  • Faculty & Staff Directory

    Dr. Lezlie  Knox Dr. Lezlie Knox Department Chair, History
    lezlie.knox@marquette.edu (414) 288-7863
    Dr. Alan  Ball Dr. Alan Ball Professor, History
    alan.ball@marquette.edu (414) 288-7124
    Dr. John P. Donnelly, S.J. Dr. John P. Donnelly, S.J. Professor Emeritus, History
    Dr. Michael  Donoghue Dr. Michael Donoghue Associate Professor, History
    michael.donoghue@marquette.edu (414) 288-1635
    Dr. Alison  Efford Dr. Alison Efford Associate Professor, History
    alison.efford@marquette.edu (414) 288-7863
    Dr. Kristen  Foster Dr. Kristen Foster Associate Professor, History
    kristen.foster@marquette.edu (414) 288-3562
    Dr. Sergio  González Dr. Sergio González Assistant Professor, History
    sergio.gonzalez@marquette.edu (414) 288-7506
    Dr. Carla  Hay Dr. Carla Hay Associate Professor Emerita, History
    carla.hay@marquette.edu (414) 288-7150
    Dr. Thomas J. Jablonsky Dr. Thomas J. Jablonsky Professor Emeritus, History
    thomas.jablonsky@marquette.edu (414) 288-5300
    Dr. Chima  Korieh Dr. Chima Korieh Associate Professor, History
    chima.korieh@marquette.edu (414) 288-3563
    Ms. Jolene  Kreisler Ms. Jolene Kreisler Assistant to the Chair, History
    jolene.kreisler@marquette.edu (414) 288-6330
    Dr. John D. Krugler Dr. John D. Krugler Professor Emeritus, History
    john.krugler@marquette.edu (414) 288-7056
    Dr. James  Marten Dr. James Marten Professor Emeritus, History
    Dr. Laura E. Matthew Dr. Laura E. Matthew Associate Professor, History
    laura.matthew@marquette.edu (414) 288-7590
    Dr. David  McDaniel Dr. David McDaniel Lecturer, History
    david.mcdaniel@marquette.edu (414) 288-7766
    Dr. Timothy  McMahon Dr. Timothy McMahon Associate Professor, History
    timothy.g.mcmahon@marquette.edu (414) 288-3559
    Dr. Daniel  Meissner Dr. Daniel Meissner Associate Professor Emeritus, History
    daniel.meissner@marquette.edu (414) 288-3552
    Dr. Patrick  Mullins Dr. Patrick Mullins Associate Professor, History
    john.mullins@marquette.edu (414) 288-5300
    Dr. Phillip C. Naylor Dr. Phillip C. Naylor Professor Emeritus, History
    phillip.naylor@marquette.edu (414) 288-3561
    Dr. Bryan C. Rindfleisch Dr. Bryan C. Rindfleisch Associate Professor, History
    bryan.rindfleisch@marquette.edu (414) 288-6463
    Dr. Julius R. Ruff Dr. Julius R. Ruff Professor Emeritus, History
    julius.ruff@marquette.edu (414) 288-3555
    Dr. Robert S Smith Dr. Robert S Smith Harry G. John Professor, History
    robert.s.smith@marquette.edu (414)288-0868
    Dr. Peter  Staudenmaier Dr. Peter Staudenmaier Associate Professor, History
    peter.staudenmaier@marquette.edu (414) 288-3560
    Dr. Michael  Wert Dr. Michael Wert Associate Professor, History
    Dr. Michael J. Zeps, S.J. Dr. Michael J. Zeps, S.J. Professor Emeritus, History
    michael.zeps@marquette.edu (414) 288-7386

    Faculty & Staff Directory


    Department of History
    Sensenbrenner Hall, 202A
    1103 W. Wisconsin Avenue 
    Milwaukee, WI 53233
    (414) 288-7217

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