Dr. Elizabeth Angeli

Elizabeth Angeli
Dr. Elizabeth AngeliMarquette University

Marquette Hall, 227

MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
(414) 288-3466Personal Website
Curriculum Vitae

Associate Professor


Dr. Liz Angeli (she/her/hers) is an educator, writer, spiritual director, and retreat leader.

Her scholarship and teaching reflect her interdisciplinary education and work experience and her commitment to publishing scholarship for practitioners, researchers, and teachers. A leading expert in first responder writing practices, Dr. Angeli has consulted with fire departments and EMS agencies to develop and deliver report writing training sessions, was selected to participate in NSF’s Innovation Corps program to bring writing research into first responder workplaces, and built a first-of-its-kind online training platform for medical report writing.

Her current research project is guided by a common question: “What can you do with a graduate degree in the humanities?” Traditionally, students who pursue humanities graduate education have wanted to research and teach in the university. But that’s not the case anymore for many students. Graduate students are hungry for new knowledge, and they want to take their humanities training into non-academic spaces. In doing so, humanities graduates create technology platforms, thrive as corporate trainers, and craft public-facing exhibits. This work is called public-facing humanities, and researchers in this area want to know how to develop best practices for how to do, research, and teach public-facing work. With support from the Way Klingler Fellowship, this research will result in training programs to support faculty who feel called to public-facing work and in new curricular structures that facilitate student success.

Dr. Angeli teaches writing courses that prepare students to communicate, live, and thrive in the world. These courses include writing in health and medicine, writing for workplaces, public humanities, and career discernment. She frequently teaches writing and discernment-based workshops for the university and community.

As a spiritual director and retreat leader, she accompanies people through personal and professional transitions, and she feels especially called to work with the LGBTQIA+ community. She considers herself to be a spiritual academic, committed to integrating spirituality into her teaching, academic and public-facing research, and service. Learn more at http://lizangeli.com.


  • Ph.D., English - Rhetoric and Composition, Technical Communication, and the Rhetoric of Health and Medicine (Purdue University)
  • M.A., English - Composition Studies in English as a Second Language, Linguistics (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
  • M.A., in progress, Pastoral Counseling (Loyola University Chicago, Institute for Pastoral Studies)
  • Honors B.A., Psychology with an Italian Studies minor (Marquette University)
  • Certificate in Spiritual Direction (Spiritual Guidance Training Program, Siena Retreat Center)
  • Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician-Basic (St. Elizabeth School of Nursing)

Courses Taught

  • Public humanities
  • Career discernment
  • Writing in health and medicine
  • Rhetoric and composition
  • Technical communication and professional writing
  • Rhetoric of Health and Medicine
  • Rhetoric of science

Research Interests

  • Public Humanities
  • Humanities Graduate Education
  • Discernment
  • Rhetoric of Health and Medicine, especially as it applies to pre-hospital emergency medicine
  • Writing in the Disciplines
  • Writing Across the Curriculum


Honors and Awards

  • Way Klingler Humanities/Social Sciences Fellowship, 2022-2024, “Public-facing Humanities as a Way to Form Hearts and Minds: A Systematic Review of Graduate Education & the Role of Discernment”

  • Conference on College Composition and Communication Award for Best Book in Technical or Scientific Communication, 2020.
  • Towson University Faculty Development and Research Committee Grant, 2014-2015
  • Purdue University Research Foundation Grant for Dissertation Research, 2011-2012
  • Graduate Student Award for Outstanding Teaching, Purdue University, 2010
  • Excellence in Teaching Award, Purdue University, 2009
  • Psi Chi, the Psychology National Honors Society, 2006

Additional Information

Office Hours

Spring 2025

  • Tues 11:00-12:30 
  • Wed 9:00-10:30 (ZOOM only)
  • By appointment

Teaching Schedule

Spring 2025

  • 3221/101 TuTh 8:00-9:15 Lalumiere Hall 384
    • Technical Writing
  • 3221/102 TuTh 9:30-10:45 Lalumiere Hall 384
    • Technical Writing
  • 6961/701 Thurs 3:30-6:00 Lalumiere Hall 384
    • Career Discernment Workshop

Faculty & Staff Directory


Department of English
Marquette Hall, 115
1217 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53233
(414) 288-7179

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