Making Marquette Inclusive

In summer 2021, the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion and the University Committee on Equity and Inclusion launched the Making Marquette Inclusive discussion series for university employees. Through a robust curriculum consisting of articles, videos, and facilitated conversations, participants in this 10-week mini-course explore themes such as implicit bias, privilege, microaggressions, the promotion of equity, and effective dialogue orientations. Participants have the opportunity to reflect upon the relevance of these topics to their own lives, discuss with colleagues, and apply the concepts to their work in an action-oriented framework. Departments are encouraged to engage in this series as cohorts, but individuals are also encouraged to inquire about participation.

For employees who have participated in Making Marquette Inclusive who would like to continue their learning journey, we are pleased to be able to offer MMI 2.0. This course builds on the key concepts participants covered in their original MMI experience, revisiting foundational understandings and expanding the dimensions of diversity that are explored through engagement with short articles, videos, and dialogue. There is also a focus on moving from learning and conversation to action, as the course culminates in an opportunity for participants to develop and implement a plan that incorporates inclusive practices within their sphere of influence.

Please watch for announcements via Marquette Today for future cohort registration or contact with any questions. 

"This program has been so incredible. I think our group is really motivated to make some change within our college, and I think we’ve realized we have a special group that, if we are united, cannot be stopped!

I’ve also really come to realize just how important my role as a middle-level leader, especially that of a privileged white guy, is to being an ally in this space for our college – at least until the change we seek happens. Time and time again I listened to things my colleagues said about their experiences not being heard, or not listened to, or talked over, and realized I felt like my own voice in that position likely wouldn’t have had the same reaction. That really made me upset, and motivated to help enact this change. I think it’s crazy that we don’t prioritize this more in our college, and I am so committed to helping enact this change.

Thank you for the opportunity to pursue this MMI series. It was absolutely life-changing and something I know will be a catalyst for me as a person and a leader."

Read more about the development and impact of this program or contact Jacki Black at for more information.