2023 Undergraduate Honors Research Fair

Honors Undergraduate Research Fair 2023
November 14, 2023 | 4 - 5:30pm | Sensenbrenner Hall
Undergraduate research can be a transformative experience, valuable not only for graduate and professional school but for any career requiring initiative, independent thinking, and problem-solving skills. Research fosters close working relationships between faculty, students, and among research teams, and offers students a window into some of the most pressing challenges facing society today.
The University Honors Program’s Undergraduate Research Fair includes research from our 2023 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship awardees and MU4Gold Research Scholars. Please peruse these talented student’s research posters by clicking on the name of their research title. We hope to see you on November 14!
Michael Bergmann, College of Engineering, Biomechanics Major
The mGlu5 glutamate receptors as a novel mechanism for treatment of cocaine craving
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Behnam Ghasemzadeh, Associate Professor, Biomedical Sciences
Margarita Buitrago, College of Arts & Sciences, English and Philosophy Majors
Between Fact and Fiction: Identity and Depictions of Iberia in Voyage en Béarn
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Liza Strakhov, Associate Professor, English
Mari Huglin, College of Arts & Sciences, International Affairs and English Majors
A Wonderfully Bizarre Milwaukee: The City’s Unexpected, but Vibrant Art Scene
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kristen Foster, Associate Professor, History
Lara Koutah, College of Health Sciences, Biomedical Sciences Major
Evaluation of the University Respite Model
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kim Whitmore, Assistant Professor, Education
Grace Koziol, College of Communication, Digital Media Major
Bad for me (film)
Faculty Mentor: Dinesh Sabu, Assistant Professor, Digital Media and Performing Arts;
Dr. Amanda Keeler, Associate Professor and Chair, Digital Media and Performing Arts, Journalism and Media Studies
Grace Lindstrom, College of Arts & Sciences, Biological Sciences Major
The influence of dispersal strategies on spatial distributions of forest pathogens
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Joe La Manna, Assistant Professor, Biology
Sean Martin, College of Arts & Sciences, Biological Sciences Major
Monitoring Transthyretin Protein Aggregation using yTRAP
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Anita Manogaran, Associate Professor, Biology
Josie Moore, College of Health Sciences, Medical Laboratory Science Major
Longitudinal Assessment of Mycoplasmoides genitalium Antibiotic Resistance
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Erik Munson, Associate Professor, Medical Laboratory Science
Bridget Neugent, College of Arts & Sciences, History and English Majors
Journeying to the Bitter End: An Introduction and Examination of the Archetypal Medieval Death [Anti]-Quest
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Liza Strakhov, Associate Professor, English
Delanie Nikolay, College of Health Sciences, Biomedical Sciences Major
Determining the role of prelimbic cortex-to-nucleus accumbens core circuits expressing dopamine D2 receptors in cognitive flexibility and stress-related cognitive pathology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Matthew Hearing, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Sciences
Liam Pyne, College of Arts & Sciences, Psychology Major
Effects of Online Prosocial Acts on Mental Health: A Correlational Study
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Stephen Saunders, Assistant Chair and Professor, Psychology
Sherlean Roberts, College of Arts & Sciences, Political Sciences and International Affairs Majors
The Missing Pieces- Assessing the African Perspective: An Analysis of Zambia and Senegal's Response to China's Soft Power Initiatives
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Risa Brooks, Allis Chalmers Professor, Political Sciences
Matthew Wagener, College of Health Sciences, Biomedical Sciences Major
Sex-specific dysfunction of cognitive and habit circuits underlying opioid self administration
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Matthew Hearing, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Sciences
Arik Zintel, College of Arts & Sciences, Mathematics and Economics Majors
Wisconsin Granges and Agricultural Production
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Ethan Schmick, Assistant Professor, Economics
MU4Gold Scholars
Johnnie Brooker, College of Communication, Journalism and Political Science Majors
Living for the City: The Black Middle Class in Milwaukee
Faculty Mentor: Drake Bentley, Project Manager of Living for the City and Researcher for Center for Urban Research, Teaching, & Outreach
Natan Fessahaye, College of Arts & Sciences, Chemistry Major
Photon Initiated Ice Chemistry: Formation of Iso-halons in Clathrate Hydrates
Faculty Mentors: Dr. Scott Reid, Professor, Chemistry and Dr. Damian Kokkin, Research Associate Professor, Chemistry