiences and perspectives.[1] As a Catholic, Jesuit institution that recognizes and cherishes the dignity of each individual, Marquette University seeks to become a more diverse and inclusive academic community.

Striving for a diverse workforce has many benefits. A variety of lived experiences and perspectives facilitates robust intellectual exchange, necessary to the lifeblood of a university that aspires to nurture an inclusive, diverse community in which collaboration and vigorous yet respectful debate can flourish. Diversity of thought also fosters more effective problem-solving teams and drives innovation, and diverse faculty can add unique value to the academy through a broad range of effective pedagogical practices.  The representation of diverse and underrepresented individuals can have powerful signaling value for and improve the persistence of our students who come from similar backgrounds and, for those who don’t, it can build empathy.

It is also a regrettable reality that, through both unconscious biases and structural inequalities, racial and ethnic minorities, women, people with disabilities, and other historically marginalized groups often face barriers in hiring and professional advancement. As a Catholic, Jesuit university that strives for a more just world, it is our responsibility to reflect upon how we can advance principles of equity and inclusion in all of our practices and policies – including in how we bring new colleagues to our campus community.

Racial and ethnic minorities, women, and other demographic groups continue to be underrepresented in many of our departments and units. And a 2018 UC-Berkeley study affirms that “conventional search practices are not enough for consistent success in hiring top women and URM [underrepresented minority] faculty.”  Understanding that diversity exists in all fields, this guide provides evidence-based practices and practical guidance for conducting an equitable and inclusive search that attracts the broadest possible pool of highly qualified candidates.

Phase 1: Cast a Wide Net

Phase 2: Understanding Implicit Bias

Phase 3: Candidate Review

Phase 4: Extending the Offer and Making the Hire


This toolkit was created with extensive input from UCLA’s Faculty Search Committee Resources. For questions about these resources, contact:

Jacki Black, Associate Director for Hispanic Initiatives, jacqueline.black@marquette.edu

Liz Sides, Director of Employment and Employee Relations, elizabeth.sides@marquette.edu

Dr. Chris Navia, Vice President for Inclusive Excellence, christine.navia@marquette.edu 


[1] Definitions for diversity, equity, equity-mindedness, and inclusion can be found on the AAC&U “Making Excellence Inclusive” website.