2020 Undergraduate Research Fair

Welcome to the University Honors Program virtual
Undergraduate Research Fair!
Undergraduate research can be a transformative experience, valuable not only for graduate and professional school but for any career requiring initiative, independent thinking, and problem-solving skills. Research fosters close working relationships between faculty, students, and among research teams, and offers students a window into some of the most pressing challenges facing society today.
The University Honors Program’s Undergraduate Research Fair includes research from our 2020 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship awardees and MU4Gold Research Scholars. Please peruse these talented student’s research posters by clicking on the name of their research title and watch their videos introducing their research.
Join us on November 5, 2020 from 7-8pm for a virtual Meet & Greet with the students. Register for the event by filling out the registration form below. A link to the meeting will be sent to the email provided on November 5 at 2:00 PM.
Isabella Badran, HESC, Speech Pathology and Audiology Major, Psychology Minor
Web Distribution and Support of Clinical Software for Speech-Language Pathology
Faculty mentor: Dr. Steven Long, Speech Pathology and Audiology
Tom Besold, A&S, History Major, Disciplinary Honors in History
Charlie Can’t Read English: A Vietnam War Historical Fiction
Faculty mentor: Dr. Kristen Foster, History
Jaci Cain, HESC, Speech Pathology and Audiology & Psychology Majors
Examining Script Vocabulary in the Narratives of Preschoolers Who Speak African American English (AAE)
Faculty mentor: Dr. Maura Moyle, Speech Pathology and Audiology
Savannah Charles, A&S, Political Science & Criminology and Law Studies Majors
Following the Young Voter: An In-Depth Look at How the Issues Animating Young Voters Have Changed Over Time through Social Media and Election Campaigning
Faculty mentor: Dr. Amber Wichowsky, Political Science
Erin Cook, A&S, Criminology and Law Studies Major, Psychology Minor
Kate Gustafson, A&S, Majors: Psychology and Sociology Majors, Disciplinary Honors in Psychology
A Journey Through the System: Police Discretion in the Criminal Justice Process
Faculty mentors: Dr. Nakia Gordon. Psychology and Dr. Ed de St. Aubin, Psychology
Stephanie Fay, HESC, Speech Pathology and Audiology Major, Psychology Minor
Sentence Diversity in AAE-Speaking Preschoolers: A Comparison of Narrative and Play-Based Language Samples
Faculty mentor: Dr. Maura Moyle, Speech Pathology and Audiology
Kate Lawlor, A&S, Theology, Gender and Sexualities Studies Major, Disciplinary Honors in Theology
Natural Family Planning: The Only Viable and Ethical Method of Birth Control for Married Catholics In the United States?
Faculty mentor: Dr. Karen Ross, Theology
Eric Miller, A&S, Cognitive Science & Philosophy Majors
A Closed Society?: Plato and Attitudes Toward Law
Faculty mentor: Dr. Melissa Shew, Philosophy
Biluge Ntabala, A&S, Political Science Major
Media Coverage of Gun Dealers
Faculty mentor: Dr. Robert Smith, Director CURTO, History
Community mentor: Anneliese Dickman, Milwaukee Program Manager, Brady: United Against Gun Violence
Emily Olsen, HESC, Speech Pathology and Audiology Major, Psychology Minor
Madeline Smith, HESC, Speech Pathology and Audiology Mjaor, Psychology Minor
Speech and Language Abilities in Children with Seizure Disorders
Faculty mentor: Dr. Jenya Iuzzini-Seigel, Speech Pathology and Audiology
Emma Sullivan, A&S, Writing Intensive English Major, German Minor
The Use of Narrative in Stereocards Depicting Rule Breaking and Taboo
Faculty mentor: Dr. Kristen Foster, History
Wynne Thom, A&S, Philosophy & Classics Majors, History Minor, Disciplinary Honors in Philosophy
Being Trans: A History of Breaking Taboo
Faculty mentor: Dr. Jennifer Finn, History
Alissa Wuorinen, HESC, Majors: Biomedical Sciences & Philosophy Majors, Music & Biological Sciences Minors
Seasonal Modulation of Novel Brain Circuits Regulating Mood and Cognition
Faculty mentor: Dr. Jennifer Evans, Biomedical Sciences
MU4Gold Scholars
Shir Bloch, A&S, Political Science & Philosophy Majors
Digging into Collegiate Political Discourse
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Amber Wichowsky, Political Science
Ryan Grace, A&S, Biological Sciences Major
Dynamics of Understory Plants Across an Elevational Gradient
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Joseph A. LaManna, Biological Sciences
Oluwasemilore L. Ibitoye, A&S Biological Sciences Major
My Research Journey
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Erin Hoekstra, Social and Cultural Sciences
Josephine Napolski, A&S, Philosophy & Peace Studies Majors, Classical Studies & Theology and Religion Minors
How Do Gendered Norms Permeate Our Legal Doctrine?
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Stephanie Rivera-Berruz, Philosophy
Noah Smith, A&S, English Literature & German Majors
Beasts and Books: A Research Journey through the Middle Ages
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Yelizaveta Strakhov
Alyssa Spies, A&S, Criminology and Law Studies & Sociology Majors
Reality of Reentry
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Richard Jones and Dr. Darren Wheelock
Simon Werven, A&S, Cognitive Science Major
Shedding a Little Light on Brain-Related Research
Faculty mentor: Dr. Kristy Nielson, Psychology
Will Wightkin, A&S, Biochemistry Major, Spanish & Philosophy Minors
Exploring ATTR Cardiac Amyloidosis
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Anita Manogaran, Biological Sciences